Interactive Learning Sites for Education - Home 5 Minute English - ESL Lessons - Helping you learn English Grid Paper PDFs Downloadable and very printable, I find these PDFs extremely useful. Graph Paper Quick Picks Now set to: 8 1/2 x 11 Paper. Ruled in Inches. Now set to: A4 Paper, Ruled in Millimeters. Custom Graph Papers Need more specific stuff? Tip number one! Though I do return the correct header for a PDF, sometimes Explorer gets confused when downloading... Tip number two! Some people may need to turn off the option in Adobe's Acrobat reader "shrink to fit" which may resize the grid slightly to fit your printer's printable area. Tip number three! If you want the hexes aligned with the other edge of the paper, just make your paper size "11 x 8.5" and print the result in landscape mode! Translations Belorussian (provided by Ucallweconn weblog) Other
Ideas for songs to teach English grammar - TeflTunes.com ESL and EFL teachers looking for inspiration for lesson planning will find this list of songs to teach English grammar we’ve compiled a useful resource. Highlighted are songs available as complete ESL song lesson plans here on tefltunes.com. Songs for teaching present simple Eric Clapton / Wonderful Tonight (lyrics) The Beatles / She Loves You (lyrics) Bette Middler / From A Distance (lyrics) Songs for teaching present continuous Rod Stewart / Sailing (lyrics) Fool’s Garden / Lemon Tree (lyrics) Suzanne Vega / Tom’s Diner (lyrics) Songs for teaching past simple The Beatles / Yellow Submarine (lyrics) Gloria Gaynor / I Will Survive (lyrics) Celine Dion / Because You Loved Me (lyrics) Songs for teaching past continuous John Lennon / Jealous Guy (lyrics) Oasis / Champagne Supernova (lyrics) Aerosmith / Cryin’ (lyrics) Songs for teaching present perfect Songs for teaching present perfect continuous Songs for teaching past perfect Songs for teaching used to Songs for teaching going to future
Voices — British Council Eugenia Sanchez's Blog | Just another WordPress.com site ENGLISH FLASH, POWER POINTS & FLASCARDS - ICT TOOLS FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS A continuación tenemos varios enlaces para descargar "Flashcards" y presentaciones en "Powerpoint". 1. Entramos en el buscador "Google" y pulsamos en la opción búsquda avanzada. 2. Escribimos el tema que queremos buscar, en este ejemplo "SCHOOL", desplegamos la opción Sockwave flash (.swf) y pulsamos la búsqueda, todas las páginas que encuentre el buscador estarán en este formato. ¿Cómo podemos descargar y almacenar actividades en formato flash? Aquí tenéis un manual para poder descargarlos. Powerpoint (PPT) 2.
8 English Learning Websites You Need to Become Proficient in English Browsing Google is not enough to find the best English learning websites on the net. Google usually brings you the same websites you’ve already seen hundreds of times before, and you just can’t get to those quality English learning websites you need. So let me share with you, some of the best websites to learn English online that may be hard to find yourself. 1. Yes, I know it’s our site and you are reading this post on our blog, but that is why it’s number 1. On MyEnglishTeacher.eu you can practise with a qualified native English teacher, or by subscribing to get the most useful English learning tips via email for FREE. Recommended for you:Our Forum (ask questions related English language from native teachers)LIVE Video and Voice Chat Room for English Learners 2. One of the most enjoyable English learning websites on the net. You may ask, why should I learn English phrases?! Recommended for you:Essential Academic Writing Examples and Phrases! 3. What topics should you expect? 4. 5. 6. 7.
The EFL SMARTblog: Could you live without it? Reading - Living without electricityWriting - Argument essay / advantages and disadvantages of mobile phonesYou are going to read a text about a man who lives without electricitydiscuss what electrical items you could live withoutwatch a clip about mobile phones and answer some questionswrite an argument essay about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones Note; this post can be viewed as powerpoint presentation. Skip to the bottom of the post 1) Introduction What are the essential things in your life? 2) Reading You are going to read an article about someone who has lived for 29 years without electricity. John faces his 29th Christmas without electricity. John lives in an idyllic setting, with his home nestled under the cliffs looking out to sea, but his living conditions are far from perfect: "During the summer, brilliant. "The cooking isn't a problem, because I've got a gas cooker and that satisfies that end, but lighting is one candle and one tealight. 3) Discuss 4) Answers
Proyecto Malted - Multimedia Authoring for Language Tutors and Educational Development MALTED es una herramienta informática de autor para la creación y ejecución de unidades didácticas multimedia e interactivas para ser utilizadas por el alumnado como prácticas de aprendizaje en aulas dotadas tecnológicamente. Esta herramienta ha sido desarrollada en particular para la enseñanza de idiomas, si bien su uso se puede extender a otras materias del currículo escolar. El sistema MALTED está integrado por dos entornos de trabajo, llamados respectivamente Editor MALTED (DVE) y Navegador MALTED (RTS). Las unidades interactivas de este sitio requieren la máquina virtual de Java y el plugin de Malted Web 2.0,.