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18.06 Linear Algebra, Spring 2005

18.06 Linear Algebra, Spring 2005

Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition Want a Mac app? Lucky you. The Mac app is finally stable enough. See how it works on Vimeo. Publier ses cours sur le Web rapporte des stagiaires, Éducation populaire, Technologies de l’information et de la communication Trop de formateurs rechignent à publier leurs contenus de formation sur la toile. Peur de se voir dépossédés de leurs savoirs. Pourtant ceux qui ont osé franchir le Rubicon du libre accès jugent l’investissement rentable à tous points de vue. Non c’est non ! Nombre de formateurs se refusent à publier les contenus de leurs formations en ligne. Light and Matter: open-source physics textbooks Extras Who's Using the Books Adoptions of Light and Matter Colleges and Universities High Schools

ODE Software for MATLAB The java versions of dfield and pplane contain most of the features of the original MATLAB versions. Click on the appropriate button below to run the dfield or pplane applet. If you do not see the applet buttons above, it means that your browser is not Java 1.1.6 enabled. There are several possible reasons for this, including the following. You are running a browser that does not support Java 1.1.6, There is a firewall around your internet access, or Java has been deactivated in your browser preferences. Most recent versions of Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer support Java 1.1.6.

Hidden Video Courses in Math, Science, and Engineering » Data Wrangling Blog Hidden Video Courses in Math, Science, and Engineering Over the last few years, a large number of open courseware directories and video lecture aggregators have popped up on the web. These sites often include introductory courses and research seminars, but it can be difficult to find full courses covering advanced topics. For budgetary and copyright reasons, most upper level and smaller attendance courses are not recorded, or are only offered online for a fee. Many schools provide access-restricted videos of advanced courses to current students, but do not make them available to the wider community. To help remedy this, I have pulled together a big list of advanced courses with publicly available video lectures in math, physics, finance, and computer science that seem to have slipped through the cracks and included them in this post (scroll down to skip to the links).

Linear Algebra Toolkit This Linear Algebra Toolkit is composed of the modules listed below. Each module is designed to help a linear algebra student learn and practice a basic linear algebra procedure, such as Gauss-Jordan reduction, calculating the determinant, or checking for linear independence. Click here for additional information on the toolkit. The Linear Algebra Toolkit has been written entirely in PERL. Every effort has been made to make it compatible with a broad range of browsers, however, no guarantee can be made that every browser will properly handle this application.In order to bookmark the toolkit, first go to the cover page; all the other pages in this toolkit (including the one you are reading) are created dynamically.The toolkit represents all the data (such as matrix entries, vector components and polynomial coefficients) as rational numbers, where both the numerator and denominator are stored as integers.

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