50 Best Websites 2012 Someone unfriended you? Time to find out who! By Helen A.S. Popkin For a brief time during Facebook’s initial Timeline rollout, you could see who unfriended you, and even when, just by clicking on the year and looking in your “friends” box. Though Timeline brought many haters-of-Facebook-change out of the woodwork, this was the one new “feature” they agreed was awesome. Predictably, it didn’t last. Facebook, which prefers that you focus on the positive aspects of friendship, “fixed” the problem. You can be proactive in uncovering your rejection however, and not just on Facebook. How easy is it to find out? Unfriend Finder Facebook Unfriend Finder While Facebook doesn’t allow any apps that will give you the unhappy news -- those you do see on Facebook are likely scams -- Unfriend Finder is a free browser extension that doesn’t live inside the social network. Unlike the short-lived hole in Facebook Timeline however, Unfriend Finder won’t tell you who ditched you in the past. Social Fixer for Facebook Twitter
Website is currently unreachable Si siguen de cerca mi cuenta de Twitter, hace unos días estuve discutiendo con un tal @DirtOne por cuestiones de contenido duplicado y hotlinking. Está claro que copiar y pegar citando la fuente es algo “relativamente” aceptable en la gran red de redes pero de ahí a instalar un plugin e importar todo el contenido de nuestro RSS incluyendo las imágenes, hay una importante diferencia, especialmente si el sitio en cuestión pretende lucrar con nuestras horas escribiendo y encima robarnos ancho de banda de nuestro hosting. Por ese motivo y a solicitud de @joerey101 que justamente andaba buscando este tipo de sitios, se me ocurrió hacer un pequeño listado con algunos sitios que permitan detectar copypaste en Internet. La idea es también aplicable a los profesores que quieren saber si sus alumnos copiaron o no sus trabajos de la gran red de redes, por lo que sus usos son bastante múltiples. 1. La idea del sitio es encontrar contenido duplicado o copypaste de acuerdo a una URL. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The 10 Chrome extensions you need most On its own, Chrome is a pretty fantastic browser, but extensions increase its potential exponentially. So, what are extensions, exactly? Essentially, they're small programs that add extra functionality to your web browser. For Chrome, there are thousands of available extensions which perform a huge variety of functions — everything from extensions that automatically find shopping coupons, to extensions that make your computer run faster. A visit to the Chrome Web Store Extensions page can be overwhelming, so we're going to simplify things for you. For Chrome newbies, consider this your extensions starter pack. 1. Image: Mashable Screenshot If you install but one extension on this list, make it The Great Suspender. If you have a computer with, say, 4GB of RAM or less, this extension will change — and by "change" we mean "speed up" — your life. 2. The problem with passwords is that you have too many of them. 3. 4. 5. Grammarly is spell check, but better. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Ghostery Ranking mejor sitio de internet para escuchar música gratis Usamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar la experiencia de navegación y ofrecer contenidos y publicidad de interés. Al continuar con la navegación, consideramos que acepta su uso. [Más información] [Ocultar] 2 comentarios11 listas5769 visitas Hay un montón de sitios que te permiten escuchar una cantidad ilimitada de música gratuita. Autor: victorsvs (Actualizado a 10-jul-2012) Fuentes: Hecho íntegramente por el autor Debes iniciar sesión para poder añadir filas. ¿Sabías que puedes visualizar los rankings de distintas formas? Buscar en esta encuesta » Comprueba las opciones de privacidad situadas sobre tu nueva lista de preferencias
Numerama Scott Walker and the Secret "John Doe" Investigation Explained Scott WalkerGlen Stubbe/Minneapolis Star Tribune/ZUMAPRESS.com This explainer has been updated with new developments in the John Doe investigation, including a guilty plea by a former Walker aide. Click here to jump to those details. For background on the probe, keep reading. A dark cloud hangs over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. A "John Doe" investigation launched in May 2010 has embroiled former Walker staffers and appointees from his time as Milwaukee County executive, his job before winning the governorship in November 2010. Walker says he has "fully cooperated" and "will continue to cooperate" with the John Doe probe. What's a John Doe investigation, anyway? Here, "John Doe" doesn't refer to one person. As part of a John Doe investigation, witnesses may be granted immunity from prosecution if they agree to testify under oath. Why does the scandal matter? What has happened so far? Here's the blow-by-blow in the John Doe probe so far: The probe widened later that May. What comes next?
Técnicas sencillas para combatir el miedo y la ansiedad Todos sentimos miedo o ansiedad en algún momento, sin que necesariamente se trate de un trastorno psicológico, pero aún así son sentimientos desagradables que nos pueden jugar una mala pasada, como impedirnos rendir bien en un examen o entrevista de trabajo, o tener problemas al relacionarnos con otra persona. Estas son algunas técnicas sencillas y fáciles de utilizar en cualquier momento en que sientas miedo, ansiedad o cualquier otra emoción desagradable. 1. Conviértete en el observador . Consiste en observar desde fuera tu miedo o ansiedad, como si fueras un observador externo. Observa el efecto que produce en ti, tu corazón latiendo, tus palmas sudorosas, tus pensamientos surgiendo en tu mente, y todo lo que haya en ese momento en tu mente o en tu cuerpo, pero siempre situándote desde fuera, como si observaras la lluvia desde tu ventana. 2. 3. 4. 5. También te puede interesar:
28 Essential Facebook Timeline Resources Facebook announced on its blog Tuesday that all users will have Timeline within the next few weeks, bringing a close to the gradual rollout process that began September 2011. Timeline changes the old Facebook profile from a list of your recent updates to a summary of your life since birth. Among its new features is a cover photo at the top of your profile and a timeline to which you can add life events not previously captured by Facebook. The new profile is thought to be one of Facebook's most extreme redesigns so far, redefining what a social networking profile can do. Whether you've already switched to the new feature or you're baffled by the new look, read on for Mashable's roundup of Timeline resources to help you with the transition.