1984 by George Orwell: A searchable online version at The Literature Network
(pub. 1949) Webmaster's Note, 5/10/2007 - We have been informed by the rights holder that this work is still copyrighted in our territory. So we have removed it. Also commonly titled as Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 is possibly the definitive dystopian novel, set in a world beyond our imagining. Winston Smith is a middle-aged, unhealthy character, based loosely on Orwell's own frail body, an underling of the ruling oligarchy, The Party. But Winston believes there is another way. 1984 joins Winston as he sets about another day, where his job is to change history by changing old newspaper records to match with the new truth as decided by the Party. "He who controls the past, controls the future" is a Party slogan to live by and it gives Winston his job, but Winston cannot see it like that. You will meet many recognisable characters, themes, and words which have become part of our everyday life as you read 1984. As Winston said, even if you are a minority of one it does not make you wrong.