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10 Video Projects Every Teacher Should Try

10 Video Projects Every Teacher Should Try
Making classroom movies has gotten much easier now that cell phones, tablets and other devices feature video capabilities that are high quality and simple to use. And happily, we’ve found that students love to use video—it’s a format that they understand and that sparks their creativity. Here are ten ideas to try in your classroom today. Make a Book Trailer: Challenge students to design a movie-style trailer that excites their classmates about a must-read novel or nonfiction book. Try Digital Storytelling: Digital storytelling is a great format for students to share more about their lives or to present about a person in history. What’s the best video project you’ve ever done?

3 exemples de projet vidéo dans une école Cet article a comme but de vous montrer 3 possibilités de projet vidéo possibles dans une école. Nous avons souvent le réflexe de demander aux élèves de réaliser des vidéos qui seront présentées devant la classe et ensuite ceux-ci meurent avec le projet. Voici trois exemples de projets vidéo qui peuvent faire rayonner votre école tout en valorisant l’utilisation des technologies. 1) Le fameux Lip Dub Le 1er Lip Dub a été réalisé en 2006 par Jake Lodwick le fondateur de la plateforme Vimeo. Il s’est filmé en marchant et en chantant une chanson qu’il écoutait dans ses écouteurs. Le principe du Lip Dub est simple: être tournée en un seul plan-séquence sans montage ;comporter une ou plusieurs chansons, originales ou reprises ;montrer une ou plusieurs personnes chantant la chanson (lip dub se traduit par « doublage sur les lèvres »);être diffusé et accessible sur les médias sociaux. Voici des exemples du primaire, du secondaire et de l’université. Le Lip Dub de l’école primaire Wilfrid-Bastien

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning The following post was co-authored by EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland & Tracy Sockalosky. When we think about the tools and resources that benefit all learners, certain key attributes come to mind: multiple modalities, scaffolding, communication, collaboration, and support. While there are hundreds of tools and devices available, we have found 10 strategies to maximize the learning possibilities through creative uses of All Things Google . 1. Google Docs At its most basic level, Google Docs provides students with a foolproof means to access their work from any device. On a deeper level, working in shared Docs also creates an almost real-time feedback loop. Docs do not have to be used only for assessments. 2. Imagine having the ability to know your students’ comprehension level before they walk into class or immediately after you introduce a new concept. 3. What if your students could hear your thoughts as you read their work and provided input? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

how to. ideos La baladodiffusion (simple, étape par étape, en classe) | La baladodiffusion, tout simplement Réalisée dans le cadre du projet Futurs profs, cette courte animation vise à expliquer simplement aux enseignants ce qu'est une baladodiffusion, à l'aide d'un exemple pédagogique. La baladodiffusion, étape par étape Réalisée dans le cadre du projet Futurs profs, cette vidéo montre comment réaliser une baladodiffusion en quelques étapes simples. Comment élaborer un projet de baladodiffusion avec une classe ? « Qu'est-ce que la baladodiffusion ? Comment élaborer un projet de baladodiffusion avec une classe ? Quelles conditions mettre en place pour que le projet baladodiffusion soit efficace ?

4 Stages: The Integration Of Technology In Learning The 4 Stages Of The Integration Of Technology In Learning by Terry Heick For professional development around this idea or others you read about on TeachThought, contact us. Technology can be used in the learning process in a variety of ways. Some are supplementary, serving the original design of the classroom and usually automate some previously by-human task or process–grading multiple choice assessments, searching for a source of information, or sharing messages and other data across large groups. But fully integrated and embedded in the learning process, technology can be transformative–and disruptive. Scaffolding the learning of anything unfamiliar–somehow–is a way of supporting the learner and setting them up for long-term independent success. Should elementary school be stage 1, middle school stage 2, and so on? Should all learners begin a school year at stage 1 and move as far as they can towards stage 4? Can a planned learning experience be evaluated using this framework in mind?

A Useful Twitter Advanced Search Sheet for Teachers The next revolution in the world of online search will probably be instigated by social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook. Both of these platforms are developing some robust search engines to serve the needs of their users. The good thing about this "social searching" is that they are based on real time interaction of people with the information being shared online. So instead of getting search results that are prioritized according to an algorithmic ranking as is the case with Google page rank and Alexa rank, now your query will be met with live feed of results pertaining to things people are talking about. If you use Twitter search engine to look for say digital safety, you will probably get better and more refined search results than you would get from Google or Yahoo. In this context, Twitter is working hard to enhance the performance of its search functionality.

6 applications de capture vidéo pour le iPad Le iPad est un outil idéal pour la création. Mais au delà de fabriquer des vidéos à l’aide de la caméra intégrées, on (enseignant ou élève) peut s’en servir pour fabriquer des capsules informatives (ou créatives!). On vous dit comment. Si vous utilisez l’informatique dans vos classes, vous avez possiblement entendu parler de la capture vidéo ou du screencasting. Cette méthode, qui consiste à enregistrer ce qu’il se passe sur l’écran, accompagné de commentaires d’un narrateur, existe depuis longtemps dans le domaine des tutoriels informatiques. Effectivement, de nombreux logiciels, autant sur Mac que sur PC, permettent de capturer l’écran et la voix. Le iPad fonctionne avec des applications que l’on doit utiliser une à la fois. Capture vidéo directement sur le iPad Voici 3 applications très populaires pour produire des tutoriels vidéo directement sur le iPad. ShowMe Cette application gratuite est un espace de travail blanc sur lequel on peut ajouter des images et du texte. Educreations

Three Trends That Will Shape the Future of Curriculum Big Ideas Culture Digital Tools Teaching Strategies What we as adults experienced in school, as educators and students, will bear little resemblance to what lies ahead. Here’s a look at current trends, their implications, and changes to watch for. The Three Key Trends 1. No longer shackled to books as their only source of content, educators and students are going online to find reliable, valuable, and up-to-the-minute information. FLickr:Remiforall Add to that sites like the Khan Academy, a collection of thousands of YouTube videos that teach everything from calculus to the French Revolution, TeacherTube’s collection of content, books that have been turned into YouTube videos, as well as sites from museums and art institutions, sites like NASA and the Smithsonian, TED Talks and the thousands of other educational resources available, and you can start to see how online content will be used as a primary resource. 2. Flickr:YasminF Every learner counts. 3. Lenny Gonzalez What these trends mean

gold iPads at Burley Learning Rating Lists More lists 22 titles Engaging resources that offer kids more than just the ABCs. 9 titles Engaging tools for everything from letter basics to keeping a daily journal. 16 titles Engaging apps, games, and websites make science fun and accessible for kids. 11 titles Point curious kids toward honest, factual information on personal health. Vital math and science skills for life. 17 titles Math is always more fun when it's a game. 8 titles Spark kids' interest in becoming engineers, architects, or other kinds of designers. 7 titles With these sites, kids plus math equals fun. 19 titles Arm yourself with online resources for tough assignments. 14 titles Build strategy, solve problems, prep for life. 6 titles Make learning fun with puzzles that test your ability to spot details. 13 titles Calling all tinkerers, experimenters, and inventors. 15 titles Fan the flames of your kids’ passions with these great sites. 5 titles Step into others' shoes with these great games. 10 titles 20 titles Exercise your body and mind.
