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ミライニホン | MIRAI NIHON Project
2011年3月11日、私たちの信じていた価値観が崩壊した。既存のライフラインのもろさ、今まで頼ってきた原発エネルギーの危険性。この日本の現状を変えるため、私たちは人と自然とテクノロジーの共存をテーマに、ミライに向け、新しい暮らしをデザインするプロジェクトをスタートしました。建築士やテクノロジストとコラボレーションし、自らエネルギーを生み出し、コントロールして、消費して暮らす、100%オフグリッドハウスを共同開発。そしてついに、広告会社としてはじめて、ミライニホンという住環境の販売をスタートしました。 We designed a house called "MIRAI NIHON" where technology and nature coexist with people and enable a 100% off-grid life. CONTACT ADDRESS: ミライニホン™販売モデルはこちら
EEL Nakameguro | Schemata Architects / Jo Nagasaka
EEL Nakameguro Creating a sense of ‘incompleteness’ –was the key to our design. In my mind clothes are associated with warmth of human body-sometimes that feeling gets too intense and uncomfortably hot. This is why I want to make the background as calm as possible. title : EEL Nakameguro architects:Jo Nagasaka+Tomoki Katada/Schemata Architects address:Higashiyama MeguroTokyo usage:Apparel shop construction:TANK floor area:123m² structure:RC completion :02/2013 photo:Takumi Ota Download press data
63.02° | Schemata Architects / Jo Nagasaka
63.02°, built in a densely residential area in Nakano, Tokyo, is a small building of a SOHO and an apartment for rent. The front road is really narrow, but the next apartment has a big open space between the road and the building. In order to this situation, the facade of 63.02° is inclined 63.02 degrees toward the front road, so that a wide and deep view is acquired. title : 63.02° architects:Jo Nagasaka+Toshiharu Ono/Schemata Architects engineer : EJIRI STRUCTUAL ENGINEERS address: Nakano Tokyo usage:SOHO(2/3F)+apartment(1F) construction:Eiger site area : 48.84m2 building area : 24.58m2 total floor area : 71.40m2 structure : RC wall type structure completion:12/2007 photo:Takumi Ota Download press data
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