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10 Infographics for Learning - Getting Smart by Sarah Cargill - "Are Flashcards an Effective Learning Tool?", "Are We Wired for Mobile Learning?", "Blended Learning: A Disruptive Innovation", "Education 2.0: Social Networking & Education", "How the Intern

10 Infographics for Learning - Getting Smart by Sarah Cargill - "Are Flashcards an Effective Learning Tool?", "Are We Wired for Mobile Learning?", "Blended Learning: A Disruptive Innovation", "Education 2.0: Social Networking & Education", "How the Intern
We all love infographics. Why? Well, they help us grasp information in a quick and fun way that appeals to our visual senses. In fact, there’s an infographic here explaining that. 1. Knewton published an infographic on “Blended Learning: A Disruptive Innovation” that explores K-12 blended learning models by Innosight Institute and Charter School Growth Fund. 2. Voxy Blog published an infographic titled “Are We Wired for Mobile Learning?” Photo Courtesy of Voxy Blog 3. Rick Man posted an infographic, “Why infographics accelerate decision making,” that identifies the ways we traditionally present information versus the visual way we can present information through infographics. Photo Courtesy of Rick Mans 4. Matthew Bloch and Bill Marsh published an interactive map, “Mapping the Nation’s Well-Being,” on the New York Times this March. Photo Courtesy of the NY Times 5. Photo Courtesy of Rasmussen College 6. Photo Courtesy of Mashable 7. Photo Courtesy of Learning Solutions Magazine 8. 9. 10.

Movimento Educação Livre | MEL Lá estaremos, a norte, com a Catarina Santos “Passo a passo para uma educação mais livre” é este o tema que levará a Raquel Marques a partilhar a sua grande aventura em ensino doméstico, no 3º encontro Educar para o Futuro. “Apoios à distância de um click: Escola Internacional Clonlara”, com Juan Carlos Vila Alonso texto de Marta Pires e Cátia Maciel A Clonlara é uma escola de ensino à distância, que tem uma pedagogia alternativa, na linha das escolas democráticas. 26 Outubro 2013. “Se calhar vamos lá para fora.” Começou assim. Continuar a ler Dia 12 de Outubro a Cláudia de Sousa estará no TedX Lisboa, para falar da sua experiência em Ensino Doméstico! Mais informações em

Think You're An Auditory Or Visual Learner? Scientists Say It's Unlikely : Shots - Health Blog We've all heard the theory that some students are visual learners, while others are auditory learners. And still other kids learn best when lessons involve movement. But should teachers target instruction based on perceptions of students' strengths? Several psychologists say education could use some "evidence-based" teaching techniques, not unlike the way doctors try to use "evidence-based medicine." Psychologist Dan Willingham at the University of Virginia, who studies how our brains learn, says teachers should not tailor instruction to different kinds of learners. For example, if a teacher believes a student to be a visual learner, he or she might introduce the concept of addition using pictures or groups of objects, assuming that child will learn better with the pictures than by simply "listening" to a lesson about addition. In fact, an entire industry has sprouted based on learning styles.

@gutafranco : unscripted learning: Archive Harvard Education Letter Students in Hayley Dupuy’s sixth-grade science class at the Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School in Palo Alto, Calif., are beginning a unit on plate tectonics. In small groups, they are producing their own questions, quickly, one after another: What are plate tectonics? How fast do plates move? Why do plates move? Far from Palo Alto, in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Mass., Sharif Muhammad’s students at the Boston Day and Evening Academy (BDEA) have a strikingly similar experience. These two students—one in Palo Alto, the other in Roxbury—are discovering something that may seem obvious: When students know how to ask their own questions, they take greater ownership of their learning, deepen comprehension, and make new connections and discoveries on their own. The origins of the QFT can be traced back 20 years to a dropout prevention program for the city of Lawrence, Mass., that was funded by the Annie E. The QFT has six key steps: Step 1: Teachers Design a Question Focus.

Publicações « Observa mundos A experiência de viver o mentoring , com excelentes e competentes profissionais, entre eles Guta de Franco e Claudia Amaral, me levaram a importantes descobertas a respeito de mim mesma. Uma delas será o tema deste artigo. Não há uma expectativa pessoal de desenvolver um material de estudo exaustivo ou mesmo técnico do assunto neste artigo. Minha pretensão é através da descrição da minha experiência pessoal, em conhecer melhor o meu processo de aprendizagem, enaltecer os benefícios que este autoconhecimento pode nos trazer. Os seguintes questionamentos me incentivaram a pensar e descobrir mais sobre mim: Eu reflito sobre como eu aprendo? É fato que estas perguntas foram aplicadas a realidade vivida no momento em que foram feitas. Que situação, momento, lugar ou coisas chamam a sua atenção? Eu e meu irmão mais velho, sempre tivemos uma relação de cumplicidade e transparência absurda, e dificílima de ser definida. Quem me conhece sabe que eu falo muito. Imenso Abraço Lucia Virginia Bastos

Do you think, “The Classroom Is Obsolete: It’s Time for Something New”? As I read the following article by Prakash Nair from Education Week, it began to make me wonder just where are we in education. Are we limiting our students’ growth and learning experience? Will technology change the obsolete classroom? Is there a need for those four walls? Can public education handle a transformation such as the one described in the article? What are your thoughts? Published Online: July 29, 2011By Prakash Nair The overwhelming majority of the nearly 76 million students in America’s schools and colleges spend most of the academic day in classrooms. The debate over education reform has been going on for longer than anyone can remember. Lost in all this hand-wringing is the most visible symbol of a failed system: the classroom. The classroom is a relic, left over from the Industrial Revolution, which required a large workforce with very basic skills. The classroom is a relic, left over from the Industrial Revolution, which required a large workforce with very basic skills.

A Terra como tabuleiro Ao longo de 2012, vários chamados serão feitos por um jogo que vai unir um terço da humanidade para mudar o mundo para melhor – e será divertido Por Thaís Herrero “Abrace a primeira pessoa que você encontrar” é a mensagem que aparece no celular de um universitário quando ele sai da aula. Como o remetente é um colega que adora distribuir abraços por aí, ele aceita a proposta. No dia seguinte, pelo Facebook, outro amigo o convida para uma manifestação em defesa da Amazônia. Uma semana depois, a convocação é para limpar uma praça. Ele descobriu, então, que tudo era parte de um jogo mundial, que começava no contato virtual e ganhava a vida real. Essa história ainda não aconteceu, mas é o objetivo do tal jogo, que está realmente em construção. O Play The Call não terá vencedores nem partida final, mas a meta é clara: em quatro anos, unir 2 bilhões de pessoas para construir um novo mundo, seguindo os princípios da Carta da Terra [1] . Comentários

The Procrastinating Caveman: What Human Evolution Teaches Us About Why We Put Off Work and How to Stop July 10th, 2011 · 63 comments Survivor: Paleolithic Edition Rewind time 100,000 years ago: several different species of humans co-exist on earth.There was, of course, our own species, Homo sapien, but we were joined by our more athletic siblings from the Tree of Life, Homo erectus, who had left Africa and colonized Asia long before we ventured beyond the mother continent, all the while another sibling, the stocky Neanderthal, was hunkered down in a European ice age. Advance another 90,000 years, however, and our species is the only game left in town. Scientists have worked hard to figure out why we survived while other early humans did not. The Planning Edge “The most obvious answer [to the question of Homo sapiens’ survival] is that we had bigger brains,” explains paleoanthropologist John Shea, in a recent article from BBC News. Complex planning is a subtle skill: it requires you to both conceive of future steps and evaluate whether these steps are a good idea. Let me flesh this out.

Mapa de las competencias digitales Rodríguez-López, Joaquín Mapa de las competencias digitales., 2011 . In IV Jornada Profesional de la Red de Bibliotecas del Instituto Cervantes: «Bibliotecas para el lector digital: relación, espacio y tecnología», Madrid, 15/12/2011. (Unpublished) [Conference paper] English abstract The paper analyzes the new role of librarians in the new digital ecosystem. Spanish abstract Se analiza la nueva función y el nuevo rol de los bibliotecarios en el nuevo ecosistema digital. 50 really useful iPad 2 tips and tricks An absolute gem of an article by John Brandon and Graham Barlow from MacLife on 30th March over at TechRadar. This is going to become my iPad manual from here on in. Customised iPads for all iPad 2 tips and original iPad tips - get 'em here! iPad 2 review It's also fully capable of running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system and great apps like iMovie and GarageBand. 1. iOS now supports folders. 2. Double-clicking the Home button shows you all the apps that are running on your iPad in a bar along the bottom of the screen. 3. The internet got mightily upset when Orientation Lock was replaced with Mute on the iPad during the last iOS update. 4. If you're carrying around sensitive data, you can now enable a feature that'll erase all the data on the device if someone inputs the incorrect passcode 10 times. 5. First, turn on Home Sharing in iTunes (Advanced menu) and on your iPad (Settings > iPod and enter your Apple ID). 6. Have you ever played Tap Tap Revenge on the iPhone?
