Juicer - a CSS and JavaScript packaging tool / Ruby - cjohansen.no For best performance, CSS and JavaScript should be served up using as few requests and bytes as possible. Juicer is a new command line tool that helps by resolving dependencies, merging and minifying files. It can even check your syntax, add cache busters to and cycle asset hosts on URLs in CSS files and more. Belorussian translation. Background For web applications there's a screaming gap between development best practices, and deployment best practices. Developers generally prefer to work with some kind of source code organisation other than "one CSS file, one JavaScript file". $ juicer merge stylesheets/main.css Produced stylesheets/main.min.css from stylesheets/framework/reset.css stylesheets/framework/grid.css stylesheets/skins/midnight.css stylesheets/main.css $ juicer merge javascripts/app.js Produced javascripts/app.min.js from javascripts/prototype.js javascripts/lightbox.js javascripts/app.js Installation In order to use Juicer, you need Ruby and RubyGems. Update CSS files URLs
An Optimized SVG Workflow potomak/jquery-instagram @ GitHub Instagram jQuery plugin A simple jQuery plugin to show a list of Instagram photos. Instagram photos tagged with #hipster. Instagram photos at location 514276. Instagram photos at position (48.858844, 2.294351). License See LICENSE. Authors Giovanni Cappellotto (@johnnyaboh) Download You can download this project in either zip or tar formats. You can also clone the project with Git by running: $ git clone Responsive Web Design Patterns | This Is Responsive Responsive Patterns A collection of patterns and modules for responsive designs. Submit a pattern Layout Reflowing Layouts Equal Width Off Canvas Source-Order Shift Lists Grid Block Navigation Single-Level Multi-level Breadcrumbs Pagination Images Responsive Image Techniques Media/Data Video Fluid Video Iframes Tables Charts & Graphs Responsive Chart Forms Basic Forms Text Lettering Fittext Footnotes Responsive Footnotes Modules Carousel Tabs Accordion Messaging Lightbox
Sauvegarder automatiquement ses sites web distants chez soi - Génération Linux Je m'occupe et administre plusieurs sites hébergés ailleurs que chez moi, sur un serveur d'hébergement mutualisé. Autrement dit, je n'ai qu'un accès FTP au répertoire www. Aucune sauvegarde n'est donc faite sur ces machines. de temps en temps, quand j'y pense, je fais un backup "manuel" en me connectant en FTP et en rapatriant les données chez moi, puis je vais sur l'interface phpmyadmin et fait un export de la base. Une solution pas terrible, vous en conviendrez. Depuis que j'ai mon serveur perso chez moi, je me suis dit qu'il serait intéressant d'automatiser cette sauvegarde. Voici les scripts que j'ai utilisé, ma procédure, mon automatisation, bref, un petit tuto pour sauvegarder automatiquement ses sites web hébergés loin de chez soi. I. Je m'occupe actuellement de 3 "gros" sites 'propulsés par Joomla' hébergés chez un hébergeur qui me propose un accès FTP sur le répertoire www ainsi qu'une base de données que j'administre via phpmyadmin. II. <? #! #! III. IV.
Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development Использование SVG | Frontender Magazine SVG - формат векторной графики. Буквально его название значит «масштабируемая векторная графика» (Scalable Vector Graphics). Попросту говоря, это то, с чем вы работаете в Adobe Illustrator. SVG можно легко использовать в вебе, но сперва нужно во многом разобраться. Зачем вообще нужен SVG? Небольшие размеры файлов, отличное сжатие;Масштабирование до любого размера, без потери качества (разве что, при совсем маленьких размерах);Хорошо выглядит на ретине;Широкие возможности, которые предоставляют фильтры и интерактивность. Создадим изображение SVG, с которым будем работать дальше Создайте произвольный рисунок в Adobe Illustrator. Обратите внимание, что изображение кадрируется чётко по краям изображения. Adobe Illustrator умеет сохранять в SVG. При сохранении появится ещё одно диалоговое окно с настройками. Здесь стоит отметить, что у вас есть возможность нажать OK и сохранить файл или же нажать кнопку “SVG Code...”, которая откроет окно TextEdit (по крайней мере на Mac) с SVG-кодом. if (! 1.
Hide your header on scroll - Headroom.js Downloads Note: the sizes shown are after gzipping. What's it all about? Headroom.js is a lightweight, high-performance JS widget (with no dependencies!) that allows you to react to the user's scroll. The header on this site is a living example, it slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up. Why use it? Fixed headers are a popular approach for keeping the primary navigation in close proximity to the user. Large screens are usually landscape-oriented, meaning less vertical than horizontal space. Headroom.js allows you to bring elements into view when appropriate, and give focus to your content the rest of the time. How does it work? At it's most basic headroom.js simply adds and removes CSS classes from an element in response to a scroll event: Relying on CSS classes affords headroom.js incredible flexibility. Usage Using headroom.js is really simple. With plain JS Include the headroom.js script in your page, and then: With jQuery/Zepto $("#header").headroom();
WebPlatform.org — Your Web, documented iandunn/WordPress-Plugin-Skeleton Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps Compass URL Helpers These url helpers isolate your stylesheets from environmental differences. They allow you to write the same stylesheets and use them locally without a web server, and then change them to be using asset hosts in production. They might also insulate you against some code reorganization changes. stylesheet-url($path, $only-path) Generates a path to an asset found relative to the project's css directory. font-url($path, $only-path) Generates a path to an asset found relative to the project's font directory. image-url($path, $only-path, $cache-buster) Generates a path to an asset found relative to the project's images directory. Passing a true value as the second argument will cause only the path to be returned instead of a url() function The third argument is used to control the cache buster on a per-use basis. generated-image-url($path, $cache-buster: false) Generates a path to an image generated during compilation using the generated_image related configuration properties.
Zepto.js: the aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library The default build includes the following modules: Core, Ajax, Event, Form, IE. Zepto v1.0 used to bundle Effects, iOS3, and Detect modules in the default build. See below for optional modules. Zepto will only set the $ global to itself if it is not yet defined. There is no Zepto.noConflict method. If you need to support older browers, like Internet Explorer 9 and lower, you can fall back to jQuery 1.x. Note that some optional features of Zepto specifically target mobile browsers; as the original project goal was to specifically provide a leaner alternative to jQuery for the mobile web. Zepto is a good choice for browser extensions (for Safari, Chrome and Firefox) and to develop HTML-based views within native app frameworks, such as PhoneGap. In short, Zepto is expected to work in every modern browser and browser-like environment. zepto.js and zepto.min.js provided above can be used as-is. Core methods When an HTML string is given, use it to create DOM nodes. $.camelCase v1.0+ $.contains v1.0+