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Pi never sounded so good!

Pi never sounded so good!
Related:  Raspberry Pi

Pi MusicBox Make your Raspberry Pi stream! Welcome to the Swiss Army Knife of streaming music using the Raspberry Pi. With Pi MusicBox, you can create a cheap (Sonos-like) standalone streaming music player for Spotify, Google Music, SoundCloud, Webradio, Podcasts and other music from the cloud. Or from your own collection from a device in your network. Connect a 25$ Raspberry Pi to your (DIY) audio system, easily configure MusicBox and go! Features Headless audio player based on Mopidy (no need for a monitor), streaming music from Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Music, Podcasts (with iTunes, gPodder directories), local and networked music files (MP3/OGG/FLAC/AAC), Webradio (with TuneIn, Dirble, AudioAddict, Soma FM directories), Subsonic. Screenshots Requirements Working Raspberry Pi (A, A+, B, B+) Speakers, amplifier or headphones (analog or USB) SD-Card, 1GB minimum Computer with a modern browser; tablet or phone. DIY Projects using Pi MusicBox Download Howto's Instructions Extract the zip-file.

Media Centre News - piCorePlayer May 7 2014 Hi Now I think we have nailed the problem with the latest USB-development. In piCorePlayer1.15e the USB audio is now as good as with piCorePlayer1.15c and the I2S-audio cards problems and the analog audio is fixed as well. May 4 2014 Sorry for the disaster with the piCorePlayer1.15c - It played very well using USB - but I did not test anything else - and as you all know it was inferior in all other aspects. So I'm removing it from download. Changes: kernel updated to 3.14.2 with the latest USB-fixes, it plays via USB at least as good as the 1.15c version. Analog audio is working I2S-Audio cards are working WiFi is working HDMI is working (I hope please test) This is probably the best piCorePlayer ever. Now I will focus on developing some sort of in situ update of piCorePlayer, so we don't have to have access to the player when we want to update. /Steen May 1 2014 Changes: Improved memory flow in the raspberry kernel and firmware now enabling DMA_CMA. April 28 2014 April 26 2014 April 17 2014

Planet Libre - Transformer un Raspberry Pi en passerelle vers Hubic d'OVH : Nginx, script Toorop & Cloudfuse Pi Accessories SqueezePlug Ouverture du planet dédié au Raspberry Pi Cet article a été publié par Benjamin le 29-03-13 à 15:30 dans la catégorie Raspberry Pi Tags : - Libre - Raspberry Pi Ayant reçu un Raspberry Pi il y a quelques semaines, je n'avais qu'une idée de projet en tête : diffuser en ligne la vidéo d'une webcam afin de surveiller mon bébé pendant son sommeil. Puis, en surfant sur différents sites, je me suis rendu compte que des tonnes d'articles concernant le Raspberry Pi existaient. Malheureusement, il n'y avait aucun recensement de ces sites (ou des articles) à un endroit unique. Utilisant les flux RSS à foison, l'idée à donc germée : mettre en place un planet dédié au Raspberry Pi. C'est désormais chose faite. Qu'est ce qu'un planet ? Je pense que la plupart d'entre vous savent déjà ce qu'est un planet. Selon Wikipédia : Pour ceux qui, comme moi, utilisent les flux RSS au maximum, cela devient vite fastidieux de suivre xx sites (et donc d'ajouter xx feeds à son lecteur RSS). Pour ma part, je suis fan des planets. Aucun planet Raspberry Pi...

Picade UPDATE: We're now making the Picade work with other systems (esp. Mini-ITX) and turning the controls into a USB HID device. UPDATE #2: We're bundling games with the Picade starting with retro classic from Sheffield's Gremlin Graphics. Don't know what to do with your Raspberry Pi®? The Picade and Picade Mini are high-quality desk top arcade cabinets for your Raspberry Pi®, Mini-ITX, Pandaboard, or other mini PC. The Picade and Picade Mini come in kit form for you to build at home. The only tools you'll need are a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. You then load up your mini computer with whatever games or emulators you want to play, hook it up to the Picade and have a blast! What you'll receive in the Picade kit: Right now we're at the prototype stage. Currently the cabinet panels are laser cut (what else would you expect from the Pibow guys?!) Finally to make it look really awesome we want to commission some custom artwork for decals that you can apply to your Picade. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!

Planet RaspFR Android Right, everything is built. But, since I'm not very good at this, it's not working (what a surprise). Getting the "not syncing - attempted to kill init" error. So far I've tried:Creating partitions with the debian partition, deleting all the debian and firmware files then replacing them with the latest firmware, the kernel I built and the android files.-Putting all the files (firmware/kernel/android) onto one partition (tried ext4,vfat and msdos)-Using the generic build instead of rpi. All of these had the same result, the same kernel panic, so it seems that the problem lies in the init file, as the panic suggests.Init.rc is as follows: on early-init start ueventd on init sysclktz 0 loglevel 3 # Backward compatibility symlink /system/etc /etc symlink /sys/kernel/debug /d # Right now vendor lives on the same filesystem as system,# but someday that may change. symlink /system/vendor /vendor # create mountpoints mkdir /mnt 0775 root system mkdir /mnt/sdcard 0000 system system class_start default

Presents Wolfson Audio Card for Raspb Overview Wolfson and element14 introduce an audio card to offer Raspberry Pi users the ability to capture audio alongside their camera, and experiment with stereo digital capture and playback. Raspberry Pi, whilst doing a fantastic job of being a small and powerful computer, does this by a number of compromises. One of those is the limitations on its audio capabilities. Out of the box, Raspberry Pi provides good quality audio across the HDMI link, lower quality stereo audio by way of its 3.5 mm stereo jack, but no capability to connect microphones or other external audio sources, such as attaching directly to loudspeakers. The Wolfson Audio CardWolfson Audio Card solves this by providing similar audio flexibility that would be provided by a PC soundcard. The Wolfson Audio CardWolfson Audio Card is based on Wolfson WM5102 audio hub codes. Key Applications: Audio applications

Projects Despite its low cost, the Pi has everything a basic computer needs – processor, graphics and memory. And because it's also highly programmable, a huge online community has sprung up, customising their Pis and proudly documenting the results. Enthusiasts have harnessed the Pi to power voice-activated robots (the RaPiRo), play musical instruments (the BeetBox), get sozzled with Pi-controlled beer brewing (BrewPi) and even control high-altitude balloons, beaming photos back from near-space (Pi in the Sky). Of course it still is, essentially, a £32 credit-crunch PC and if you hook the Pi up to a keyboard and television you can just settle for surfing the web, playing games (there's enough horsepower to trump the PlayStation 2) and even watching films. Unlike Sky TV, say, this credit card-sized board doesn't work straight out of the box. For more information visit 1. Project: RAPIRO humanoid robot Key Ingredients 2. Project: BeetBox musical instrument 3. 4. 5.

Note names, MIDI numbers and frequencies Note names, MIDI numbers and frequencies are related here in tables and via an application that converts them. The musical interval between two notes depends on the ratio of their frequencies. See Frequency and Pitch for more details and an introduction to frequency and pitch. An octave is a ratio of 2:1 and, in equal temperament, an octave comprises 12 equal semitones. Each semitone therefore has a ratio of 21/12 (approximately 1.059). By convention, A4 is often set at 440 Hz. This table is reproduced inverted below, i.e. with high pitch at the top. To convert from any frequency to pitch (i.e. to the nearest note and how far it is out of tune, go to the frequency to note converter written by Andrew Botros. How to do the caluation? no = log2(f2/f1). Conversely, one can obtain n, the number of semitones from A4, from n = 12*log2(fn/440 Hz). Similar equations give no, the number of octaves from A4, and nc, the number of cents from A4: no = log2(fn/440 Hz) and nc = 1200*log2(fn/440 Hz).
