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Maps: Interactive Atlases, Continent and Country Maps, Print Maps, Resources

Maps: Interactive Atlases, Continent and Country Maps, Print Maps, Resources
Related:  Oppiaineita ja -aiheita,oppimateriaaleja eri aihealueisiin21st technology in education

Why these 10 less popular apps rock your Chromebook classroom. - BookWidgets Teaching is about inspiring, creating geniuses, reaching goals and engaging students to go higher. There are so many amazing apps for Chromebooks in the universe of the internet that help you to achieve this. Almost too many. We don’t know all the apps for education, and don’t know their powers either. That’s why I’m here. 1. Wunderlist is an (education) app for teachers (and other people) around the world that helps you capture ideas, things to do and places to see. You can share files with your fellow teachers, and assign tasks. Wunderlist automatically syncs between your phone, tablet and computer. 2. Lucidchart is a web based program which allows you to create plenty different diagrams like flow charts, mind maps, wire frames and much more. Why is it so good? Lucidchart provides free educational licenses that include all premium features to schools and universities. 3. Video. Try the free trial to let your students fall in love with your self made videos. 4. Love at first sight! 5. 6.

7 Good Examples of Gamification in Education About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation.

atlas --  Kids Encyclopedia | Children's Homework Help | Kids Online Dictionary | Britannica World Atlas "Britannica Student Encyclopedia World Atlas." Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2015. Web. 6 June 2015. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Sheets-koulu This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Learn more Got it Search this site Sheets-koulu Osa 1- Lukujärjestyksen tekeminen (#solu, #rivi, #sarake, #tekstinväri, #solunväri #solunkoko) Sheets-koulu: Osa 1 - Lukujärjestyksen tekeminen (#solu, #rivi, #sarake, #tekstinväri, #solunväri #solunkoko).webm TEHTÄVÄ: Katso video kerran kokonaan. OSA 2 - MOI-lapun tekeminen (#solujenyhdistäminen, #tekstinkääntö, #tekstin rivitys, #tasaus, #viivat) Sheets-koulu - osa 2 MOI-lapun tekeminen (#solujenyhdistäminen, #tekstinkääntö, #tekstin rivitys, #tasaus, #viivat).webm TEHTÄVÄ: Katso video kerran kokonaan. OSA 3 - Kaavojen tekeminen (#kaavat, #eurot, #summa, #erotus) Sheets-koulu, Osa 3 - Kaavojen tekeminen (#kaavat, #eurot, #summa, #erotus).webm TEHTÄVÄ: Katso video kerran kokonaan. OSA 4 - Kaavion tai diagrammin tekeminen (#kaavio #diagrammi)

Ideas for adapting group lessons to working on Zoom As has happened in much of Europe, Poland has now closed schools, universities and other places where people might gather in the hope of reducing the spread of coronavirus. Our school had its last normal lessons on Wednesday, with Thursday and Friday dedicated to training our teachers how to use Zoom. We start teaching on Monday 16th, so my total experience with Zoom so far has been in the training process. However, I wanted to share what we’ve done and some of the ideas we’ve had for our adapting our standard EFL face-to-face lessons, in the hope that others will be able to build on this. Useful links International House World arranged a live session run by Shaun Wilden on Tuesday 10th, in which he introduced us to Zoom. I’d also recommend Ceri Jones’s posts on the Cambridge University Press blog: Other useful posts: There’s a very active hashtag on Twitter called #coronavirusteaching, which you can view without having a Twitter account. I posted this tweet: Technical arrangements Chat box

Jotain rajaa! -opetusaineisto alakouluun | Suomen Mielenterveysseura Jotain rajaa! -opetusaineisto perustuu kaverisuhteita ja koulukiusaamista käsittelevään YLE TV 2:n Galaxista tuttuun tv-sarjaan. Mielenterveysseura on tuottanut aineiston opettajille kaverisuhteiden ja kiusaamisen käsittelyyn kouluissa. Sun in Eye Productionsin tuottama 10-osainen tv-sarja koostuu lämminhenkisistä tarinoista ystävyydestä ja yksin jäämisestä. Jokainen osa käsittelee eri teemaa harjoitusten ja vuorovaikutteisen videon avulla. Henkilöhahmoja ja teemaa voi syventää myös tuotantoyhtiön verkkosivuilla, josta alkuperäinen Jotain rajaa! Sisällys: Yleisiä ohjeita opettajalle Opetusaineisto koostuu kymmenestä oppitunnista, jonka aloitus- ja lopetusharjoitukset on suunniteltu toteutettavaksi yhteisesti luokassa ja video-osuudet joko yhteisesti luokassa tai itsenäisinä pari- tai ryhmätöinä. Vinkki: Tunnetaitoja vahvistetaan tunteiden nimeämistehtävillä videon kohdissa, joissa alareunaan ilmestyy punavihreä tunnemittari. Osa 1. Aluksi Vaanija Video Lopuksi Tule mukaan!

A Collection of Some of The Essential Educational Web Tools for Teachers July 29, 2015 We spent sometime during the last weekend sifting through our archive of educational tools we covered in the past and decided to bring to the forefront the titles below.The aim of this multi-purpose collection is to provide teachers with a handy resource where they can access some of the best educational tools to leverage in their instruction. This list is a work-in progress and we will be adding more to it in the next coming days. Tools for creating instructional videos and tutorials 1- PixiClip Pixiclip is a wonderful tool to create step by step instructional videos to use in your flipped classroom. Like Educlipper, PixiClip provides you with a whiteboard where you can add images,text, videos, drawings, annotations and many more. 2- Explain Everything Knowmia Teach is a new free lesson planning and recording tool for teachers and their students. Tools for creating presentations Prezi is a powerful web tool that allows you to create visually appealing presentations. Canva Silk

Didaktinen vapaus The Victorian Web (www,
