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Architectures de cartes postales

Architectures de cartes postales

plusMOOD the architecture of analogy ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide la periferia doméstica maullidos:Gustave Dore's illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy & John Milton’s Paradise Lost archatlas:Satellite Landscapes Jenny Odell spatula:(via Muller Van Severen | a furniture project by fien muller and hannes van severen) midoriblues:Ikimono Architects DE LA DISTANCIA (JUSTA) | #DECRIMENESLa distancia equivale a separación, a establecer un vacío que impida el contacto, la implicación y el compromiso. (…) El alejamiento minimiza las opciones de configuración (encuadre, punto de vista, etc.) al desvalorizar el eventual repertorio de decisiones adoptado por el operador; y, por otra parte, el alejamiento asegura una imagen más plana en la que el fotógrafo no se siente obligado a destacar nada. En la realización del documento auténtico, como hacer una fotocopia, sería absurdo pretender resaltar un fragmento sobre otro. (Joan Fontcuberta, La cámara de Pandora) palacio negro - Limit— a proposito > Personajes de ficción Pista de salto de esquí.

Archicool betonbabe SketchUp. Construction Matters examines the relation between advances in construction technology and artistic form in modern architecture. Please support this project by backing it on Kickstarter. As you might know, the editor of this blog graduated from architecture school more than a year ago and is no longer surrounded by beautiful books. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 am to 6 pm (and longer) she sits in front of a Windows desktop computer with two monitors. She works with a common CAD program, speaks to clients and contractors on the phone, she spends a lot of time breathing the stuffy air of conference rooms, she visits construction sites, and she is working herself through endless Excel sheets. Therefore, the editor of this blog was not able to post things the way she used to. Therefore, she will start posting things again from now - but things will be different. You will see: The Real World of Architecture. Please share! apologies.

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