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Ranger Ralph Graphic Novel by Steven Oerding If this donation amount fits your budget, we will feature your head (from a provided photo) in the Ranger Ralph graphic novel, either in a picture frame somewhere in the color comic portion, or as a driver in the panel featuring a freeway scene. There you will stay for all of eternity. Receive 6 copies the Ranger Ralph graphic novel hand signed by the artist to share with your friends, the Elda Lady- 5" x 7" collector card, a Ranger Ralph T-shirt, a set of Ranger Ralph playing cards that appear in the comic.

Crowdfunding cresceu 81% em 2012 Enquanto bancos criam regras de financiamento mais rígidas, sites de financiamento coletivo movimentaram US$ 2,7 bi Por Redação Link LONDRES – Sites de financiamento coletivo de projetos ajudaram companhias e indivíduos a levantarem 2,7 bilhões de dólares em 2012, um aumento de 81% em relação ao ano anterior, segundo dados divulgados nesta segunda-feira, 8. —- • Siga o ‘Link’ no Twitter, no Facebook, no Google+ no Tumblr e também no Instagram Conforme bancos passaram a conter empréstimos por causa de regras de capital mais rígidas e maior incidência de fiscalização de autoridades, o sistema de “crowdfunding”, originado nos Estados Unidos como maneira para se levantar recursos para levar adiante projetos criativos, se expandiu rapidamente como uma fonte de financiamento. O interesse sobre crowdfunding cresceu depois que o presidente norte-americano, Barack Obama, assinou legislação conhecida como “JOBS” no ano passado para legalizar o sistema. Leia mais: • A força do coletivo

Fund Your Impact Dreams Through Crowdfunding - VolunteenNation Details 07 July 2013 by Kushaan Shah Fundraising is one of the best ways to make a difference on a large scale. How exactly does Crowdfunding work? The most effective Crowdfunding campaigns not only require careful planning for goals and rewards, but also have more holistic qualities that make them huge hits in the community. Shareable - Concise enough to have backers understand your goals Tangible - Realistic enough to make backers believe in your goals Personal - Establish an emotional connection with your backers Rewarding - Offer fun and eclectic rewards to incentivize backers The best crowd funders are the ones who take an active approach, connecting early with friends and fellow students, and also maintaining persistence through the length of their campaign. As a teenager, Jared embraced the benefits of Crowdfunding and encourages other teenagers not to be intimidated. StartSomeGood echoed this message. The benefits of Crowdfunding are multi-faceted. How do you get started?

Online Fundraising: What Everybody Ought to Know | GiveForward We live in the future, guys. By now many have forgotten (or have never known) what life was like before the Internet. So we can sometimes take for granted how much things have improved since its conception. A little over a decade ago, fundraising still depended on how many people you could get to buy your stuff at your yard sale. And even though this technique has already created a new standard for fundraising, the greatest part is we’re just getting started. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 1. One thing many people don’t realize is how much of their donation money never actually makes it to their cause in traditional nonprofit fundraising. Luckily, online fundraising websites have shrunk this percentage, charging a much smaller service fee (GiveForward takes an average of 0.5% of donations from each fundraiser). What’s even cooler is that these fees are used to keep innovating and improving the fundraising experience. 2. 3. 4. Say goodbye to boring fundraisers. 5.

True To Its Roots: Why Kickstarter Won't Sell Bing bing bing. "Attention! Excuse me! It's well past midnight in Park City, Utah, at the Sundance Film Festival, when Karim Amer hoists himself onto the bar, stands up straight, puffs his chest, and starts tapping his glass. "We just had our premiere," Amer begins in a booming voice. Kickstarter, the New York crowdfunding website, is hosting this party. "I just wanted to make sure you saw that," the company's cofounder Yancey Strickler tells me after Amer steps down from the bar. Kickstarter has only been around since 2009, but the concept behind the site is centuries old, dating at least to the days of the House of Medici. But this excitement hasn't all sat well with Kickstarter, which lately has been getting attention for banning dozens of project categories. Perry Chen, the company's mercurial cofounder and CEO, took an especially aggressive stand against gadget makers--erecting rules that have made it more difficult to launch a new product on Kickstarter.

UNIVERSAL EM CROWDFUNDING PARA PRODUÇÃO DE DISCOS DE VINIL A divisão de vinil da Universal Music, a Uvinyl, anuncia que está trabalhando com crowdfunding (sistema de viabilização atraves do patrocínio público) como alternativa para a produção daqueles discos raros que já deixaram de ser impressos no formato físico. Chamado de Vinyl Project, a campanha pretende relançar esses discos se existir número suficiente de compradores "encomendando" (pre-order) cópias. 'ABC' dos The Jackson 5, MTV Unplugged in New York do Nirvana e 'Biophilia' da Bjork são alguns dos discos já beirando um relançamento. No início do ano, uma gravadora independente de Londres, a Ninjatune, lançou um projeto parecido para albuns e singles fora de linha de produção como o 'Keep It Unreal' de Mr Scruff e 'Florida' do Diplo. Qualquer um pode participar do The Vinyl Project. É só clicar aqui. [Via: Pitchfork]

Kickstarter Is About To Crowdfund Its $1 Billionth Dollar How much money would you guess the Internet has collectively thrown at Kickstarter? Don’t bother whipping out the ol’ graphing calculator — Kickstarter actually shares that number regularly. Sometime quite soon, Kickstarter will surpass $1 billion dollars pledged. This comes from Kickstarter’s own statistics page, where the company regularly provides a breakdown of where the money is going on the site. As of this morning, Kickstarter has seen $999,209,752 dollars pledged to projects — or roughly $791K shy of the big B. They’ll likely pass the billion mark some time in the next few days. One thing worth noting: this is dollars pledged across “Successfully Funded” projects, projects in progress, and those that didn’t meet their final goal. Other interesting stats that can be gleaned from the page: 135,270 campaigns have launched on KickstarterOf those, 57,052 (43%) reached their funding goal. (For the curious: Kickstarter takes a 5% cut of successful campaigns.

Personal & Charity Online Fundraising Websites that WORK! Create Your Site An easy way to tell your story and attract support. Share with Friends Built-in online fundraising tools make it easy to invite others. Collect Online Donations You instantly receive each donation in real-time. Track Results Track visits & review donor info from your donation dashboard. Online Printing Services | Digital Printing Companies | notícias - projeto britânico de crowdfunding quer levar obras de arte para a rua Projeto britânico de crowdfunding quer levar obras de arte para a rua Equipe SP-Arte 26.06.13 – 0h54 Um projeto de crowdfunding quer transformar todas as ruas do Reino Unido em uma enorme galeria de arte a céu aberto. A iniciativa chamada Art Everywhere – ou arte em toda a parte, em tradução literal – permite que os simpáticos à causa indiquem obras de até 50 artistas britânicos para serem expostas em todo o país. Quem comanda o projeto é Richard Reed, cofundador da rede Innocent Drinks, especializada em smoothies. Até o momento, o projeto já arrecadou 86.265 libras. A doação mínima é de 3 libras. Se uma iniciativa similar fosse desenvolvida no Brasil, quais obras e artistas vocês gostariam de ver pelas ruas do país?
