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Fantastic potential for collaborative classroom exercises -

Fantastic potential for collaborative classroom exercises -

Choosing The Right Mobile Device For Your Classroom | TeachThought Though we haven’t written about it much just yet, something that’s of enormous interest to us here at TeachThought is media–its creators, forms, themes, design elements, consumption patterns, and ultimate impact on thinking and human behavior. We put together this chart as a way to visualize the differences in the five most popular media consumption devices and their relative sweet spots, from the iPad and PC to smartphones, Kindles, and Nooks. As you can see, the upper left area in green is the PC–and really applies to the Mac as well. Here, most of the media consumed is browser-based–no longer dominated by flash, but a handful of apps, and emerging HTML5. To be fair, some of this is an exercise in semantics. Still, the PC is comparatively limited in terms of pure consumption compared to tablet devices like the iPad and smartphone devices like your average Android smartphone. As the tablet devices continue to evolve, you’ll see a much different diagram.

Tarkkaamo // Verkon ilmiöitä ihmettelemässä Edellisessä merkinnässäni kerroin tiimipohjaisesta verkkokurssien suunnittelumenetelmästä nimeltä Carpe Diem. Käyn vielä lyhyesti läpi toisen suunnittelupäivän sisältöä ja kokemuksia. Ensimmäisen päivän työskentelyn jälkeen olimme rakentaneet verkkokurssien kuvakäsikirjoitukset fläppipapereiden ja tarralappujen avulla, ja meille alkoi piirtyä käsitys kurssien oppimistavoitteista, opettettavista asioista, etenemisjärjestyksestä, harjoitustehtävistä ja arviointtavoista. Lue kokonaan ”Carpe Diem -suunnittelun 2. päivä” Tänään pääsin kokeilemaan verkkokurssien suunnitteluun tarkoitettua Carpe Diem -menetelmää. Lue kokonaan ”Verkkokurssin suunnittelua Carpe Diem -menetelmällä” Viime torstaina pidimme erikoisammattitutkinnon arviointikeskustelun työpaikkaohjaajani Juhanan kanssa. Distanssi-hankkeessa toteutamme keväällä 2016 avoimen verkkokurssin, ja olen mukana suunnittelemassa ja rakentamassa kurssitoteutusta. Näyttely on esillä 9.9.-3.10.2015. Suosittelen lämpimästi!

AnswerGarden - Plant a Question, Grow Answers Adding Bookmarklets on iPad and iPhone I made this page out of frustration. There is simply no easy way to add bookmarklets to your iPad or iPhone. I blagged a little about that here. I don't use Safari on my desktop, so I don't sync my bookmarks to my iDevices. So I took a few minutes to copy the Javascript from all my bookmarklets and made this iPhone/iPad formatted page with all the Javascript in a selectable textarea for each bookmarklet. I know this is far from ideal, and even further from anything resembling a solution, but until some smart person comes up with a way around this, or until Apple adds some better bookmark management or add-on capabilities to mobile Safari this will have to do for now. I'll leave this page up for anyone who wants to add some of these bookmarklets to Safari on their own iPads or iPhones. Instructions: I'll assume that you are running iOS and that you already know how to add and edit a Safari bookmark on your iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, but here's a quick recap anyway: 1. Bookmarklets:

20+ Powerful Online Presentation Tools Online presentations are considered as one of the effective marketing and communication tools. Publishing value-added content on variety of presentation websites can help you in keeping your clients informed, updated, and aware of information that is important to them. It also provides a platform to reach out to your target audience by increasing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.. With more long-distance meetings going on due to increasing travel costs and decreasing expense accounts, you need to be able to show your work to clients and co-workers so they can easily see your point. Advertisement VCASMO will let you upload all of the usual variety of file formats that you need to create your presentations and allows you to add such things as subtitles, links to web sites within the presentation itself, skip to parts of a video even before it is done loading and many more user-friendly features. 2. 280 Slides 280 Slides is a free tool with a clean user interface. 3. 4. iPresent 5. 6.
