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A Great Guide on Teaching Students about Digital Footprint

A Great Guide on Teaching Students about Digital Footprint
1- Introduce your students to Digital Footprint We would recommend that you share with your students this GREAT video as an introduction to the topic digital footprint . 2- If we looked you up online 3- what is a Digital Dossier 4- What digital footprint tells others More resources on Digital Footprint

10 Techy Icebreakers for The 21st Century Teacher Here are some great icebreakers you can work on using technology : 1- Self PortraitHave your students draw themselves. After they have done this, collect the papers and hang them up for the whole class to see. Now have students try to guess who the artists was for each picture. Here are the web tools to do that : 2- Video/ audio introductions Encourage students to record a short video clip in which they introduce themselves to their peers.

Open online courses – an avalanche that might just get stopped These days there are plenty of prophets preaching hi-tech and digital solutions to the problems of expanding access to knowledge and higher education. Barely a week goes by without some new hymn to education technology, open-source software or open-access publishing. In the US, the growing chorus for online education through massive open online courses, or moocs, has been deafening. But in Britain, it has barely registered. Last December, the commercial launch of the Open University's mooc platform, FutureLearn, attracted the participation of a dozen universities and the support of David Willetts, but little response from Britain's beleaguered academics. No wonder that last month Sir Michael Barber, the chief education adviser of Pearson, the world's largest profit-making education provider, proclaimed that universities were powerless to stop the online avalanche.

A Mobile Movie Studio: Create Classroom Videos with the iPad The addition of an HD camera to the iPad 2 has fundamentally changed the way we can create video. Every part of the creation process–writing, recording, editing, and distributing–is possible on the iPad. EduAwesome! A video is created three times: when you write it, when you shoot it, and when you edit it. There are several formats that can be used to write a script for the classroom: a google doc, a dedicated app (ex: Storyboards), a google form, or a production organization document. Whichever format is used, emphasis should be placed on how it will be used in the classroom, and what the goal of the video is.

Every Presentation Ever: Communication Fail In case you haven’t seen it: Funny video on the inner thoughts of every presenter and what the audience really thinks. I particularly like the snide remark about how Macs are better than PC’s. If you liked that. You will like this. I’m having a blogsistential crisis! I am a blogger. And I am an academic. But am I an academic blogger? Lynne Murphy‘s blog began life as a ‘limbering up exercise’ before she wrote work for peer-review. A somewhat accidental academic blogger, she notes that her online presence has become part of her professional profile… even if it occassionally serves as a distraction. Lynne also questions whether she is working for the University when she blogs, but doubts a future model of higher education that involves timetabling blog time for academics. I’m not sure that I would have agreed to write a post for the LSE Impact blog if I had known that it would send me into the depths of a blogsistential crisis. But here I am: I am a blogger.

20 Web 2.0 Sites that does not Require Sto This is a post I've been wanting to do for some quite some time but had to do some research to get the information I needed. A huge factor for schools in dealing w/ students and working online is CIPA/COPPA compliance. This is to ensure student safety as well as monitor/filter their online behavior. As Web 2.0 becomes more popular and Educational Technology online sites replace desktop software this has become more of an issue. A lot of subscription based or Ed Tech sites require a student email address to create an account which can become a BIG issue when dealing w/ CIPA compliance, because a majority of students to not have a school email account.

9 Websites To Manipulate And Have Fun With Your Photos Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. The most fun way to use image manipulation technology is by using it on our own photographs. Morphing our photos can produce some very amusing results which will surely entertain us. Many websites offer image manipulation services.

Clinton: Moocs may be key to a more efficient US system Former president says online courses could drive down costs The way higher education is delivered in the US needs to undergo a “dramatic change”, which could be driven by the accreditation of massive open online courses, according to the nation’s former president Bill Clinton. At public colleges and universities, the cost of tuition has been rising above the rate of inflation for more than a decade, and although the federal government has increased its funding for students in a bid to reduce levels of student debt, this has been negated by a drop in average family incomes. “A lot of people will have student debt that goes beyond the federal student loan programme. I think the only sustainable answer is to find a less expensive delivery system,” Mr Clinton told Times Higher Education.

25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions A question that makes you think is worth asking… At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. This process of self reflection helps us maintain a conscious awareness of where we’ve been and where we intend to go. It is pertinent to the organization and preservation of our dreams, goals and desires.

Social Media in Education: Pros and Cons About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation.
