e-learning portal France, free open educational resources in French, portail cours en ligne universite lycee college Learning Styles - the debate The model advocated by Dunn and Dunn is a more complex and comprehensive one that takes account of various environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological and psychological factors. These include such things as the learner’s need for mobility, optimal time of day for learning, and the learner’s need to chew, smoke or drink, all of which may influence a learner’s capacity to learn. Similar to the VAK model, it acknowledges that learners differ in their preferred perception processes, but also takes account of their levels of motivation and sense of responsibility. The model is not widely known in the UK but Professors Ken and Rita Dunn (St John’s University, New York) maintain that it is the result of extensive field work and painstaking research. The model might more properly be said to ascertain learning preferences (rather than styles) and the usefulness of the instrument may reside as much in the self knowledge gained through its completion as in any tabulation of results.
COURS2MATH - COURS DE MATHEMATIQUES AU COLLEGE tubequizard Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations Shopping – Zapp! English Listening – Audio/Mp3 podcast Zapp! English Listening 3.30 – Shopping Do you shop locally or buy from a huge supermarket? What was the last thing you bought? You’ll develop your listening skills on topics like these in this unit. You’ll hear recordings including individuals as well as discussions between three different speakers. © Zappenglish.com Real English conversations contained in this listening What’s in your basket? Here are some details on the different people, conversations and accents contained in this Real English Listening: 5 individuals answer questions about their shopping habits.Tom and Katie have a longer conversation about a variety of shopping related topics, such as the death of the high street and Tom’s hatred of sales. Download All the eBooks Now! Get immediate access to all 32 audio listening classes and eBooks with the Zapp!
What's your name? Introduction: For a listening lesson to be successful, the learners need to be engaged with the audio. It might not always be possible to motivate all the learners in the class to the same degree but the important thing is to use an audio which all of the learners can, in some way, relate to. If you are in a position where you can choose an audio, ask yourself ‘Will each and every one of the learners recognise this? This month’s lesson mainly focuses on developing listening skills but other skills are integrated too, with opportunities for speaking, reading and writing. Topic: Names - an integrated skills lesson with the main focus on listening Aims: To develop students’ listening skills To engage students in a classroom discussion To encourage students to think about the cultural significance of names Age: Teenagers and young adults Level: A2-B2 Time: 60 minutes + Materials: 1. Access the audio here Introduction: Topic: Names - an integrated skills lesson with the main focus on listening Aims:
Goalcast - Les Brown - Chase Your Dream