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DIY & Crafts - Save money and have fun doing things yourself.
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Décoration Archives - Page 13 sur 25 Il vous manque les centres, ils ne sont plus bons, vous avez brisé les pots? Peu importe la raison, s’ils ne vous sont plus utiles, ne les jetez pas, faites-en une décoration d’automne que vous pourrez ressortir chaque année. VOUS AUREZ BESOIN: -De 20 couvercles de pots Mason -De WOW!!!! Uen décoration d’Halloween qui aura tout un impacte dans votre maison! Vous aimez le parfum de la cannelle? Vous rêvez d’une salle de bain rustique à la maison, ou au chalet? J’ADORE L’IDÉE! Vous avez en tête de rénover bientôt? Un beau mélanges d’idées faites par des designers et d’idées faites par des gens comme vous et moi! The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading ac...

49 Brilliant Garage Organization Tips, Ideas and DIY Projects Great Shove Rack for Organizing Garden Tools Garage organization starts with getting large tools out of the way. You can build a great rack for rakes, shovels and other gardening tools and you only need a few pieces of wood and some nails. Just cut slots for the tools to stand in and you can get them off the floor and make them a bit more organized. Via: Familyhandyman – Garage Storage Project: Shovel Rack Floor Tile as a Wall Covering You can really clean up your garage space by simply adding something to the walls. Garage Organization for Real Families You can find tracks with hooks on them at your local hardware store and these are great for organizing the garage. Pretty Up Garage Space by Painting Steps Your garage doesn’t necessarily have to look like a garage. Easy Storage and Organization Solutions A few strategically placed metal shelves and some plastic totes will really help you to get that garage organized. Add a Tool Tower Rack Utilize Wall Space for Storage Hang Everything

Glass Pendant Necklaces Tutorial Easy. Cheap. Adorable. How can you pass up something like this? I found places online where they sold the tutorials on how to make these glass pendant necklaces. Here’s mine for free. Supplies: paperexacto kniferulercutting boardglass tiles* (rectangular, circular, or square shapes available)bails* (I used aanraku small size)clear glue (I used Diamond Glaze. *glass pendants and bails can be found pretty much anywhere online… Amazon, Etsy supplies, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Featuring Thea, my model… Mosquitoes and Cockroaches Fall Dead Immediately with This Homemade Recipe !!! | Spasique A lot of people love winter because in winter they are protected from mosquitoes and cockroaches.When the temperature below zero they disappear. In the summer many people spend a lot of money for products in the markets for this problem with cockroaches.These insects are especially dangerous if they are near your food and can cause a variety of infections and diseases. Have in the house this insects is real hell.But some products are not effective in destroying the mosquitoes and cockroaches. We recommend you one homemade recipe for this problem that you will not spend a lot of money. For this homemade recipe you need these ingredients : ½ a cup of vegetable oil½ a cup of shampoo½ a cup of vinegar How to prepare : Take a spray bottle and put these ingredients, mix them well, after this spray all over your house and your garden.Repeat this every day and you will notice effects very soon.The mosquitoes and cockroaches will disappear and your house will be protected from insects.

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Faire des bougies parfumées avec des pelures de fruit L’utilisation des bougies parfumées a une très longue histoire. En effet, c’est quelque chose de traditionnel qui perdure encore de nos jours. Elles décorent nos foyers et nos lieux de vie intimes, et elles nous aident à nous détendre. Mais leur utilisation ne s’arrête pas là ! Et oui, la bougie arrive jusqu’à la médecine naturelle ! En effet, ses bienfaits pour la santé et ses huiles essentielles sont vraiment appréciés. Les origines des bougies remontent au début du XIVème siècle. Les bougies et l’aromathérapie L’utilisation des odeurs comme médiateurs du sommeil ! Ces parfums sont mélangés à de la cire, et la douce fumée que nous aspirons par le nez peut nous apporter plusieurs types de sentiments. Thym : Idéal pour la fatigue mentale.Cèdre : Cette huile inspire courage et optimisme. Comment préparer des bougies parfumées avec des pelures de fruit ? De quoi avons-nous besoin ? Préparation On commence par faire fondre la paraffine dans une casserole au bain-marie. 1. 3. 4. 5. | 15 Great Storage Ideas For The Kitchen Anyone Can Do - 15 Great Storage Ideas For The Kitchen Anyone Can Do 1 - Diy & Crafts Ideas Magazine 1K+Save 15 Great Storage Ideas For The Kitchen Anyone Can Do 1 15 Great Storage Ideas For The Kitchen Anyone Can Do Kitchens are the rooms of houses which housewifes waste their life. As you know we use many different kinds of stuff in kitchens and one of the main problem about these articles is ” how to storage best”. If you don’t have an usefull and regular kitchen we have great solutions for you. “15 great storage ideas for the kitchen Anyone can do” we provide you great ideas for Any kind of kitchen. 1)We are sure you can find great ones for your kitchen 2) guide rack will be great to store kitchen wrap 3) to organise tupperware lids you can use wire cd racks 4) cutting board can be usefull for all these container lids 5) extra storage can be added in the kitchen like turning an ex armoire into shelving space 6) smart solution : turn your wire organiser than you can stack pans. 7) yes! 8) to hang your jars. 9) you would love that 11) for more space 12) to storage your cutting boards.

Easter Videos | How-Tos and Step-by-Step This Easter craft from TV crafter Jim "Figgy" Noonan doubles as a science project, offering an opportunity to show kids the crystallization process at work. To make a fluorescent variation for Halloween, substitute the water and egg dye solution with Glow Water. Tools and Materials Blown-out eggshell (Get the How-To) Alum powder White glue Small paintbrush Plastic or glass container Egg dye Hot water Craft stick or spoon Latex gloves Drying rack or newspaper Crystal Egg Geode How-To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Additional Tips Geodes can be grown without using egg dye. While large chicken eggshells are suggested in this process, larger eggshells can be used. Resources If you don't want to blow your own egg or would like to try a larger eggshell, pre-blown shells are available from The Eggery Place. Ready-made Crystal Egg Geode kits available from Professor Figgy's Fabulous Science Kits at

Is Your Soul Tired? Here's Why and How to Fix It - We all have times in our lives when we are feeling down and lacking inspiration. We all have times when we are feeling chronically tired and in a desperate need of rest. But if this persists, it could be a sign that your soul is tired. Even if you are getting the recommend 8 hours of sleep each night, if your soul is tired you are still going to wake up everyday feeling low and depleted of energy. When your soul is tired, it is often a sign that you are living out of alignment with your purpose. Your soul energy flows within you and when you lose connection to this flow, your energy can become weakened. Most of us know when our soul is tired by the way that we feel each day, but here is another way to determine whether your soul is tired- Rub your hands together quickly for a moment to generate and electric charge between your hands. Do you feel a warmth or strong buzz coming from your hands? The top 10 things that can make your soul feel tired include- Featured Image Artwork by Elina Dudina
