Lulu - Self Publishing, Book Printing and Publishing Online REVISED: February 13, 2014 Lulu is a community for creators of remarkable works. We provide the tools for you to publish your work for personal use or for sale and distribution to others, a marketplace for the purchase of goods and services, and a site where you can participate in forums and discussion groups with like-minded creators. The following terms and conditions have been developed to not only protect your work and your privacy, but also to describe our commitment to you as a community member as well as your responsibilities as a content creator. Please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team if you have any questions about the terms of this agreement. A Note About Our Community Lulu respects the effort that goes into creating your remarkable work and we are committed to protecting copyrights as well as your right to privacy. Welcome to our community of creators! Membership Agreement 1. 2. Technical, maintenance and other issues may make the Site unavailable from time to time. Make in minutes, share online. Build a web booklet from your own content or convert an existing PDF. Our design tool is code free, drag and drop simple. One click publishing to multiple locations on the web and a curated classroom web booklet gallery. How to Make Good Ideas “Stick”: Six Ways to Make Your Writing and Designs More Memorable If you’ve read Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point, then you probably remember him talking about “stickiness,” the process by which ideas stick in a global consciousness. (And if you haven’t read Gladwell’s book, go read it!) Authors Chip Heath and Dan Heath took the idea a bit further and wrote an entire book on just that idea: Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. Stickiness is a critical design technique for causing people to remember what you make. Authors Lidwell, Holden, and Butler, who wrote the fantastic book Universal Principles of Design, identify six key areas in which you can make your ideas sticky (or, memorable, lodged in your reader-viewers’ minds). #1: SimplicityIdeas that stick are simple. #2: SurprisePeople also remember surprising information. #3: ConcretenessMessages, besides being simple, need to be concrete, clear, and use ordinary language. #4: CredibilityCredibility is complicated and affected by many factors. Help spread visual literacy.
Self-Publishing and the Decline of Literary Standards By Autumn ThatcherGuest Blog PostAutumn’s Blog A few weeks ago, I sat down for tea with a local musician I was interviewing for the Salt Lake Tribune. Ironically, we began our conversation by discussing writing rather than music. “Did you read that article about that 29-year-old author who is a millionaire now from publishing her own books?” my musical companion asked me, her eyebrows arched, her eyes wide and staring at me incredulously. I dropped my tape recorder in shock. My interviewee proceeded to fill me in on Amanda Hocking, a young author who indeed made millions off of self-publishing her novels on Kindle. Why do writers self-publish? I could not admit to my friend that I was secretly pondering the credibility of Amanda Hocking—and any other self-published author for that matter—because I worried that I would sound like a book snob. A once repeatedly rejected writer, Hocking became an internet sensation and a visionary for the do-it-yourselfers around the world. Ironically, Dr.
The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture Make Your Own E-Books with Pandoc As devices for reading e-books proliferate, it increasingly makes sense to make publications available in an e-book. There are a number of cases in which you might do this: If you have a blog and want to make the best posts into an e-book. For example, sociologist Kieran Healy created an e-book of posts from his blog.If you have content in one format that you want to read as an e-book instead. Making an e-book can be easy—almost trivially easy—using Pandoc, a tool I’ve written about earlier on ProfHacker. Since a good way to learn is by doing, let’s create an e-book of My Favorite ProfHacker Posts. Here’s how to make an e-book with a few commands. 1. You’ll need a clean, plain-text copy of each of the documents that will go into your e-book. pandoc -s -r html -o ch01.hara.markdown You’ll have to delete the junk from the files, such as the Chronicle’s navigation bar, but this is easy. 2. 3. Return to Top
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