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Data Science of the Facebook World

Data Science of the Facebook World
More than a million people have now used our Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics for Facebook. And as part of our latest update, in addition to collecting some anonymized statistics, we launched a Data Donor program that allows people to contribute detailed data to us for research purposes. A few weeks ago we decided to start analyzing all this data. We’d always planned to use the data we collect to enhance our Personal Analytics system. I’ve always been interested in people and the trajectories of their lives. So what does the data look like? So a first quantitative question to ask is: How big are these networks usually? But how typical are our users? And what we see is that in this broader Facebook population, there are significantly more people who have almost no Facebook friends. So, OK. After a rapid rise, the number of friends peaks for people in their late teenage years, and then declines thereafter. But what friends do they add? I’m amazed at how close the correspondence is. OK.

Facebook Building Major Artificial Intelligence System To Understand Who We Are Meaningful artificial intelligence has been the aim of computer science since Alan Turing first imagined, in the 1950s, a computer that “passed” as human. Hollywood movies began shortly thereafter to depict computers with human-like intelligence. But, like so many things, artificial intelligence has been much harder to achieve in reality than in the movies. But following research breakthroughs about five years ago, leading tech companies, including Microsoft, IBM and Google, have begun investing big money in artificial intelligence applications. Facebook, not wanting to be left behind, is flexing its muscles, too. Much of Wall Street’s interest in Facebook, albeit fickle, has stemmed from the potential commercial value of what the social network knows about its users. And Facebook has a lot of data from which an artificial learning setup could draw inferences. “If you feed all this information, the computer is basically going to develop the ability to make sense of the inputs.

How Your Facebook Profile Reveals More About Your Personality Than You Know Words most commonly used by women. The researchers could predict users’ genders with 92 percent accuracy. What do your status updates really say about you? In a study published last week at PLOS ONE, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania examined the language used in 75,000 Facebook profiles. The researchers found that they could predict a user’s gender with 92 percent accuracy. To date, this is the largest study of its kind. “Automatically clustering words into coherent topics allows one to potentially discover categories that might not have been anticipated,” the authors wrote. The group was particularly interested in using this approach to determine users’ characteristics. Some of the language was consistent with previous psychological findings. But other discoveries were more novel. The researchers hope to use their findings to provide more insight into what behavior sets different types of people apart.

Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics Connect with Faceook, sign in for free, and get unique, personalized information anad analysis on your social data-computed by Wolfram|Alpha Clustering of your friends What are the groups of friends that make up your network? How do these groups relate to each other? Where in the world are your friends? Where do your friends live? Your network's global reach Who lives farthest from you? How popular are your friends? How many friends do your friends have? What do you talk about on Facebook? The bigger the word, the more often it's used in your conversations. When do you use Facebook? When are you most active? Where are your friends at in life? Do your friends' ages reflect what kinds of relationships they're in? Explore the structure of your friend network How do your friends connect you to your other friends? Who plays the special roles in your network? How are your friends tied together? Your most popular photos What is your most liked photo? Get a new perspective on your friends

7 Visions Video & Future of Facebook Project Wrapup How long will Facebook be around? Is Facebook prepared to defend against clever new startups? Can Facebook successfully transition to mobile? How will Facebook cope with Augmented Reality? Open Foresight and The Future of Facebook team are pleased to announce the completion of the Future of Facebook interview and video series featuring the likes of David Kirkpatrick (author The Facebook Effect), Kevin Kelly (author What Technology Wants, co-founder Wired), and science journalist Rita J King. The Kickstarter- and patron-funded project, launched in early 2011, has generated a volume of open source Future of Facebook content including 6 Expert Focus Videos, 150 Vision Clips and hundreds of user-generated predictions on Quora. The goal of Open Foresight projects, which anyone can start, is to systematically tap experts and the public for insights about the future of a given field and then package that info into easily digestible, visually rich videos that can further public discourse.

Analyze your Facebook page - LikeAlyzer Facebook Introduces Subscriptions and Local Currency Pricing; Study ‘Facebook Mobile Ads Earn More Money than Desktop Ads’; Facebook Dominates Website Integration; Reporting Guide Infographic; Check-ins on World’s Most Social Landmarks; BlackBerry Faceboo What happens afteryou decide to click "Report"? Facebook today, published a guide that give the people who use Facebook more insight into its reporting process."There are dedicated teams throughout Facebook working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to handle the reports made to Facebook. Hundreds of Facebook employees are in offices throughout the […] What happens afteryou decide to click "Report"? "There are dedicated teams throughout Facebook working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to handle the reports made to Facebook. "For instance, when the User Operations team in Menlo Park is finishing up for the day, their counterparts in Hyderabad are just beginning their work keeping our site and users safe." And don't forget, with users all over the world, Facebook handles reports in over 24 languages. You can read the full text here, or just check the Facebook Infographic embedded below: (click to see larger version) "This transition will be seamless for your users on Facebook.

Les Verts de Rage Rien ne peut arrêter une idée dont l'heure est venue - V.Hugo Désolé du dérangement, nous allons changer le monde... L'histoire retiendra ceux qui auront eu l'audace, ceux qui auront eu la responsabilité, ceux qui ne se seront pas rési...gnés ! Chacun doit remplir son rôle car au delà de nos différences, c'est le sort de nos enfants et des générations futures qui est en train de se déterminer maintenant... «A force de sacrifier l'essentiel pour l'urgent, on finit par oublier l'urgence de l'essentiel » Edgar Morin Fréquemment l’écologie est traitée comme un sujet optionnel, une contrainte supplémentaire qui vient s’ajouter à tous nos petits malheurs du court terme…. Cependant, l’enjeu ne se joue pas à court terme, il se joue sur le long terme, sur la façon dont nous préparons et préparerons notre propre avenir. Les forces politiques en place ne prennent pas en considération les enjeux écologiques, qui conditionnent pourtant tous les autres défis que l’homme s’apprête à relever … Rejoins-nous !

Occupy Wall St. Le monnaie virtuelle Bitcoin débarque sur Facebook Le Bitcoin devient désormais social, une société du nom de QuickCoin, basée à San Francisco aux Etats-Unis, a développé une application qui permet de recevoir mais également d’envoyer des Bitcoins à travers le réseau social Facebook et ce à sa communauté, à ses amis. La nouvelle application devrait permettre de faciliter les échanges, du moins c’est ce que pense et espère le président de cette société nouvellement créée, Marshall Hayner, dont l’objectif est de familiariser le grand public avec cette monnaie qui selon lui est vouée à un grand avenir.

The evolution of memes on Facebook How to Suck at Facebook All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP Rise of the Facebook-Killers On a cold Friday evening in February two years ago, with a historic blizzard bearing down on the Eastern Seaboard, a small crowd of people bundled into a New York University lecture hall to hear a talk that would become something of a legend, a shot heard 'round the Internet. The speaker of the evening was Eben Moglen, a professor at Columbia Law School and the founder of the Software Freedom Law Center. A stocky man with a white beard, glasses, and a high, nasal voice, Moglen spoke casually and rocked back and forth on his heels as he turned to make eye contact with his audience. "So, of course, I didn't have any date tonight," Moglen began, deadpan. Emily Berl A longtime champion of the free-software movement, Columbia Law School professor Eben Moglen predicts Facebook will be extinct in a matter of months. An activist and programmer, Sam Boyer is helping to build the Federated General Assembly, a decentralized network designed for the Occupy movement. Related Stories More About "Mr. Why?
