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HTTP Monitor / HTTP Proxy / HTTPS & SSL Proxy / Reverse Proxy

HTTP Monitor / HTTP Proxy / HTTPS & SSL Proxy / Reverse Proxy

Scala (langage) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Scala intègre les paradigmes de programmation orientée objet et de programmation fonctionnelle, avec un typage statique. Il concilie ainsi ces deux paradigmes habituellement opposés (à de rares exceptions près, telle que le langage OCaml) et offre au développeur la possibilité de choisir le paradigme le plus approprié à son problème. Il est prévu pour être compilé en bytecode Java (exécutable sur la JVM), ou .Net. Si on souhaite l'utiliser exclusivement avec la JVM, il est alors possible d'utiliser les bibliothèques écrites en Java de façon complètement transparente. Les développeurs habitués à un seul paradigme (par exemple ceux ayant utilisé principalement Java qui, lui, repose sur la programmation orientée objet) peuvent trouver ce langage déroutant et difficile car il nécessite l'apprentissage de concepts différents si on veut pouvoir exploiter tout son potentiel. object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello, world!")} puis exécuté :

Test management tools Test management tools are used to store information on how testing is to be done, plan testing activities and report the status of quality assurance activities. The tools have different approaches to testing and thus have different sets of features. Generally they are used to maintain and plan manual testing, run or gather execution data from automated tests, manage multiple environments and to enter information about found defects. Test management tools offer the prospect of streamlining the testing process and allow quick access to data analysis, collaborative tools and easy communication across multiple project teams. Many test management tools incorporate requirements management capabilities to streamline test case design from the requirements. Structuring the test process[edit] Implementation[edit] Using[edit] Once a project has kicked off, a test management tool tracks bug status, defects and projects tasks, and allows for collaboration across the team. See also[edit]

Jepp - Java Embedded Python Application lifecycle management ALM software suites[edit] Some specialized software suites for ALM are: See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit] Keuper, Frank; Oecking, Christian; Degenhardt, Andreas; Verlag, Gabler (2011). Electronic sources[edit] Java Native Interface Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation de JNI : Certaines fonctions du matériel ou du système d'exploitation ne sont pas gérées dans les bibliothèques JavaPouvoir s'interfacer avec des applications écrites dans d'autres langagesPour les applications temps réel, utiliser un langage compilé (c'est-à-dire du code natif) sera plus rapide que de passer par le bytecode de Java. Complexité de la programmation[modifier | modifier le code] Interfacer JNI est moins complexe avec un langage qui utilise déjà des objets (comme le C++), alors qu'à l'opposé des langages comme le C n'ont pas de concept d'objet et rendent la programmation plus ardue. Fonctionnement de JNI[modifier | modifier le code] Voici un exemple type d'appel d'une fonction JNI. JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ClassName_MethodName (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { //Implement Native Method Here } Le pointeur env est une structure qui contient l'interface vers la JVM. Annexes[modifier | modifier le code]

Server, simplified: A power user’s guide to OS X Server Update: We've covered the new features in updates 2.1 and 2.2 here. Even long-time Mac users could be forgiven for not knowing anything about OS X Server, the business-oriented version of the operating system that has been developed alongside the better-known consumer version for as long as OS X has existed. For a long while, the software shipped only with the Xserve, Apple's enterprise-class server hardware. Standalone licenses for the unlimited client version of the software cost $1,000 all the way up until Snow Leopard, when the price dropped to a still-imposing $500. All this changed in early 2011 when Apple discontinued the Xserve and replaced it with repurposed configurations of the Mac Mini and Mac Pro. With Lion Server and now Mountain Lion Server, the software has followed the hardware in becoming cheaper and simpler, and in shifting its focus from large businesses to small ones. Introduction and installation Goodbye Server Admin Tools, hello again Notes for upgraders

MR3020 Download the firmware update that applies to the type of router that you are using to build your LibraryBox. Pay special attention to the Version # of the hardware, as some of these have a v1 and v2 where the hardware changes and a different firmware is needed. Download the LibraryBox v2.0 Install folder (as zip file) MD5 Hash: 59423526AE160107E60265C212904E1E Unzip the file, so that you are left with an install folder, and copy both the install folder AND the firmware file onto your FAT 32 formatted USB stick. The only things on your USB drive should be a folder called "install" copied from the unzipped file and the firmware. Step I is done. Once you have a running LibraryBox, you can power down the router, unplug the USB drive, plug it into your computer, and throw content into the /LibraryBox/Shared directory...anything you place here will show up alphabetically to be downloaded.

Sweet Home 3D Angling to develop for Google Glass? Google gives some insight If you’re looking for a taste of what it will be like to develop for Google Glass, the company posted a video demonstrating the hardware and a little bit of the API on Thursday. Timothy Jordan, a senior developer advocate at Google, gave a talk at SXSW in early March that lasted just shy of an hour and gave a look into the platform. Google Glass bears more similarity to the Web than the Android mobile operating system, so developing for it is simpler than creating an Android application. Jordan also shows how users can interact with items that crop up using the API. The talk also lays out some overarching design principles for the system, including “don’t get in the way”—Jordan specifies that the interface is in the users’ field of view but off to the side, not in the way of their line of sight—and “keep it timely,” imploring developers to work with data from “the last few months or year.”

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