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Blogger Templates by Deluxe Templates

Blogger Templates by Deluxe Templates

Free Blogger Templates & Premium WordPress Themes | eBlog Templa The Cutest Blog on the Block - Free Blog Backgrounds, layouts and more! 21 Beautiful Examples of Color Usage in Web Design Last week we showcased examples of Minimal Color Usage in Web Design, and today, to keep you inspired about color options and combinations we decided to gather examples of beautiful colorful websites. We will show here that you don’t need a rainbow or super bright colors to add a nice colorful touch to your page. From colorful headers to images, textures and typography you will see a lot of different approaches to color usage in web design. BigNoise Mint Museum Fudge House Artist of the Year Carnation Group Viens-la Disqus Impero Modo Luce With Art Philadelphia Anne Braithwaite – Mediation Chambers Matteo Zanga yoke Crowd Track Gent Aude Degrassat Everything you need to know about Design 50 Problems in 50 Days OrangeSprocket Tag Creative Skillshare AwwwardsCSS Design AwardsThe Best Designs About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 367 shares 11 Inspiring Examples of Textures and Patterns in Web Design Read More

Free! Template Novo Blogger Gastronomia | Emporium Digital - Blogs Exclusivos, Websites e Design UPDATE 20/06/2012: o template foi totalmente reformulado e adaptado ao Novo Blogger Template para quem gosta de cozinhar! Pode ser totalmente customizado através do Painel Design de Modelo Imagem do Cabeçalho Você pode usar a imagem abaixo bastando apenas clicar na mesma e salvá-la no seu computador. IMPORTANTE: Para colocar a imagem no seu blog, basta ir até Layout > Elementos da Página e inserir no Elemento Imagem (ou Picture) abaixo do Elemento Cabeçalho. Se preferir use uma imagem própria, lembrando apenas que a mesma deve ter 980px de largura (com qualquer altura). ENGLISH This template can be completely changed from the Fonts and Colors tab in the Layout panel. Header Image If you want to use the image shown in the image above, download this header image. If you want to use your own image for the header, the image has to be 980 pixels wide (with any height) to fit the header nicely.

OUTILS POUR TON BLOG-IMAGE-EN-TEXTE Blogger templates Wordpress themes CSS layouts HTML5 templates and more Scription: How do you use Chronodex? Please Share This is the week when you can start using Chronodex Weekly Planner for 2012! Approximately 2500 people downloaded Chronodex! Many customized it to their own system, and I'm glad it actually helped people the way I intended it to be. I'm planning to share my own method of notation on Chronodex soon, but since this is a rather free system, you may have your very own methods and I'd love to hear about them. Kate from Studio-Sweepings decided to print off the Chronodex circle on stickers and use them only when needed, a free diary idea very well executed on her Moleskine hack. Boris has been using the undated version for a month and moving forward to the dated version in his Russia time zone. How do you use Chronodex?

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