Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets Oscillations and Waves Acoustics Signal Processing Quick and Cheap DNA Sequencing On the Horizon? The MinION device might sequence your entire genome over the course of hours and plug into your computer. Photo by Nigel Chapman Photography When the human genome was first sequenced about a decade ago, the achievement took years and cost $1 billion. Now, scientists and entrepreneurs are predicting that the task will soon take just under 6 hours, with a price tag of just $900. We come from the future. This is, for the most part, an accurate article, except for a few statements. "Exactly what makes a fermion a fermion is a bit complicated, but suffice it to say that fermions are all the particles that deal with matter. So what about the last group of elementary particles, the ones that don't deal with matter? These are the bosons, and they deal with the fundamental forces of the universe." The statements above can be misinterpreted as suggesting that fermions are defined as particles that deal with matter and bosons are defined as particles that deal with forces.
Easily the best thing you'll hear all week: a beluga whale mimicking human speech we should try the opposite. Let a human child live with whales, and see if it learns to communicate with them Like a student exchange program! The Wiki History of the Universe in 200 Words or Less The Wiki History of the Universe in 200 Words or Less Quantum fluctuation. Inflation. Expansion. Strong nuclear interaction. A neurocientista de plantão - A neurocientista de plantão - Você quer mesmo ser cientista? Parte 2: uma proposta prática Escrevi anteriormente aqui sobre o problema da "carreira" de cientista no Brasil, quase inexistente porque postos de "pesquisador" são raros (aliás, pequena curiosidade: tentem preencher um formulário online com a profissão "cientista". Em geral ela não existe!). O resumo da situação, em minha opinião, é que o trabalho de um pesquisador não é considerado trabalho enquanto ele não for contratado como... professor universitário, em geral, o que dificilmente acontece antes de uns 10 anos de formado. Pensei um bocado sobre o assunto, e eis aqui minha proposta para uma reforma prática, imediatamente implementável se o governo assim quiser - e, mais importante, SEM tocar na estrutura dos empregos públicos já existentes (fazer isso seria pisar em calos demais, o que poderia inviabilizar a implementação da nova estrutura, e de qualquer forma não é essa minha bandeira aqui). Mas trabalho é o que isso é, e minha bandeira é que ele deve ser reconhecido como tal.
Nanotechnology summary Just give me the FAQ The next few paragraphs provide a brief introduction to the core concepts of nanotechnology, followed by links to further reading. Manufactured products are made from atoms. The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange the atoms in coal Your Math and Physics Questions Answered