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Back to Basics: Perfect Your Note-Taking Techniques

Back to Basics: Perfect Your Note-Taking Techniques
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CVs, cover letters and application forms - The University of Auckland Tailoring your CV Employers receive dozens, if not hundreds of applications from job seekers, so they are looking for individuals that stand out from the crowd. The most effective way to do this is to research the employer’s requirements and match them as closely as possible. Research each employer and their field carefully: refer to the job advertisement, job description, company website etc. Find out what the employer is looking for. This could include qualifications, experience and skills. Skills in your CV Identify your skillsGive relevant evidence of your skills (i.e. practical examples)Choose action words carefully to provide clear information to the employerEmphasise your achievements CV formatting

How to Use Text Expansion to Save Yourself Hours of Typing Every Week Here's Why, How, And What You Should Doodle To Boost Your Memory And Creativity Did your boss ever catch you covering an important memo with Escher-like scribbles? In high school, did your teacher call you out for drawing on the desk, your sneakers, your skin? Today, the doodle nay-sayers are being drowned out by a growing body of research and opinion that indicates that connects that seemingly distracted scribbling with greater info retention and creativity. "I can’t tell you how important it is to draw," says Sunni Brown, whose creative consultancy Sunni Brown Ink, teaches "applied visual thinking"— a.k.a doodling—to coders, designers, and even journalists. Why Doodle Studies have shown that doodling can free up short- and long-term memory, improve content retention and increase attention span. What To Doodle These Brown-recommended doodling exercises will help you rethink the familiar and make unexpected connections. "Atomization." "Game-Storming." "Process Map." When To Doodle A lesson or presentation is a particularly great time to doodle. Where To Doodle

Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today. Your quest for knowledge doesn’t have to be as Earth-changing as Einstein’s, but it can be an important part of your life, leading to a new job, better pay, a new hobby, or simply knowledge for knowledge’s sake — whatever is important to you as an end goal. Life-changing knowledge does typically require advanced learning techniques. Health Shake a leg. Balance Sleep on it. Perspective and Focus Change your focus, part 2. Recall Techniques Listen to music. Visual Aids Every picture tells a story. Verbal and Auditory Techniques Stimulate ideas. Kinesthetic Techniques Write, don’t type.

How To Take Cornell Notes How To Take Cornell Notes Form: Cornell Notes Purpose: Distill complex text, arguments, etc. into format useful for study Sweet Spot: Grades 8-12, college Background: According to Wikipedia, the system was developed in the 1950s by Walter Pauk, a Cornell University professor who shared the technique in his book “How to Study in College.” Note-taking is a lost art. While recent trends–including multi-point touch screens, sketch notes, etc. While there are many ways to take notes, Cornell Notes are among the most useful for pure academic study, but they’re also a bit complicated. The video above does a very nice job of showing how to take a text and transfer it into the Cornell Notes format. How To Take Cornell Notes

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