Home-made All Natural Deodorant with men and women’s fragrances
Deodorants are very important to me. I DO NOT LIKE body odour. But neither do I like the chemicals that are in most commercial deodorants/ antiperspirants. The human body is meant to sweat to cool the body. The bacteria from our skin and hair cause body odour when we sweat. My safe deodorant search began when I was pregnant with my first child. Last summer at a farmer’s market I purchased an all natural deodorant made locally. And I found it. Coconut Oil: naturally antibacterial and a great moisturiser.Baking Soda: deodorisesArrowroot Powder: adds extra drynessCocoa Butter: moisturiser for shaving and stabiliser (solid at room temperature)Bees Wax: stabiliser (makes the deodorant more solid)Essential Oil: antibacterial, antimicrobial, and smells good! ***UPDATE! All ingredients can be found in natural health food stores. Does it work? Directions: Wash and roll down your empty deodorant container. Melt cocoa butter on low heat in pan. Add coconut oil and beeswax and stir until melted.
Homemade Bug Repellent
Bug Repellent...another thing with way too many scary chemicals in it! And I don't know about you, but I think the reason the bugs stay away isn't because of what's in the repellent, it's because of how smelly it is! Here are some essential oil buy spray recipes to try that won't leave your nose burning! Lemon Repellent Peppermint Repellent Citronella Repellent I found the little spray bottle pictured above at Target for less than $1 in the travel section. Since these recipes contain citrus oils this spray is best used on your clothing or around the area you are in instead of on your skin. Do you make homemade bug spray? Get even more great articles! Get a free ebook, Fast Breakfasts! Keep in touch by signing up for our weekly newsletters and get my free mini ebook, Fast Breakfasts with recipes and inspiration for quick, from-scratch breakfasts! Tagged as: Green Living, Make Your Own Disclaimer: This post may contain a link to an affiliate.
Soap QueenSoap Behaving Badly
I started my soaping adventures when I was young (ah, sweet 16), and have learned that not everything turns out perfectly the first time. Sometimes despite your best efforts during a soaping session, you’ll get batches that just don’t quite turn out right. It’s just an inherent (and disappointing!) All Bramble Berry Fragrance and Essential oils go through a thorough testing process to ensure they perform well in cold process soap. Bramble Berry carries hundreds of fragrance and essential oils, all of which are rigorously tested multiple times in cold process soap by our product development team. Note about testing: We tested all of these (non-Bramble Berry) fragrances in 1 pound batches using our Lots of Lather Quick Mix. Exhibit A: Acceleration Acceleration occurs when a fragrance oil brings the batter to trace extremely quickly — sometimes too quickly to work with! A closer look at accelerated soap. Exhibit B: Ricing, intense discoloration This batch was an excellent example of ricing.
Dentífrico casero
Triclosán, Cloruro de belzalconio y Clorohexidina son solo algunos de los químicos que suelen estar presentes en Jabónes anti-bacterianos, dentífricos, enjugues bucales, etc. Pueden dar irritación de la piel y favorecer la resistencia de las bacterias. Ademas vienen en su envase de plástico, dentro de su caja de cartón impresa a todo color. Un buen aporte a nosotros mismos y el medio ambiente es cambiar nuestros hábitos utilizando nuestra propia pasta dental natural o conseguir una en alguna tienda naturista. Bueno aprendamos como liberarnos de esta sopa química y elaborar nuestro propio dentífrico en casa y por muy poco dinero. Ingredientes: Salvia o tomillo.Aceite esencial de menta.Sal marina.Arcilla blanca (importante que sea para uso interno, también puede tener el nombre de caolín). La salvia tiene propiedades antisépticas, antiinflamatorias y astringentes. El tomillo también tiene propiedades antisépticas. Preparación: Consideraciones a tener en cuenta: Fuentes:
Homemade Shaving Cream – Silky & Natural
8K+ This recipe/post has been a long time coming. Feels like forever since I wrote down the note on my idea board "Homemade Shave Cream". I think for some reason I was thinking it would be difficult to make or require something I didn't have on hand. Turns out that neither of those things were true and I'm glad I finally took the plunge! Easy Homemade Shaving Cream What You Need: 1/3 c. The ingredients! Just like with coconut oil, with Shea Butter you want to pick a good unrefined, unprocessed kind. Start by melting the shea butter and the coconut oil on a low heat on the stove top. Once it's melted, pour into a container and add in the olive oil and stir. Once it's solid again you can take it out of the fridge and put it in a bowl you can whip it in. Whip it! Isn't it beautiful? Use this homemade shaving cream the same as you would any store bought shave cream! Want more DIY projects and natural health and beauty make-your-own ideas? Enter your email below to get our weekly newsletter!
Make "Lye-Free" Liquid Castile Soap from your Kitchen
Ingredients: * 47 oz organic olive oil (technically castile soap is only made from olive oil but, feel free to try something completely different) * 32.9 distilled water * 9.39 oz KOH (potassium hydroxide)(where we get ours) * (Later at dilution) 80 oz of distilled water Equipment:(all pots, spoons, bowls etc. make sure they are stainless steel and/or heat safe) * Slowcooker (one that you will only use for soap, do not use again for food) * Accurate scale * Stick blender, immersion blender * Large stainless steel pot * Spoons * Bowl(s) * Vinegar * Gloves * Goggles * Hat * Containers to store your soap * Notepad and pen Make sure you can set aside enough time during the day to give attention to your project without any distractions (easier said than done), have all of your materials ready to go, and ingredients already measured in safe and covered containers.
Faire son dentifrice
Accueil > Recettes et Modes d’emplois > Soins du corps / Bien être > Un dentifrice qu’on fait soi-même Ingrédients de base glycérine craie (poudre de calcaire) Ingrédients facultatifs poudre de racine (de rhizomes) d’iris bleu, pour blanchir les dents. poudre de clous de girofle (atténue la douleur) thym antiseptique, antibactérien, etc. lavande, cicatrisante, etc. cannelle, apaisante, calmante, excellente pour les dents sensibles réglisse ou menthe (ou autre), pour donner un bon goût L’association thym-lavande est recommandée en cas de gingivite, d’aphtes l’association cannelle - clous de girofle est très bonne, elle aussi, pour les dents et les gencives sensibles Préparation Pour commencer, on réduit en poudre tous les ingrédients que l’on souhaite utiliser : craie, herbes... Pour la racine d’iris, il est impératif d’enlever la peau des rhizomes le jour-même de la récolte. Il n’y a plus qu’à remplir les tubes ou des petits pots de la mixture.
How To Make Your Own Natural Non-Toxic Deodorant | High Existence
Deodorant is an essential ingredient to combat body odour. We all love to smell nice, and perhaps more importantly, we know the social consequences if we don’t. The problem is that most deodorants don’t really do a good job of helping us out. I found out the hard way. About a year ago I moved further away from the city center of Amsterdam. Even during the harsh dutch winter, biking is by far the best way of transportation. Steamy sweat was inevitable. It happened time and again that after my first ride I started smelling. After my second ride back home, the deodorant I put my faith in had obviously let me down. I had been using deodorant for years. They lied. I am tempted to mention the possible hormonal and cancer risks of parabens, PEGs, synthetic fragrances and antibacterials, petrochemicals, or aluminum compounds. I also found that with a few simple ingredients you can easily prevent these micro organisms from thriving. Trust me, I now smell amazing. The Three Essential ingredients 1. 2.