Related: DIY
DIY Gadgets - Page 4 by Julie One of the scariest health epidemics of my generation was HIV. I remember quite clearly its emergence on the scene, the graphic news footage of those first infected, people slowly dying from something so misunderstood and scary. It doesn’t seem to be big news anymore, but it’s still killing people all over the world. Well, OraSure, the company that brought us the first healthcare administered oral specimen HIV test available all the way back in 1994, have now developed OraQuick, a simple at-home test that allows people to test themselves in the privacy of their own homes for the virus that causes AIDS. YourDuino.com NEW! Easy Credit Card Payments. YourDuino.com is proud to help sponsor STEMteachersNYC Arduino workshops! More information: STEMteachersNYC <STEMteachersNYC.org>
Connecting To The World with Danger Shield - ZachHoeken.com If you have an Arduino and a Danger Shield, and you are reading this page, you already have enough to start posting sensor readings to a webpage and sharing them with the world. You can also access those readings yourself, on the web, wherever you go. How? Interview with Erin Pauley I recently had the chance to interview my friend and fellow Ex’pression Sound Arts major, Erin Pauley, about her circuit bending knowledge and experience. Erin Pauley in her Studio Although Erin hasn’t bent many things herself, she is an electronic musician and is very knowledgeable about circuit bending and a variety of other experimental techniques. In addition, she knows many people who are directly involved in the circuit bending movement, including Dr. Rek, who is putting together the first official circuit bending documentary. Erin had a lot of great things to say about the experimental electronics community, circuit bending’s place in music, and why people are so drawn to it once they discover what it is.
Controlling solenoids with arduino In this instructable we will be building a simple circuit that will allow us to control a solenoid using the popular physical computing platform arduino. I became interested in controlling solenoids for robotic music applications. A similar circuit can be used to control a motor or other devices that require more current than the arduino can provide directly from its output pins. Since the solenoid requires higher current than the arduino can provide we will be using an alternative power source for the solenoid (a couple batteries) and will be "driving" it with a TIP120 transistor.
SENSEable Shoes Created by Huaishu Peng and Yen-Chia Hsu at the Computational Design Lab at Carnegie Mellon comes the SENSEable shoes project. The shoes can identity and transmit information for 10 different gait patterns (standing, sitting, turning left, turning right, walking left, walking right, walking forward, walking backward, going upstairs, and downstairs). Suggested applications for the shoes include being used in gaming platforms (think Wii Fitness) or detecting abnormal gaits in health care patient monitoring. Project Description: "The goal of this project is to build a foot-computer interface: a newly hand-free and eye-free interactive technology designed for the growing pervasive computing environments.
Reed Ghazala Qubais Reed Ghazala, an American author, photographer, composer, musician and experimental instrument builder, is recognized as the "father of circuit bending," having discovered the technique in 1966, pioneered it, named it, and taught it ever since. He has built experimental instruments for many prominent musicians and media companies including Tom Waits, Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, The Rolling Stones, and MTV, among others. Ghazala's work has been covered globally in the press and can be found being taught world-wide. Ghazala's work is held in various galleries internationally. His influence upon creative electronic design is global, having originated the planet's first "grassroots electronic art movement."
ReadyMade Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey. When you create the look... Easy Doily Bowl Arduino Tutorial - Learn electronics and microcontrollers using Arduino! So, I get two or three emails a day, all basically asking the same thing: "Where can I learn about electronics?" In general, most of these people have seen some of my projects and want to be able to build similar things. Unfortunately, I have never been able to point them to a good site that really takes the reader through a solid introduction to microcontrollers and basic electronics.
Leonardo Music Journal Nicolas Collins, Editor-in-Chief Roger F. Malina, Executive Editor inaluxe Yipe! more rain, wind and sunshine, good ol' nature just doesn't stop. After some 20 plus years of neglect (aside from the most pragmatically brutal trimming) the garden we inherited with our newish property has flourished after the first decent winter-spring and summer rains in close to 15 years.