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Banning Wikipedia at school: good idea or missed opportunity? | Ars Technica Banning books has a long and storied history, but it's not nearly as much fun as burning them in midnight bonfires. (Wikipedia knows all about this.) With so much text moving online, though, burning has lost much of its practicality. Have you ever tried to burn a server? Banning, though, is very much alive, and Wikipedia knows about it too, but for different reasons. Not all of them. Wikipedia officials certainly don't dispute that characterization and have never held the site up as a tool for academic work, except as a jumping-off point. Perhaps it's a necessary one, though. These are bright kids, and they're in college. Turning Wikipedia into a learning opportunity But banning may not be the best way to do that. Besides, Wikipedia is easily available from home and personal computers, so maybe what's needed is more "source literacy" and media education instead.
Articulating an Impact on Student Learning by Elizabeth Burns, Assistant Professor, School Library Program, Department of Teaching & Learning, Darden College of Education, Old Dominion University The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), passed in December 2015, positions school librarians as Essential Personnel and provides potential dedicated funding to effective school libraries–IF we make them understand why school librarians matter. ESSA falls short, however, of identifying what characterizes an effective school library program. School systems follow the new norm in education: accountability is standardized in the evaluation process. When we discuss the multiple ways library program is critical to student learning, school librarians should: Looking to ESSA requires us to carefully and intentionally articulate the librarian’s instructional roles and the expertise required in an effective program. Traditional library statistics are one way school librarians can demonstrate an effective school library program. Tags: ESSA
Weekly Writing Assignment » Blog Archive » Weekly Writing Assignment #2: The Mirror Mirrors and reflections play an important role in our lives. Most of us look in them every day, sometimes multiple times a day. We check our clothes, our hair, our makeup. We seek to ensure that our outward appearance signifies the person we want to be. Yet as the revered poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: These faces in the mirrors Are but the shadows and phantoms of myself. Or, that great actress of our time, Tori Spelling put it: Sometimes, when I’m alone, I put on six inch heels and wear nothing else and dance around in front of the mirror and do my little stripper dance. The truth is that we rarely see who we really are when we look into the mirror (though, I’m sure many of us can imagine Tori Spelling as a stripper). The Assignment For this week’s writing assignment, write a description of someone looking into the mirror. No need for a complete narrative on this assignment. Entries should be 300 words MAXIMUM. Send your completed assignment to weeklywritingassignment@gmail.com.
Wikipedia In The Classroom For Wikipedia and the classroom … The National Writing Project published an article, “Wikipedia: Friend, Not Foe,” that outlines the benefits of using Wikipedia in school, and offers advice on how to do it. Find the full text of the article here. Wikipedia Selection for schools is a handpicked and vetted assortment of Wikipedia articles that have been deemed useful for students. Articles are organized topically, and separated from the Wikipedia main page to prevent students from accessing irrelevant or inaccurate information. For evaluating information quality … FindingDulcinea has a primer on assessing the credibility of online information that can be applied to student use of Wikipedia. National History Education Clearinghouse has information and links to help students evaluate Web sites for accuracy and relevancy in research, and includes links to YouTube slideshows and articles written for young students. MakeUseOf offers a list of popular wikis in addition to Wikipedia.
Wikipédia:Projets pédagogiques Témoignages Ci-dessous, quelques témoignages de professeurs ayant mené des projets pédagogiques sur Wikipédia. « […] C’est un exercice intéressant de recherche documentaire, puisque d’ordinaire, quand ils effectuent une recherche, ils ont déjà l’essentiel des réponses sur Wikipédia. Ils ont également à sélectionner des sources (on aborde alors la notion de source primaire et de source secondaire), et à recouper des informations, à les trier, à les structurer. La notion de propriété intellectuelle et de libre de droit est également centrale : le plagiat est immédiatement sanctionné (cela va généralement jusqu’à la suppression de l’article) ; et les illustrations ne peuvent pas être récupérées n’importe où, puisque tout doit être libre de droit. — Mme Boulo, professeur documentaliste, 2018 (source) — Mme Fourcassies, professeur de lettres, et Mme Torralbo, professeur documentaliste, 2015 (source) — Celia Guerrieri, professeur de lettres modernes, 2013 (source)
Note Taking Skills for 21st Century Students Note taking skills aren’t just automatic. We tell students “take notes” but they have no idea what that means. What makes “good notes.” Ever since I went through the Writing Across the Curriculum Course at my school I realized the tremendous gap between “writing” as we’ve taught it traditionally and 21st century writing skills. Now I have a new frustration that has me grappling with noteaking. So, now, I’m taking the approach of helping students master analog notetaking. A note about In-Flip: The kids love it. I want to know what they are getting out of the videos and if they are pulling out the essential questions I’m giving them. So, here are some of the essential notetaking skills I’ve taught them so far. Cornell Notetaking System My favorite Cornell notetaking video is by Jennifer DesRochers. This method is THE SINGLE MOST important reason (besides studying myself blind) that I graduated first in my class from Georgia Tech. If you don’t believe me, look at student notes. You did it!
WI Focus: Faculty Resources, UH Manoa Informational brochure for students (newsletter for instructors of Writing-intensive courses) Available as a web page (HTML) or an easy-print format (PDF). Effective Writing Assignments: HTML PDF Responding to Student Writing HTML PDF Writing and Research HTML PDF Overcoming Writing Errors HTML PDF Helping Students Make Connections HTML PDF Working with ESL Students' Writing HTML PDF Peer Review & Feedback Forms HTML PDF Teaching Forms of Writing HTML PDF On-line Interaction HTML PDF Using Writing to Improve Reading HTML PDF Getting Students to Think HTML PDF Quick Tips Tips for Teachers of WI Courses - What to do the first day and how to design and respond to writing assignments. Handling the Paper Load - Dispels myths about responding to student writing. Designing the Writing-Intensive Course Syllabus & Course Materials - Items students find helpful on a WI syllabus. Teaching a Summer Session Writing-Intensive Course - Tips on teaching a six-week (accelerated term) WI course. Citation and Plagiarism
Backchannel Backchannel is the practice of using networked computers to maintain a real-time online conversation alongside the primary group activity or live spoken remarks. The term was coined in the field of Linguistics to describe listeners' behaviours during verbal communication. The term "backchannel" generally refers to online conversation about the conference topic or speaker. First growing in popularity at technology conferences, backchannel is increasingly a factor in education where WiFi connections and laptop computers allow students to use ordinary chat like IRC or AIM to actively communicate during class. Twitter is also widely used today by audiences to create backchannels at technology conferences. History[edit] The first famous instance of backchannel communications influencing a talk occurred on March 26, 2002, at the PC Forum conference, when Qwest CEO Joe Nacchio famously lamented the difficulties of raising capital. Books[edit] Use in education[edit] Experiments[edit]
Wikipédia — Enseigner avec le numérique Sur Wikipédia, la diversité des collaborateurs fait la qualité du contenu« La qualité générale d'un contenu dépend de la manière dont ses contributeurs ont travaillé, affirment des chercheuses de l'université d'Arizona. Tout du moins sur Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie en ligne à laquelle elles ont consacré leur attention. [...] Sept rôles ont ainsi été identifiés. [...] Les scientifiques se sont intéressées à un échantillon de quatre cents articles, de diverses qualités (évalués en fonction des critères internes à Wikipédia). "Nous avons ensuite classé les articles en fonction des rôles de leurs contributeurs", explique la responsable de l'étude. "Nous nous sommes rendus compte que les généralistes dominaient les articles de meilleure qualité"...» L'Atelier, 15/03/2010 Sociologie : de la dépendance des médias envers Wikipédia"Le titre peut paraître pédant, mais c'est bien du sujet d'une petite expérience sociologique qu'il est question. Les Numériques, 10/05/2009 Lire aussi Le Point, 06/02/2009
Knowledge Quest | AASL Welcome to LEO: Literacy Education Online 10 Awesome Tools To Get More Out of Wikipedia Wikipedia is an ocean of information. While you may still want to seek secondary information sources before trusting it entirely, you cannot argue that the site contains a plethora of useful information. That said, it’s tough to navigate through so much data. You can get much more out of it in less time if you decide to ditch the conventional way of using the built-in Wikipedia search for scouring through the information. The following ten tools will help you search and use Wikipedia like never before. NavifyNavify is an excellent web service which shows a lot of additional information related to a Wikipedia article like related images, videos and articles. So if you are searching for Barack Obama, you can see the Wikipedia article on him, his photos, and the Youtube videos of his speeches, all on one page. PowersetPowerset is a Wikipedia search engine which certainly produces much better results than Wikipedia’s in-built search. Hope you like the tools. Cheers, Abhijeet
Wikipédia en établissement scolaire : pour ou contre ? Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie participative en ligne, est désormais utilisée de façon courante par les élèves des collèges et lycées pour réaliser leurs travaux de recherche documentaire. De nombreuses questions émergent pourtant autour de son utilisation : quid par exemple de la validité des informations qu'elle contient ? Comment est-elle structurée ? Y-a-t-il, par exemple, une validation scientifique des articles ? Wikipedia prend son nom du mot hawaïen "Wiki" qui signifie "rapide". Visions of the Future Imagination is our window into the future. At NASA/JPL we strive to be bold in advancing the edge of possibility so that someday, with the help of new generations of innovators and explorers, these visions of the future can become a reality. As you look through these images of imaginative travel destinations, remember that you can be an architect of the future. Click on any of the thumbnails below to learn more and download a free poster sized image. › Learn more about the posters Can I get copies of these posters from NASA or JPL?