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Les QUESTIONS en Coaching

Les QUESTIONS en Coaching
Téléchargez au format PDF Il est souvent dit et répété que le coach professionnel accompagne son client en évitant soigneusement de se substituer à sa démarche ou de lui proposer des réponses voire des options de réponses. Il est même généralement précisé qu’un coach aide son client à trouver ses propres solutions surtout en lui posant des questions. Ces affirmations relativement claires voire surprenantes nécessitent une clarification précise sur la forme et sur le sens que peuvent avoir les questions que pose le coach à son client. Attention: De façon générale, l'art de poser de bonnes question échappe aussi à beaucoup de coachs. L’ensemble de la démarche de coaching repose sur un cadre de référence précis. Pour donner des exemples, le coach d’un champion olympique de judo n’est pas un meilleur « judoka » que le sportif qu’il accompagne. Il est donc futile de croire qu’au cours d’un entretien, un coach pourra trouver une réponse que son client n’a pas déjà envisagé. Pourquoi ? Comment ?

Reflected Best Self Exercise - Strengths Why Use This Tool? Based on the empirical research from University of Michigan’s Center for Positive Organizations, the Reflected Best Self (RBS) Exercise uses stories collected from people in all contexts of your life to help you understand and articulate who you are and how you contribute when you are at your best. This insight will assist you to feel strengthened and connected to others, experience clarity about who you are at your best, and refine your personal development goals. You’ll be guided step-by-step through the process of identifying potential respondents, making the request for feedback, creating your priori best-self portrait, analyzing your reflected best-self stories, creating a new RBS portrait, and translating that portrait into proactive steps for living at your best. How To Get The Tool? You can purchase your copy of the tool by clicking here What Have Researchers Found? *We do not receive any payment for recommending this tool.

10 Questions that Will Change the Way You Think About Your Problems It’s not about having all the answers – it’s about asking the right questions. The saying “She who teaches others, teaches herself” is very true, not only because constant repetition helps impress facts indelibly on the mind, but also because the process of teaching itself gives greater insight into the subject taught. Selfishly, this is sometimes the reason Marc and I take on new coaching clients and write new personal development articles, even when our schedules are full. The strategies we teach help us grow too. One of the strategies we teach over and over again is self-inquiry – which is basically the art of asking ourselves the right questions. Truth be told, when times get tough and big problems arise, as they inevitably will, it is the strength of our character that sees us through. And since our character is directly influenced by what we say to (and ask of) ourselves on a daily basis, I want you to think about how you’ve been speaking to yourself lately. Afterthoughts Your turn…

Méthodes participatives. Un guide pour l'utilisateur Destiné aux praticiens, cette boîte à outils apprend à initier un processus participatif. Elle comprend une description très pragmatique de 13 méthodes participatives et précise leur utilité, les différentes étapes à suivre, les bonnes pratiques et le budget nécessaire. Sur cette page vous pouvez télécharger le guide complet, les liens ci-dessous vous donnent un fichier téléchargeable par méthode:’21st Century Town Meeting®’CharretteJury de citoyensConference de Consensus’Deliberative Polling®’DelphiPanel d’expertsFocus GroupeSuivi et évaluation participatifsCellule de planificationExercice de construction de scénariosFestival technologiqueLe World Café

Take Action! You Have The Power To Boost Your Strengths July 17, 2018 by Dr. Ryan Niemiec · According to Pablo Picasso, one of the most important artists of all time, “action is the fundamental key to all success.” I find this advice so critical when talking to people about character strengths. Exercise, exercise, exercise… and you can boost any of your strengths. For example, I recall Sarah, a middle-aged woman, approaching me prior to a workshop I was about to deliver in Australia. Sarah went about focusing on ways she could use this character strength in her daily life. Sarah explained that when she took the VIA Survey again, a week prior to my workshop, her self-regulation had risen to be her number 2 strength. Sarah is in good company when it comes to the development of character. Modern day researchers have been slower on the uptake of this idea, arguing that qualities of personality and character are rigid and unchanging, as if set in stone like an engraved mark. There are many factors that can impact our personality and character.

The Value of Time: How Much is Your Time Really Worth? Not all uses of time are equal and this simple truth can make a big difference in life. People who spend their time doing more profitable work make more money. People who spend their time investing in others build better relationships. People who spend their time creating a flexible career enjoy more freedom. People who spend their time working on high-impact projects contribute more to society. Whether you want more wealth, more friendship, more freedom, or more impact, it all comes down to how you spend your time. If you’re like me, you probably want the things listed above (friendship, freedom, impact) and others too (health). This article explains how to figure out what your time is worth and use that information to spend your time more effectively. The Value of Time: What is One Hour Worth? A few weeks before I began writing this article, I was shopping for a small travel bag. I was immediately turned off by the idea of paying $45 to ship a $19 bag, so I searched for retail stores.

PSEP - Méthodes et outils d'animation de groupe Une bonne partie du travail de suivi-valuation, en particulier dans le cadre des projets mis en ceuvre sur un mode participatif, peut tre ralise par le biais d'animation de groupe. Six mthodes fondamentales servant stimuler la discussion au sein de ces groupes sont prsentes d-aprs, mais il en existe beaucoup d'autres. Par exemple, bon nombre des mthodes dcrites dans 'Mthodes et outils de suivi des donnes spatiales' 'Mthodes de classification' donnent galement d'excellents rsultats avec des groupes. N'oubliez pas les techniques d'animation videntes. Source: Guide pratique de suivi-valuation des projets de dveloppement rural FIDA 2003

untitled Home » Resilience & Coping » What is Emotional Resilience and How to Build It? (+Training Exercises) Photo via Pixabay How do you collect yourself after a stressful event? Emotional resilience is when you are able to calm your frantic mind after encountering a negative experience. Just like other aspects of our persona, for example, I.Q., Emotional Intelligence, Social intelligence, etc. In the following section, we will uncover how emotional resilience varies from person to person and what are the ways we can strengthen the power to bounce back from adversities. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Nelson Mandela What is Emotional Resilience? “Resilience is a muscle. Alecia Moore Emotional resilience is not about winning the battle. The word ‘resilience’ comes from the Latin word ‘resilio’ which means ‘to bounce back’ or retaliate. Mr. Mr. Elements Of Emotional Resilience 1. Involving physical strength, energy, good health, and vitality.

Stendhal on the Seven Stages of Romance and Why We Fall Out of Love: Timeless Wisdom from 1822 Love is perhaps the most fertile subject of literature, music, and all the arts. Kurt Vonnegut believed you’re only allowed to be in love three times in your life. It has been described as a matter of bravery, a limbic revision, the greatest insurance against regret. For Peanuts creator Charles Schulz, it is simply, sweetly walking hand in hand. But how, exactly, does love take hold of the heart? In 1822, French writer Marie-Henri Beyle, better-known by his pseudonym Stendhal, penned On Love (public library) — a timeless treatise attempting to rationally analyze the highest human emotion, rediscovered through a passing mention in the diaries of Susan Sontag (who famously and perhaps ironically wrote, “Nothing is mysterious, no human relation. Stendhal sets out to bridge “the deeply sensitive and coolly analytical,” beginning with a taxonomy of the four main types of love: There are four different kinds of love: 1. HERE is what happens in the soul: 1. The outline continues:
