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6 Chrome Extensions to Help You Maximize Google Drive Google Drive has unlimited potential. The feature that lets users upload documents, images, spreadsheets and more has millions of neat little ways to boost your everyday activity. It's also a useful online warehouse that holds all the things you don't have space for on your computer. Want to know how to boost its capabilities even more? Download these six nifty Chrome extensions that offer unique and handy features. 1. If you need to keep your documents as private as possible (you know, like that secret novel you've been working on), check out Fogpad. 2. As the name suggests, Save to Google Drive lets users save web content or browser screenshots directly to their Drive accounts. 3. Here's another one with a straightforward name. 4. Here's an extension for the lazybones in all of us. 5. Work some photo editing magic with Pixlr Editor. 6. This extension may very well improve your overall Google experience, let alone Drive. Have something to add to this story?

Google's 80/20 Principle Adopted at New Jersey School Like most schools, teachers at New Milford High School spend time on duty at lunch, in the halls and at in-school suspension rooms. But this year, the 55 teachers from this New Jersey school didn't have to do these duties for two or three 48-minute periods a week. And only one teacher had these duties at a time instead of two. This simple policy change enables what's been called the 80/20 principle, a theory practiced by Google that employees who spend 20 percent of their time on company-related projects that interest them will work better. In similar fashion, New Milford teachers now have more time to follow their work-related passions, Principal Eric Sheninger said. "We really want teachers to be innovative and creative," Sheninger said. Math teacher Kanchan Chellani spends her time researching and putting concepts into practice in the classroom. She finds videos on the secure social learning network Edmodo that lay the foundation for a math concept.

We Love Our Tribe - GTT020 - Google Teacher Tribe Podcast Inside Search Google is the most popular search engine on the web. Most of us rely on Google search for finding information. Sometimes it can be difficult to find just the right information we are actually looking for out of the hundreds or thousands of results returned in Google’s search. Despite using Google every day, we still use it in its simplest form. But Google has a plenty of tricks up its sleeves that can help us perform more quick, efficient and effective searches on Google. Towards this end, in July 2012 Google created an online course called Power Searching with Google. The Google Power Searching course is available online on edX as an Xseries program. Go to Power Searching with Google Course The course is structured as a series of 6 modules, each of which comprises of 5-6 short video lessons. The instructor of the course is Daniel M. Power Searching with GoogleAdvanced Power Searching with Google XSeries Program in Power Searching with Google

3 Important Google Calendar Tips Every Teacher Should Know about September 9, 2015 Google Calendar can be of tremendous help in enhancing your teaching productivity and facilitating your overall instructional workflow. As a teacher, you can use Calendar for different purposes. For example, you can use it to create events and share them with your students and parents; or use it to share important dates and information with students. You can also create reminders about assignments and share them with your class. Check out these video tutorials to learn more about how to use Google Calendar. Also, below are three important tips to keep in mind when using Google Calendar. 1- Events from Gmail Any email you receive with an event included (e.g a flight, an appointment…etc) is automatically added to you Google Calendar. Open Google Calendar.Click the settings gear in the top right .Select Settings.Find the Events from Gmail section (stay in the "General" tab).Uncheck Add automatically. Open Google Calendar on a computer.On the left, find My Calendars.

Teacher Tech | Alice Keeler Google Chromebook - Tips To Master Chrome OS What happens when your Chromebook gets old? How long will you get regular Chrome OS upgrades? Google Chromebook End of Life Policy answers all those questions. This version of the End of Life Policy is applicable to Chromebooks marketed to Education and Enterprise customers. ” This document provides advanced notice of the End of Life date for specific Google approved Chrome devices and is currently applicable only to Chrome OS for Enterprise and Education customers.” Hence, you may not see a few popular Chromebook devices on this list. How Long Will My Chromebook Get Updates? The first Chromebook that is going to hit End of Life is Acer AC700 according to this list. via Carol LaRow

Educational Technology Guy: 52 Google Docs Secrets for Students Google Docs is one of my favorite resources for myself, other teachers, and students. I use it constantly and when I share it with other teachers, friends, or my students, they are usually impressed and start using it too. There are tons of features and functions in Google Docs that make using it extremely useful and effective as an educational tool. The fact that it's free, online, and collaborative make it great for students. Word Processing, Presentations, Forms, Drawings, and Spreadsheets. Google keeps adding more features too. The folks over at OnlineColleges have come up with a list of 52 Great Google Docs Secrets for Students. If you use Google Docs, or are planning on using them, this is a great list of resources and tips. Related: Google for Educators Resources - tips, using in education, resources, training, apps, and much more. my other favorite resource: Evernote for Education - resources, tips, ideas and more Presentation on Google for Educators

RTT-D Chromebook Roll Out | New Haven Unified School District Student Mobile Devices CyberEducation Common Sense Media CyberEducation and support for parents, students, and educators. Advice videos on many "cyber" topics, including online safety, security, bullying, relationships, digital footprint, and more. Unbiased reviews of movies, video games, TV shows, and books. Race To The Top ( RTT-D) Overview The New Haven Unified School District (NHUSD) is one of 16 nationwide winners in the U.S. One of the RTT-D initiatives is the integration of technology to support and personalize student learning. The Changing Look of the Classroom The technology component of the RTT-D grant focuses on personalizing learning for students. takes ownership of rigorous and meaningful learningconnects learningwith interestsactively participates in designing learningdevelops skills and knowledge through the learning processcollaborates with other learners, teacher(s), family, ...becomes self-directed ^ Top of Page ^
