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English-learning and pronunciation courses with audio, online dictionary and more

Understand Spoken English « English Listening Learn how to use all the site features: See how subscribers can use English Listening. Click on the video to see and hear more. Michael talks about his love for running and how he get involved with the sport. Click on the picture to see and hear more. Gofam is a Vietnamese student living in America, and he describes Vietnamese food and compares it to American food. Welcome from our CEO: Dr. Choose your level. Lesson 37: Let's Agree to Disagree Summary In this lesson, Anna meets a new friend. Phil is new to Washington, D.C. and he feels lost in the city. Anna asks him to make the city a friendlier place. Speaking Use this video to earn the new words for this lesson. Pronunciation Use this video to learn how to pronounce possessive pronouns. Conversation Anna: You know, I am from the country and sometimes I miss it. Dr. Anna: Excuse me. Sarah: No. Anna: Thank you. Phil: Yes, that's mine. Anna: Are you okay? Phil: Well, this is my first visit to Washington, D.C. Anna: I am from the country too! Phil: So, do you like living in the country or in the city? Anna: I like to live in the city. Phil: Why? Anna: The city is exciting! Phil: Well, I agree. Anna: I disagree. Phil: That's another thing that is different. Anna: Well, I agree. Phil: That's a good point. Anna: Look at me. Phil: But you are from the country. Anna: I have an idea. Phil: What? Anna: Well, if we say "hello," maybe they will say "hello" to other people ... Anna: Come on. Quiz

Free ESL Regular Daily English Lesson - Talking About Girls - Types You Like or Dislike In this session, we are going to cover talking about girls. We will primarily cover commenting on traits you like or dislike. Don't worry ladies, we will have a session about guys later on. Describing what types of girls you like "I like a girl with a lot of curves."" "I want a girl who is going to take care of me."" "I like athletic girls because I like to play sports." Describing types you don't like "I can't stand girls with attitude.""

5 лучших сайтов с подкастами для изучения английского языка ‹ Инглекс Вы легко понимаете иностранную речь на слух? Согласно мнению изучающих английский, аудирование — самая сложная и порой скучная часть изучения языка. Между тем умение слушать и говорить тесно связаны между собой, поэтому ни одним из этих навыков нельзя пренебрегать. Сегодня мы предлагаем вам альтернативу поднадоевшим обучающим аудиозаписям и хотим предложить 5 замечательных сайтов с увлекательными подкастами для изучения английского языка. Занятия на этих ресурсах точно будут нескучными и не отнимут у вас много времени. ВКонтакте127 Facebook Twitter Google+ 1. Этот сайт — настоящая сокровищница подкастов. В разделе English for Beginners представлены аудиозаписи для новичков: вы выучите алфавит и лексику, соответствующую вашему уровню. В разделе Practical English выложены самые полезные материалы для изучающих английский язык. Некоторые подкасты доступны к прослушиванию только после платной подписки, однако бесплатных материалов также достаточно. 2. 6 Minute English 3. 4. 5.

Elementary Test Prep Center- ELA 4 Test About the Exam: The New York State English Language Arts (ELA) test is administered to fourth graders in late January or early February. New York State has set higher learning standards for all students. To reach these standards, the ELA test challenges students to demonstrate their ability to listen attentively, read a variety of materials, and respond in writing to literary and informational passages. Purpose of this Site: This site is designed to provide useful information about the NYS English Language Arts Test for teachers, parents and students. Conversation: 16. Missing Connecting Flight Repeat A: My flight just arrived late, and I need to know what to do. B: That's okay. The airline computer is keeping track of what is happening with you. A: Do I have to call anyone? B: By speaking with us at the arrival gate, we can fix the problem for you and direct you. A: What if there are no more connecting flights for today on this airline? B: We will go online to see if there is something available with this airline. A: What if I can't find another flight out of here tonight? B: We can help you find transportation to a local hotel. A: Will the airline pay for my room if I have to spend the night at the airport? B: Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline, we will cover the cost of a hotel room. A: Our flight was late, and I missed my connecting flight. B: We can help you find an alternate flight that will get you where you are going. A: Whom should I call? B: The arrival gate is where you need to find someone to help you.

Teaching Countable and Uncountable Nouns - Articles - By: Alex Case |Audience: Teachers|Category: Teaching English Countable and uncountable nouns is one of the worst taught grammar points in English. Typical mistakes include: - Telling students that "uncountable" means you can’t count something when in fact you could quite easily count rice and pasta - Asking students to classify things as countable and uncountable without giving them any help doing so or going on to make useful generalisations from those classifications - Asking students to classify things as countable or uncountable when they are actually both, e.g. some chicken/ a chicken and some coffee/ two coffees - Asking students to correct things that aren’t really errors, e.g. - Explaining why nouns logically must be uncountable when they are actually countable in other languages (unless teachers are just trying to say English is more logical and therefore a better language!) - Teaching "rules" rather than patterns/ useful generalisations What we need to teach students

Как научиться понимать английский на слух: 11 полезных советов ‹ Инглекс Учите английский, и вас интересует, как понимать английский на слух? Воспользуйтесь предложенными советами, чтобы «приучить» уши к иностранной речи. Сделайте первые шаги к пониманию английского! ВКонтакте45 Facebook Twitter Google+ Те, кто изучает английский, уже не раз слышали о языковом барьере, причем имеется в виду именно боязнь заговорить на иностранном языке. Причины появления слухового барьера The wise owl A wise old owl Sat in an oak. Особенности типа личности. Как научиться понимать английскую речь на слух: несколько полезных советов 1. Невозможно научиться танцевать, наблюдая, как пары кружат в вальсе, нужно самому пуститься в пляс! Какие ресурсы можно использовать: It is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do, that makes life blessed. Настоящее благословение в том, чтобы не только делать то, что любишь, но и любить то, что приходится делать. И. Еще один важный момент: занимайтесь регулярно. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Это очень полезная привычка. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Supporting English Language Learners (Tools, Strategies and Resources) This site is intended for use by teachers, administrators and consultants working with English language learners. This site allows users to: Search the Alberta K-12 ESL Proficiency Benchmarks. Access student writing samples with benchmark analysis. View videos of students engaging in content learning with teacher commentary on proficiency levels and benchmark analysis.
