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TheThriftShopper.Com National Thrift Store Directory Listing Charity Resale, Second Hand, and Consignment Shops

TheThriftShopper.Com National Thrift Store Directory Listing Charity Resale, Second Hand, and Consignment Shops

Free Shipping Codes & Coupons to 4,000+ Stores!™ Living Wage Calculator Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips For Frugal Living Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. Confession time: I’m a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate. I am fairly frugal (though not always), but sometimes I take it too far: I have T-shirts with holes in them, I never buy new clothes, we’re shopping for a new couch because our current one has holes in it, and I ran my current pair of running shoes until the soles fell off. However, I have gradually learned to be frugal in many ways that I would recommend to others. Why live frugally? All of which you might believe, but I believe I do have a life. So, if you’d like some tips on frugal living, here are just a few, from a cheapskate. Go with one car. —Read more about simple productivity, focus and getting great things done in my book, The Power of Less.

Frugal Tips - Saving Money Tips “When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history, it becomes more beautiful.” -Barbara Bloom You know what one of my favorite things in my house is? It’s a bunch of candleholders that I made from small jelly jars. They’re the best candleholders I’ve ever had. My jelly-jars-turned-candleholders have history, and good memories. Here in America, we have a serious “throw it away and buy something new” problem. But by doing this I think we’re robbing ourselves of the lessons the Japanese have learned a long time ago. The lesson is that the items we use everyday become dear by our use and familiarity with them. I have to tell you that when my copy of Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things: 2,317 Ways to Save Money and Time finally came in, I was enraptured from the first page. Fabulous. So, what are some of my favorite tips from this book? Let’s go: Last Word… Simple.
