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How to Build Muscle Fast

How to Build Muscle Fast

Want Big Arms? Use Compound Exercises and the Full Body Routine for Lagging Muscles | Weightlift Fitness These are not the solution for big arms. Okay, it’s been a while, so this week, we are kicking things off with talking about the full body routine, which typically consists of compound exercises (that work several muscle groups as opposed to one or a couple) are actually better for bigger arms than isolation, especially if you are somewhat new to weightlifting. Now, I don’t like having a title for a post/article that asks whether you want big arms. One thing that can really affect novices in weight-training is to become too bodybuilding-minded about muscles. You started weight training a few months ago, and you’re introducing more isolation exercises because your lats or biceps are too small, or lagging behind one of your other muscle groups. So, if it bothers you that much, I’m going to give you five solutions for your lagging bodyparts. 1. Your biceps aren’t small because your dumbbell bicep curl is only 20 pounds for 8-12 reps. Train Full-Body and Use Compound Movements Like this:

Overtraining: 5 Signs You Might Be Working Out Too Much | Weightlift Fitness This week, we have been discussing overtraining. Overtraining is basically when you are exercising beyond to the point where the workout becomes stressful on particular cells and hormones in the body, rather than beneficial. The solutions to this are periodization, cycling your workouts so that you have rest days, are not over-working a muscle group, and, of course, rest, where anabolism, recovery, and other benefits of working out, truly happen. The reason some people overtrain is because exercise is addictive, and with addiction comes the belief that more is always better. Another reason is because some athletes who are often taking anabolic steroids, for example, are capable of doing more than the average person, so people who are not on these hormones will think that they can also handle the same workload and workout with the same intensity. Remember, with working out, less is more. And to continue the discussion, I present the to 5 signs that you might be overtraining. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ignoring Exercise May Be Twice as Lethal as Obesity Lack of exercise may be responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity, according to a study showing the benefits of as little as 20 minutes of brisk walking a day. Using the most recent available data on deaths in Europe, 337,000 of 9.2 million fatalities over a 12-year period were attributable to obesity, scientists led by epidemiologist Ulf Ekelund at the University of Cambridge said in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition today. About double that number could be explained by physical inactivity, they said. A lack of exercise is the fourth leading risk factor for premature death after smoking, excessive drinking and obesity, according to the World Health Organization. It’s the cause of at least an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally per year. “Helping people to lose weight can be a real challenge,” Nick Wareham, director of the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, said in a statement. Press spacebar to pause and continue.

The Benefits of Full Body Compound Workouts | Weightlift Fitness This week at Weightlift Fitness, we are talking about full body routines. The full body routine is a workout that focuses on large muscle groups for upper and lower body, rather than isolation exercises. But first, let’s briefly summarize what a full body routine is, so that we know exactly what type of workout we are discussing: What Makes up a Full Body Routine? Full body workouts usually share the following qualities: They are typically 3 to 4 days a week (days you have a workout).They usually only involve 3 major exercises.They are typically lower in repetitions and sets.They use a barbell rather than dumbbells.Longer rest intervals between sets.Strength-focused, instead of hypertrophy-focused.They focus on compound movements rather than isolation movements. What Compound Exercises do Full Body Workouts Use? SquatBench PressDeadliftMilitary, or Overhead PressBarbell Row (any variation of a rowing movement) What are the Benefits of Full Body Workouts? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Fitness Myths: Supplements Don’t Work | Weightlift Fitness We’re going to switch things over this time and talk about supplements. One idea that is very crowd-pleasing in some circles in the fitness and nutrition community, as well as the media, is the “truth” that supplements are just a waste of money. They will tell you that supplements “don’t work”. Here are some of the reason some nutritionists and fitness gurus will tell you about supplements: 1. The argument that supplements “don’t work” is largely a generalization. 2. Again, every-so-often, a news story comes out that talks about companies putting fake ingredients in supplements. 3. The placebo effect is the belief that a supplement or treatment appears to assist an ailment or deficiency, because the person believe that it will work. 4. This is a very popular excuse not to use supplements. -People who are more active need more of specific nutrients (like protein) than less active peole. 5. 6. Once again, we are generalizing things. Like this: Like Loading...

What Is Strength Training? - Ground Up Strength Posted on February 22 2015 Strength training is actually simpler than you thought. The majority of basic articles on strength training do not bother to define strength training at all. When it is defined, the word "strength" is used in the explanation. The most typical type of definition looks something like this: "Strength training is using resistance to build your physical (or muscular) strength." Usually, however, explanations focus on the benefits of strength training: Strength training builds muscle, decreases injury risk, makes bones stronger, etc. Sometimes, more complete definitions are attempted. "There is (1) Olympic lifting… (2) power lifting (a competition where athletes perform the squat, dead lift, and bench press), and (3) weight lifting (a sport where athletes lift heavy weights—typically fewer than six reps). This typifies the mess that is strength training. First let's properly define some the the terms associated with the expression of muscular strength. Citations 1.

That Guy in the Gym: Fitness Clichés and Archetypes | Weightlift Fitness You want a list of “types of guys in the gym”? It’s been done before. But I have one anyway. Here we go: Grunter: This is not only a guy in the gym, but perhaps in most gyms, there are more than one of this guy. Bearded lifters are strong because of their beards. The Beard Guy: Briefly, at least since the 1960’s, the beard was seen as an indicator of laziness. The Unsolicited Advisor: The unsolicited advisor is everywhere in society. The Form Patrol: Members of the form patrol are especially frequent on the internet, but they are also in the gym. The Conformist: The conformist is afraid to go out of his comfort zone and does what he is expected to do in the gym. Bodybuilder Kid: Usually a guy in his late teens or early twenties. The Barbarian: Often tracks Mud into the gym and rides giant cats in the squat rack. The Barbarian: We have a tough guy, here. Did we leave anybody out? Like this: Like Loading...
