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LEED green building certification

LEED green building certification
Proven performance If you’re serious about saving money, conserving energy, reducing water consumption, improving indoor air quality, making better building material choices, and driving innovation, then LEED is the best choice. Bar none. Third-party certification verifies that your project is designed, built and operating the way it was intended. It is also your first step toward managing your building through its entire lifecycle. Continuous improvement Behind the LEED program is an immense infrastructure developed to support the leaders in the industry as they innovate and create cutting-edge, high performance buildings. Lifetime of returns LEED-certified buildings cost less to operate, reducing energy and water bills by as much as 40%. LEED buildings have faster lease-up rates and may qualify for a host of incentives like tax rebates and zoning allowances. Each LEED-registered project receives access to: LEED Online Customer service Technical customer service is only a phone-call away. Related:  Travel

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Travelife Welcome to Travelife Travelife is dedicated to making holidays more sustainable. We work with travel businesses around the world to help them improve their social, economic and environmental impacts. Businesses that prove they meet the Travelife sustainability criteria become Travelife certified, helping them easily promote their achievements to others. Travelife comprises 3 main services: Are you a tour operator or travel agent wanting to find out how to become more sustainable? Visit the Tour Operators & Travel Agents website Are you a hotel or accommodation wanting to become more sustainable? Visit the Hotels & Accommodations website Do you want to find sustainable hotels that are Travelife certified? Visit the Travelife Collection website Tour Operators & Travel Agents This part of the business works with travel organisations to help them improve the sustainability of their operations – from energy and water, to staff contracts and working with suppliers.

Why This Year's Gulf Dead Zone Is Twice As Big As Last Year's Dead Sea scrolls: In the red part, "habitats that would normally be teeming with life become, essentially, biological deserts," NOAA says. First, the good news: The annual "dead zone" that smothers much of the northern Gulf of Mexico—caused by an oxygen-sucking algae bloom mostly fed by Midwestern farm runoff—is smaller this year than scientists had expected. In the wake of heavy spring rains, researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had been projecting 2013's fish-free region of the Gulf to be at least 7,286 square miles and as large as 8,561 square miles—somewhere between the size of New Jersey on the low end to New Hampshire on the high end. Instead, NOAA announced, it has clocked in at 5,840 square miles—a bit bigger than Connecticut. Now, for the bad news: This year's "biological desert" (NOAA's phrase) is much bigger than last year's, below, which was relatively tiny because Midwestern droughts limited the amount of runoff that made it into the Gulf.

HOME | Buildings consume 40% of the total energy and emit 36% of greenhouse gases in Europe, therefore represent a high potential for energy savings. Large scale renovations of existing buildings towards Zero Energy are in the forefront of EU and national policies. The European initiative Nearly Zero Energy Hotels (neZEH) aimed to accelerate the rate of large scale renovations of existing hotels into Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) by: • providing technical advice to committed hoteliers • demonstrating flagship nZEB projects in the European hospitality sector • undertaking training and capacity building activities. neZEH responded to the European Directive on the energy performance of buildings (2010/31/EU, EPBD recast), contributing directly to the EU 2020 and 2050 targets and supporting Member States to their national plans for increasing the number of nZEBs. Learn more about the neZEH activities, tools and results

Wells Are Running Dry In Parts Of Kansas hide captionNate Pike fears that wells, like this one that supplies his ranch with water, will dry up completely after years of water pumping and irrigation in Kansas. Frank Morris/KCUR Nate Pike fears that wells, like this one that supplies his ranch with water, will dry up completely after years of water pumping and irrigation in Kansas. Imagine enough water to fill a couple of Great Lakes, but spread under some of the driest parts of eight Western states. That was the High Plains Aquifer 60 years ago. But now, Nate Pike, whose been riding the dry rolling ranch lands south of Dodge City, Kan., for most of his 80 years, can't even go fishing at his favorite spring called St. "And that thing had a lot of water in it. Pike blames it on new pumping and irrigation systems. An irrigation well near Copeland, Kan., run by Jesse Garetson, pumps 1,000 gallons per minute, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That calibrated deluge has sprouted a vibrant economy on this arid land.

Sustainable Tourism - EUROPARC Federation Sustainable tourism is Good for Parks, Good for People! Our iconic landscapes are often one of the most cited reasons for tourist visits to Europe. Tourism is booming business. It produces almost 5% of the world’s economic turnover, employs around 200 million people globally and is the fastest growing industry. Tourism is also one of the main economic drivers of Europe’s rural economies; directly and indirectly it accounts for around 10% of European GDP and 20 million jobs. Between 2000 and 2010 European countries recorded over 440 million annual international visitor arrivals. EUROPARC has long recognised the need to take care of both the land and the people who live and work there, and often derive their livelihoods from those who come to appreciate these special places. In 1993 EUROPARC published the ground breaking report “Loving them to death”, which called for sustainable tourism in Europe’s Protected Areas. What is the Charter? Becoming a Sustainable Destination – Charter Part I

Grey Water Systems for Landscape Irrigation | Flotender ITP ¿Qué es? | EUROPARC - España ¿Qué es EUROPARC españa? EUROPARC-España es una organización en la que participan las instituciones implicadas en la planificación y gestión de los espacios protegidos en España. En EUROPARC-España se dan cita más de 1.900 áreas protegidas que significan más de 7 millones de hectáreas. Es el principal foro profesional donde se discuten y elaboran propuestas para la mejora de estos espacios. Se creó en 1993. Es miembro activo de la Federación EUROPARC, organización paneuropea creada en 1973 que reúne instituciones de 39 países dedicadas a la gestión de áreas protegidas y a la defensa de la naturaleza. Entre sus objetivos están: En abril de 1999 la Asamblea de miembros aprueba la estrategia de EUROPARC-España, un marco de referencia para las actividades de la organización, donde se concretan los objetivos estratégicos: Memorias EUROPARC-España

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible | PNUD Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, también conocidos como Objetivos Mundiales, se adoptaron por todos los Estados Miembros en 2015 como un llamado universal para poner fin a la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar que todas las personas gocen de paz y prosperidad para 2030. Los 17 ODS están integrados, ya que reconocen que las intervenciones en un área afectarán los resultados de otras y que el desarrollo debe equilibrar la sostenibilidad medio ambiental, económica y social. Siguiendo la promesa de no dejar a nadie atrás, los países se han comprometido a acelerar el progreso para aquellos más atrasados. Todo el mundo es necesario para alcanzar estos objetivos ambiciosos. VeR MÁs Como principal organismo de las Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo, el PNUD tiene una posición única para ayudar a implementar los Objetivos a través de nuestro trabajo en unos 170 países y territorios. Apoyamos a países a conseguir los ODS con soluciones integradas. ReCURSOs

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente - Naciones Unidas y el Estado de Derecho El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) es el portavoz del medio ambiente dentro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. El PNUMA actúa como catalizador, promotor, educador y facilitador para promover el uso racional y el desarrollo sostenible del medio ambiente mundial. La labor del PNUMA abarca evaluar las condiciones y las tendencias ambientales a nivel mundial, regional y nacional; elaborar instrumentos ambientales internacionales y nacionales; y fortalecer las instituciones para la gestión racional del medio ambiente. El PNUMA tiene una larga historia de contribuir al desarrollo y la aplicación del derecho del medio ambiente a través de su labor normativa o mediante la facilitación de plataformas intergubernamentales para la elaboración de acuerdos principios y directrices multilaterales sobre el medio ambiente, que tienen por objeto hacer frente a los problemas ambientales mundiales.
