questbeat/QBImagePickerController iOS Boilerplate - A base template for iOS apps Three20 GWT4Touch | Overview Sencha describes it as: "Sencha Touch is a cross-platform framework aimed at next generation, touch enabled, devices. It's currently compatible with Apple iOS 3+, Android 2.1+, and BlackBerry 6+ devices. Together these devices represent over 95% of current US mobile traffic." Sencha Touch is indeed a powerful framework that allows you to develop mobile applications. What is Touch4j ? Touch4j is a Java application framework designed for creating HTML5 based mobile applications using the Java language For that Touch4j leverages the GWT Toolkit and Sencha Touch giving developers best of both worlds. Where can I get Touch4j ? You can download Touch4j from The Touch4j download page. How to get started with Touch4j ? The getting started tutorial can be found here. What license is Touch4j available under ? Touch4j is free and Open Source under the Apache 2.0 license. Where can I get help with my technical questions ? You can post technical questions to the forum. Who is developing Touch4j ?
CocoaPods: The Objective-C Library Manager Jarada/myLauncher samvermette/SVWebViewController - GitHub - Automated Acceptance Testing for iOS and Android Apps KOTabs for iOS With KOTabs you can easily create a tabbed document interface. The user can switch between tabs with a single tap. The tabs can be closed with the "x" icon in the corner. When there are more tabs than the screen can show, the whole bar can be scrolled to the side. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad. To see the component in action, take a look at the video at or try our app called Kodiak PHP on the App Store. GitHub Last commit: about 1 year ago Stars: 201 Forks: 34 CocoaPods Requires ARC
ittybittydude/IBAForms - GitHub GHUnit Reference Next GHUnit Reference GHUnit is a test framework for Objective-C (Mac OS X 10.5 and above and iPhone 3.x and above). It can be used with SenTestingKit, GTM or all by itself. For example, your test cases will be run if they subclass any of the following: GHTestCaseSenTestCaseGTMTestCase Using GHUnit How to install, create and run tests. Other Links Install (Docset) Programming Guides Class References Protocol References Category References NSException(GHTestMacros_GTMSenTestAdditions)
blommegard/SBTableAlert iOS Boilerplate - A base template for iOS apps JSONKit iOS Boilerplate includes JSONKit that is a fast library for generating and parsing JSON documents. SVProgressHUD iOS Boilerplate includes SVProgressHUD that is a simple-to-use HUD component. It is used in HTTPHUDExample DictionaryHelper This helper class adds some methods to the NSDictionary class. - (NSString*) stringForKey:(id)key; - (NSNumber*) numberForKey:(id)key; - (NSMutableDictionary*) dictionaryForKey:(id)key; - (NSMutableArray*) arrayForKey:(id)key; These method ensure that the object retrieved is of the desired type, otherwise return nil. StringHelper This helper class adds some methods to the NSString class. - (NSString*)trim; returns the original NSString but without white spaces at the beginning or at the end. - (NSString*)urlEncode; url-encodes the original NSString. - (NSString*)sha1; calculates the SHA1 of the given NSString. DataHelper This helper class adds one method to the NSData class.