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Teoría - Music Theory Web

Teoría - Music Theory Web

Musical Mind: Single Note Solfege Drill Error: Java version 1.5 or higher is required for the exercises on this site. Click here to download the latest version of Java. You will hear a tonicization followed by a note. Identify the note you hear. Learn How to Read Music at the One Minute Music Lesson with Leon Harrell Hi One Minute Music Lesson Fans, Here is a list of 10 of the best sites online for free music theory lessons and materials. My two personal favorites are, a site for teaching music theory from the most basic concepts by using short video lessons and which has interactive flash-based music theory tools. Most of the sites in the list contain information about music theory and worksheets or interactive tools for learning concepts of music theory. Also, before you go, if you are looking for more detailed music theory courses and information than these sites provide, check out my post on the Top 10 Music Theory Books.

Free Piano Music! Selon Monique Palomares qui écrit sur, En cherchant des renseignements sur qui étaient ces "compagnons de la marjolaine", j'ai trouvé que la marjolaine était utilisée dans les chansons comme la rose ou le muguet, comme prélude à l'amour, ainsi que le fait que les jeunes gens qui partaient faire la fête mettaient des brins de marjolaine qui dépassaient de leurs bottes, formant ainsi une mouvante "Compagnie de la Marjolaine", les deux versions disant qu'ils étaient des séducteurs. J'ai aussi trouvé dans "Trésors des plus belles mélodies de tous les temps et de tous les pays", Delfolie, Editions Edsco, Chambéry, 1947" qu'au 15ème siècle, les gens ne disaient pas "donner la sérénade" à quelqu'un mais "réveiller les pots de la marjolaine" et que la Confrérie de la Marjolaine était la confrérie des parfumeurs, très puissante parce que la cour et la ville faisait un usage intense des parfums. La chanson remonte aux alentours de 1650.

Musical Notation - The Method Behind the Music All music must be written before it can be read, understood, and played by musicians. To do this, a system of notation has been developed that gives musicians the information they need to play music as the composer intended it. Here is a list of topics discussed on this page: The Staff

Gregorian Chant Notation This is a description of the traditional Gregorian Chant notation, so that anyone will be able to read the notation and sing it. Chant is written in neumes, which are notes sung on a single syllable. Gregorian Chant has no meter at all, though it does have a rhythm of groups of 2 or 3 notes. Vertical lines separate musical phrases and may sometimes allow a pause for taking a breath, like Chant is not in a major key or a minor key, but in modes (though there are some modes which can sound like a modern scale). Chant is written on a 4-line staff, instead of 5 lines as music is written on now. Early Music Notation Tidbits For thousands of year people sang and played instruments, but they had no way to write down the music. How did they learn new tunes or songs? Someone taught it by "word of mouth". That means that one person sang/played the piece and the other person listened and memorized it from hearing it.

Circle of fifths Circle of fifths showing major and minor keys Nikolay Diletsky's circle of fifths in Idea grammatiki musikiyskoy (Moscow, 1679) In music theory, the circle of fifths (or circle of fourths) is a visual representation of the relationships among the 12 tones of the chromatic scale, their corresponding key signatures, and the associated major and minor keys.

Harmonic Functions - Augmented Sixths We will start by transforming the iv degree chord of the A minor key into an augmented sixth chord. Below is the i - iv - V - i progression in A minor: now, we set the iv degree chord in first inversion: by raising the root of the iv degree chord a half-step (D# in this case) we get an augmented sixth chord: teach and learn music theory from anywhere The Tonal Centre - Tonality Home - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives
