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20 Unanswered Forbidden-History Questions Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man only dates back to about 8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago. It is more than obvious that there a massive push to occlude our true history and origins. While you may not agree with some of the questions, please try to view them with an open mind. As you’ll see, the history we have been taught has been manipulated and obscured from us. Ask yourself (or others) the following questions and feel free to comment at the end of the article! A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929. 1. The last time Antarctica was not frozen was at least 4,000 BC, so… 2. A tiny figurine made of baked-clay (right) was brought up in amongst the debris churned out by a huge drill bit during the drilling of a well in Nampa Idaho in 1889. 3. 4. According to Darwinism, man evolved from ape. 5. 6. In Ecuador, one large Jade cup and 12 smaller Jade cups were found. 7.
BBC Почему мы видим сны Odyssey.js Scroll Plymouth Sound, England A nautical chronometer made by Thomas Earnshaw (1749–1828), and once part of the equipment of HMS Beagle The morning of 27 December, the Beagle left its anchorage in the Barn Pool, under Mount Edgecumbe on the west side of Plymouth Sound and set out on its surveying expedition. St. Jago, Cape Verde Islands modern day Praia It is here that Darwin's description in his published Journal begins. Bahia, Brazil modern day Salvador Due to heavy surf they only stayed at Fernando de Noronha for a day to make the required observations, and Fitzroy decided to make for Bahia, Brazil, to rate the chronometers and take on water. Uruguay Cerro de Montevideo as seen from the city, in 1865. After storms, the Beagle reached Montevideo on 26 July 1832, and took observations for the chronometers. Much of the second day was taken up with excavating a large skull which Darwin found embedded in soft rock, and seemed to him to be allied to the rhinoceros. southern tip of South America Australia
Histoire. Dans la perspective la plus large, l'histoire peut être définie comme la représentation actuelle, sous forme de narration ou d'exposé systématique, des événements de tout genre accomplis dans le passé. Ainsi entendue, elle embrasse, non seulement le passé des sociétés humaines, mais encore celui de tous les êtres dont l'ensemble compose pour nous l'univers perceptible. La très grande variété des phénomènes observés par l'humain lui apparaît, en effet, sous deux aspects différents, suivant qu'il les considère dans leur état présent ou dans leurs changements successifs : dans le premier cas, ils lui donnent une conception de la nature; dans le second, celle de l'histoire. « Le monde moral, dit Droysen, est un entrecroisement sans fin d'affaires, de situations, d'intérêts, de conflits, de passions. On peut le considérer et le traiter scientifiquement à des points de vue variés [...]. Mais d'ordinaire, quand on parle d'histoire, on ne prend pas ce mot dans une aussi large acception. a.
10000 лет назад. Следы Богов. Артефакты. World's Tallest Waterslide: Why You Don't Fall Off Standing taller than Niagara Falls, a new waterslide — appropriately named Verrückt, which means "insane" in German — opened on Thursday (July 10) in Kansas City, Kansas. The slide stands 168 feet 7 inches (about 51 meters) tall, and is now officially recognized by Guinness World Records as the tallest waterslide in the world. After the first 17-story drop at a 60-degree angle, riders swoop up a hill, before plunging down a 60-foot (18 m) drop and landing safely in a splash pool. A rider's raft reaches speeds of about 65 mph (29 m/s), and the entire harrowing ride lasts all of 10 seconds. The ride was originally scheduled to open on Memorial Day, but the rafts kept flying off the chute during test runs. So what does it take to keep a raft from picking up too much speed and separating from the chute? It's all about the relationship among gravity, friction and the steepness of the slide, said Gene Van Buren, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. Is it safe?
То , что от нас скрывали (Часть 2) Water tractor beam created by Australian scientists in world first Updated Australian scientists have created the world's first water tractor beam which they hope can be used to clean up oil spills. Physicists at the Australian National University have created certain wave patterns in water that pull objects on the surface towards the source of the waves. It is hoped the tractor beam would be developed to assist in removing objects adrift on the surface of the ocean. Dr Horst Punzmann is part of the team behind the design. "A tractor beam is a popular term which, I think it captures quite well the basic principle," he said. "You put an object there and it propagates, it floats backwards to the source of the wave." However, the physicists had been doubtful at first. "First I thought it was impossible and I thought that it was the effect of the boundaries nearby," said Professor Michael Shats, a colleague of Dr Punzmann. "So the first idea was to build a bigger tank. Despite this, the scientists have admitted they did not fully understand how it worked.
То, что от нас скрывали (Часть 3)