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6 Steps to Add Voice Comments to Google Docs

6 Steps to Add Voice Comments to Google Docs
Here is a step by step guide to show you how you can add " Voice Comments " within your Google Docs. This application is developed by 121 Writing. Here is how you can do it : 1- Head over to your Google Docs and click on " Create". scroll down to the bottom and click on "connect more apps " 2- Type in the word " voice " in the search panel then click on connect in front of " voice comments " 3- Go back to your Google Docs and right click on the document you want to add voice comments to then select open with voice comments 4- The document will open in a new window, click on the record button as shown in the screenshot below. 5- To share your voice feedback click on " share with collaborators ". You and your collaborators can access it Google Docs via the "Comments" button on the top-right corner beside the Share button.

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Facebook Training Wheels Web 2.0 Facebook Training Wheels A secured social networking site allows schools to incorporate the technology into academics while preparing students for the perils of online communities. 04/01/09 "We're not reading and writing across and down the page anymore. Free English Reading comprehension tests and exercises online Reading comprehension is also an important part when you take an English test. Reading comprehension test can help you to improve vocabulary, grammar, and logical thought ability. There are some tips for you to improve reading skills: - Practice reading every day. Google Plus Page for Blogger/Business Description: A Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Google+ Page. Have you own blog or business? Google plus page can drive traffic to your blog. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 3 Easy Ways to Create A Google Plus Hangout with Your Students Upon the multiple requests I received regarding this topic, I decided to create an easy visual step by step guide to show you how you can create a hangout on Google plus with your students. Just a reminder, Google Plus hangouts allow users to video chat with up to 10 people in real time and for free. Users can see each other in small boxes while the person who is speaking appears in a large window top. This is a great way for teachers to hold online classes with group of students who need help. They can also arrange for online chatting sessions to discuss topics of relevant interest.

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