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WordPress Tips - Things To Do After Installing Wordpress

WordPress Tips - Things To Do After Installing Wordpress
You can install WordPress in 2 easy steps but it is recommended that you tweak some of the default settings to optimize the performance and also improve the security of your WordPress website. These suggestions are only applicable to self-hosted sites and not blogs. Also, I assume that you are running WordPress on Apache under Linux. The guide is now updated for WordPress 4.2. 1. WordPress store all your uploaded images and files in the wp-content/uploads folder. Open your wp-config.php file and add the following lines to change the location of the wp-content folder. define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', ' ); define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['HOME'] . 2. If you look at the HTML source code of your WordPress site, you will find a couple of meta tags in the header that aren’t really required. remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' ) ; remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' ) ; remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' ) ; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

14 astuces indispensables pour sécuriser votre site WordPress La sécurité d’un site WordPress n’est pas à prendre à la légère. Se faire hacker peut arriver à n’importe qui et ces 14 conseils vous permettront de limiter les dégâts potentiels. C’est quand tout fonctionne correctement qu’il faut mener des actions de prévention ! #1 – Sauvegarder intégralement et régulièrement votre site WordPress Avant toute intervention, faites une sauvegarde régulière de votre site WordPress. Votre base de données MySQL ;Votre compte FTP ; Il se peut que votre hébergeur dispose d’un système de sauvegarde intégrale directement accessible via cPanel par exemple. Vous pouvez également avoir recours au système de sauvegarde dans le cloud proposé par Automattic – l’organisation en charge de WordPress, qui s’intitule VaultPress. N’oubliez pas de mettre en place un système de sauvegarde automatique de votre base de données MySQL. #2 – Tenez votre site WordPress à jour Chaque mise à jour du cœur de WordPress apporte des correctifs de sécurité. WP Security Scan Sur le même thème

How to Choose the Right Fonts for your Design Project - Flowchart 18 Jul 2012 If you are looking to find the right kind of font /typeface for your design project, this font selection flowchart should come handy. couch mode print story If you are looking to find the right kind of font /typeface for designing your book, your website logo, for an handwritten invitation letter or a font for annotating an illustration, this flowchart from graphic designer Julian Hansen should come handy. Start from the center of the flowchart, pick the type of your design project – it could be a logo, a book or something else – answer a couple of (sometimes funny) questions and you will quickly discover the most appropriate font family for your project. Also see: Find the Right Chart for your Data Julian has considered only the top 100 fonts for her typeface selection chart and you may therefore not find every single font here.

Usability.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful Usability Cheat Sheets & Checklists | Designer City, USA Is your Web site primed for any viewer? How do you know? The nicest thing about a usable Web site is that it’s just a good thing to do for others so they can easily read your online information. The other side to usability is that it can increase your search engine standings so more people can find your Web site. The following list of cheat sheets and checklists are fairly recent; however, some older usability checklists are useful for older sites that haven’t been upgraded. You can find cheat sheets and checklists for forms, blogs and more below, all listed in alphabetical order. Did you enjoy this article? © 2014.

Online Plagiarism - Find Websites that are Copying your Content Find sites that have either lifted your web content verbatim or have modified it slightly to make it look original. Free tools for checking online plagiarism. Copyscape is one of the more popular plagiarism detection tools that helps you identify other web sites that may have copied your content without permission. Simply enter your web address and Copyscape will try to find other pages on the web that have either lifted your content verbatim or have modified it slightly to make it look original. The free version of Copyscape however offers only a limited set of features and you cannot perform more than a couple of scans per month (they mostly restrict queries based on your IP address). Check for Online Plagiarism with Blekko If you have been looking for some good alternatives to Copyscape, meet Blekko. Once you are on Blekko, enter your domain name followed by /domainduptext (example). /domainduptext /duptext

Drupal, Spip, Joomla, Typo3, 10 critères pour bien choisir son CMS (outil de gestion de contenu) › Publications La capacité des entreprises à communiquer sur le web dépend en partie d’un choix de CMS -Content Management System ou gestion de contenu- pertinent. Pour ne pas se tromper, les critères de choix doivent être correctement pondérés en fonction de la nature de chaque projet.On distingue généralement deux grandes catégories de projets. D’une part les projets tactiques qui consistent à mettre en œuvre rapidement et à moindre coût des sites répondants à des besoins précis et relativement standards : intranet de projet, site institutionnel ou événementiel, etc. D’autre part les projets dits « d’infrastructure » visant à construire un socle technique commun à l’ensemble des projets de gestion de contenu de l’entreprise. Les premiers sont adressés par une multitude de progiciels clefs en mains qui possèdent tous une philosophie propre et une couverture fonctionnelle très variable. Essentiellement open source, leur coût est réduit et leur mise en œuvre souvent accessible aux non informaticiens.

Convert a Video into an Animated GIF Image - Tutorial This video tutorial describes how you can easily convert videos into animated GIF images using free tools. Animated GIF images may remind you of those cluttered and distracting homepages of the Geocities era but take a peek at this impressive tumblr blog and it might forever change the way you think of GIFs. The site features a brilliant collection of GIF animations created using frames of classic movie scenes that play in an endless loop. Here are some examples: There are free tools available that let you easily convert video clips into animated GIFs that you can later host on sites like Flickr or Tumblr – not all image hosting sites support animated GIFs but the one mentioned here do. This is a two-step process – first convert the video into a sequence of image frames and then assemble these frames into a looping GIF animation with some custom delay. Step 1: Download FFmpeg for Windows from and extract the ffmpeg.exe file to, say, the c:\ffmpeg\ folder.

insérer feuille de calcul google document dans un blog J’ai abandonné Excel il y a bien longtemps pour me concentrer plutôt sur Googledoc. Google doc propose une feuille de calcul tout à fait satisfaisante pour 99% de mes usages. Sachez également qu’il y a d’autres services qui peuvent remplacer excel, cf mon billet tableurs en ligne gratuits pour se passer d’excel, mais je préfère de loin googledoc, car il est disponible directement dans ma barre d’outil google. N’oublions pas que microsoft à lancé une version en ligne que j’ai pu testé et qui n’est pas mal du tout. Revenons au vif du sujet : comment copier coller un tableau dans un blogue. Pour cela il faut utiliser le site internet :, (condition : créer ou avoir un compte gmail) Le problème : quand j’élabore un tableau sur google feuille de calcul et que je veux le copier dans ce blogue. Solution 1 : tableizer qui est un service gratuit en ligne de transformation d’un tableau excel en html. Il s’agit d’un résultat simple qui conviendra pour des petits tableaux rapides.

How Does Your Website Design Look on Mobile Phones and Tablets? Learn about free tools that will help you test your website design on different mobile phones like the iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, etc. but from a desktop computer. The world has more Internet enabled mobile phones than computers but still, we often spend more time testing our site’s design on desktop browsers than mobile screens. We are more curious to know if our site looks good on the Windows version of Safari browser than say on an Android phone though more users could be accessing our site through the latter option. There are only three major desktop operating systems and four major desktop browsers. Plus we have excellent tools like Browser Shots and Adobe’s Browser Lab that help us understand how our website design looks like across all the permutations and combinations of desktop browsers and OSs. There are however a couple of good options that will let you test your site design on the most popular mobile OSs without you having to own the device.
