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Monster Advancer 3.5 - Monster, NPC, and random encounter generator for D&D 3.5

Monster Advancer 3.5 - Monster, NPC, and random encounter generator for D&D 3.5

Adventure Hook Random Generator Ever find yourself stuck for an adventure idea right up to the time your players arrive for the game? Our Adventure Hook Random Generator gives you Dungeon Masters a starting point from which you can develop a new adventure. This handy program uses a number of preset variables to develop an adventure hook or starting idea for you. Below are three different categories that, depending on the style of your game, provide starting points from which you can develop a D&D game session. Remember -- this is a random generation program.

Mind Mapping et jeu de rôle : la création d’un scénario Après un article très commenté sur l’utilisation du Mind Mapping pour la prise de notes en cours de partie, voilà quelques idées pour appliquer cette technique à l’écriture et la création d’un scénario de jeu de rôle. Bien sur, il serait difficile de présenter une technique complète de A à Z en un seul article de blog, mais voici quelques pistes pour aller plus loin et être plus créatif avec le Mind Mapping. Pour ceux qui auraient loupé l’épisode précédent, avec quelques rappels sur le Mind Mapping, vous pourrez le trouver ici. Collecter les idées La première phase de l’écriture d’un scénario ou d’un brouillon, quelque soit la méthode, est une recherche d’idées. Bien garder la structure « Une branche = une idée » permet à la fois de garder un document clair et de stimuler le cerveau pour la suite : bien que l’on ne soit encore au brouillon, les idées ont déjà un début de structure, ce qui facilitera l’organisation du scénario ensuite. Quelques templates pour la recherche d’idées

Magic Item Shop Random Inventory Generator Instructions: Simply enter a number for how many items of each type the magic shop should have. If a shop shouldn't have any of those items, leave the field blank or enter a 0. Then press submit and the page will reload with a Magic Item Shop inventory listed below that fits your criteria. Or as a shortcut select a value for "Pre-fill as shop size" then submit, or customize the settings then submit. This generator uses the probabilities in the SRD as faithfully as possible with one exception noted below. (If you notice any problems let me know.) The exception is that scrolls of any power level (minor, medium, and major) have the same random chances to have between 1-6 spells, weighted toward fewer spells. Remember that except for very high magic settings, characters shouldn't be able to walk into a "MagicMart" with many items to choose between so use this tool wisely. Pre-fill based on shop size:

Strolen's Citadel: 100 Unique Town/City Properties By Redgre I have created this table plus, as a fantasy RPG resource. The idea is to assist in quickly mapping out an area of the adventure and be able to tell something unique about each populated location. Some of the following entries are reliant on location, others are not. I have created enough entries that you may want to use percentile dice to randomly determine each location. Due to this, I have created a separate table to assist with the randomness for your convenience. Although each location could be a city or a town or whatever you like, I will be referring to each as a city. – The city is famous for it's baked goods. Pies Cakes Bread & Scones Pastries Cookies & Squares – The city has an ample supply of leather from local ranchers or ranchers from other settlements that have no other location to dump their hides. – This city had discovered an elephant's graveyard in it's backyard (or something similar). - A legendary or almost legendary sword smith had settled in this city many years ago.

Random City Map Generator The Random City Map Generator creates a "random" city or town map suitable for fantasy and other role-playing games (RPGs) such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, GURPS, HERO and many others. Note: you can try out version two of this tool. Because the map is made from layered images, to save or print a map you need to either: Take a sceenshot (print screen key) and paste into an image editor; Or print the page to a pdf file (Macs have this built-in, PCs may need a product like "cutePDF".) See more caveats and planned features below. Planned Features/Caveats Yes, the streets are too ordered for most cities... a couple of completely different street layouts will be added and they will be more random/meandering. Copyright 2010 Inkwell Ideas, Inc.

Javascript D&D 3.5 Character Generator Javascript D&D 3.5 Character Generator Visit my Fourth Edition Character Generator also. Visit my Pathfinder Character Generator also. This little program is my gift to my fellow-gamers, and my way of saying "thank you" to the hobby's developers. Over a quarter-century, I have enjoyed a cordial relationship with people at TSR/WOTC. This big javascript program runs best on "Netscape" browsers. If you want to save your character's html file to your hard drive, Netscape seems to work better. If this page fails to load completely, click here. Please be sure your browser is javascript-enabled and your java and javascript consoles are current. Random rolls that guarantee certain point-buy values are available. When the height is selected or randomly generated, the initial weight shown is around the actual real-world weight for a lean person of that height and strength. If you choose an unusual monkish subtype, you may have some trouble with feat prerequisites. Demihumans: Humanoids: Planetouched:

Random Inn/Tavern Generator Current Settings (Because this is a set of separate images, to save the floorplans you should: press your "print screen" key (or your computer's equivalent) and then open your favorite image editor and paste the screenshot into a new image. Then crop the rest of the screen. Some word processors will also allow you to paste the screenshot and even crop it. You can also print the webpage or print it to a pdf file using free tools like CutePDF and PrimoPDF.) Key Thin Rectangle on a wall: door"S" on a wall: secret doorLarge Rectangle: tableLarge Thin Rectangle: barRectangle with a "T" or "S" or both: table or shelve or table & shelves.Circle: bar stool or chair4/5 Circle: chair next to/under table Small filled Rectangle in a larger rectangle: fireplace/hearthDashed Line: railingMany thin lines getting smaller: stairsFilled Circle: toilet/privvyFilled Triangle: wash basin Coming Soon Here's the list of planned features:

Dungeons and Dragons Tools and DM Resources Adventure Hook Generator AD&D DM Program by Torquil Gault Background Generator Campaign Suite from Mortality Chainmail Battle Sheets Chainmail Terrain Chainmail Comprehensive Rulebook (319 Kb ZIP) Chainmail Warband Generator 3a (481 Kb ZIP) Chainmail Warband Generator update 1.4 Chainmail Stat Cards City Generator by Robert Bottorff (ZIP 100 Kb) Combat Tracker ZIP by Eduardo Moranchei (no AV done) Cool Tools by Keith Uher (ZIP 688Kb) Cool Tools 2 Program to help DMs by Keith Usher Critical Hits Table by Orestto Robles (ZIP 103 Kb) Critical Hits Table by ?? (ZIP 39 Kb) Combat Generator (ZIP 160k) needs Java 1.3 Runtime Mak)e sure Java 1.3 is installed. Unzip the file to its own directory. Combat made easy (ZIP 82 Kb) by Paul Barker D&D Helper using D&D Adventure critical and fumble tables.

Le Rat Crevé - Planescape - Spelljammer - Laelith - Donjons & Dragons
