Ipod classic - rockbox - its happening. Rockbox for the iPod Classic iPod 6G/6.5G/7G (Classic 1G/2G/3G) (2007-2011, 80/120/160GB) OP v1.2 ‘I love Rockbox’ [cooperpwc]‘My Classic runs beautifully on Rockbox firmware’ [WildmaN86]‘I feel that the sound quality is amazing on Rockbox’ [yosh]‘Just opened the iPod's box, and I didn't even turn it on! It's straight to Rockbox!’ [putente] Content DisclaimerIntroductionInstallationUpdatingUninstallation - back to Apple's original firmwareF.A.Q.Useful linksCredits DisclaimerInstalling alternative software/firmware on your iPod Classic is not supported by Apple. IntroductionWhat is Rockbox? Another top priority of Rockbox is audio playback quality. You can load different configurations quickly for different purposes (e.g. a large font for in your car, different sound settings for at home). Key features of Rockbox for the Classic Why this topic? InstallationPlease follow the instructions closely, step by step. Read this first! F.A.QDo I have the right iPod for this specific Rockbox port? Credits
The Cgbros Welcome to TheCGBros and thanks for tuning in to our channel! Our mission is to bring you HD-quality professional content, insights and digital inspiration from around the world. You'll find only the best and latest in Digital Art creation including VFX, 3D Animation, Student and Independent Short Films, Motion Graphics Design, Behind The Scenes/Breakdowns, 3D Software Tutorials, and much much more... Get plugged in to what other artists are doing today, and get a glimpse of what's coming in the future. Whether you're into 3D animation, Visual Effects, Motion Graphics or just looking to have some fun and learn something new...TheCGBros have got you covered for all things CG. Your inspiration is guaranteed! TheCGBros are always looking to showcase the best and latest in exceptional student & Independent Animation Films & Showreels, and Behind the Scenes or experimental works from around all parts of the globe, from every area of Computer Generated Imagery...and beyond!
ChrisDesign 5 Great Ways To Put Your Dusty Old iPod To New Use How long has your old iPod been in a drawer, unloved and dusty? Probably since the day you upgraded to a fancy new touch version or decided your smartphone would suffice from now on. But wait! Your old iPod is still a more than capable device that eats MP3s for breakfast and even takes advantage of a few old-school apps. If you’re short on uses for your old white chum these days, read on… First: Make It Awesome This is somewhat of a precursor to all these steps, and may be required depending on the state of your old jukebox. Luckily there are detailed instructions regarding battery replacement over at iPodHowToVideo and batteries for your specific model can be ordered from retailers like iPodJuice and iPodBatteryDepot. Finally you might want to Rockbox your iPod. A while back I wrote an article all about Rockbox, and I couldn’t recommend it more. Car Jukebox If you’re after a car jukebox then your old iPod is more than up to the task. Turn It Into A….Something Relive Your Earlier Days
30 brilliant artists to follow With millions of views each month, online creative community Behance is quickly becoming the place to be for artists of all disciplines. It's a fantastic way to see what your peers are up to as well as finding new work and creative inspiration from top web designers and agencies. But, with so many portfolios to browse through, it can be difficult to know where to start. So to make things easy for you, we've done the hard work and picked 30 of the top 3D art portfolios that are definitely worth a look... Find out which typographers, graphic designers, and photographers to follow on Behance with our great features! 01. Zeitguist is an inspiring creative studio based in Berlin, Germany. 02. Leticia Reinaldo is a designer hailing from Brazil. 03. Whilst focusing in character design, Brazil-based designer Pedro Conti has created some incredible 3D projects for a variety of projects including this brilliant advertisement for Philips. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
The Internet Archive Software Collection Topic: archive cd software Bus Simulator Indonesia, or BUSSID, is a mobile game developed by Maleo. It comes with 3D graphics and offers two modes, letting you choose your preferred gameplay option to ensure that you're comfortable as you play. Despite being a free-to-play game, this game does not have obstructive ads while you drive. A collection of automatically matched CD-ROM (as well as general disc image) items that are awaiting sorting into other relevant subcollections. From an anonymous donor, this collection of disc images were provided to press outlets for use in reviewing CD-I games and titles. COVID-19 Apps Topics: coronavirus, covid-19, apps Take a step back in time and revisit your favorite DOS and Windows games. A collection of the documentation, images, and digitized tapes related to a family of machines that provided electronic entertainment primarily based off audio and video tape. A collection of releases of the simulation/roguelike video game Dwarf Fortress .
Rockbox - Free Music Player Firmware MonsterMaker Date: 01/29/2014 Title: Popeye 3DprintDate: 01/28/2014 Date: 10/23/2013 Title: Steampunk FrankensteinDate: 10/21/2013 Title: Schlitzie silicone headDate: 08/20/2013 Date: 07/23/2013 Title: Schlitzie sculptDate: 07/21/2013 Title: SchlitzieDate: 05/31/2013 Title: OH Schlitzie what a pretty dress you have.Date: 05/29/2013 Date: 05/27/2013 Title: SchlitzieDate: 05/25/2013 Title: Brain GuyDate: 05/21/2013 Date: 05/15/2013 Date: 05/13/2013 Je Suis Libre... Encyclopodia - the encyclopedia on your iPod Annuaire EPFL des principaux logiciels libres Avant-propos Vous pouvez aussi lire nos anciens articles suivants : • article du Flash EPFL 08/2014 sur l'importance du logiciel libre en milieu académique et dans la recherche scientifique. • article du Flash Informatique EPFL 5/2013 qui constituait un résumé de la présente page web. Table des matières 1. 1.1 Définitions Les fondements du mouvement du logiciel libre sont en fait identiques à ceux qui sont à la base du développement scientifique, à savoir : la mise en commun des idées et découvertes pour faire progresser le développement et le savoir collectif. Le terme logiciel libre (en anglais free software) désigne tout logiciel garantissant à l'utilisateur 4 libertés fondamentales (numérotées de 0 à 3) : Le mouvement du logiciel libre fait souvent sienne la devise : "Liberté, égalité, fraternité". Il ne faut pas confondre logiciel libre avec logiciel gratuit (freeware, gratuiciel), et il y a aussi une nuance importante à faire par rapport à la dénomination logiciel open source : 2. 3.
Everything Search Engine Liste de logiciels libres Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les logiciels libres présents sur cette page le sont selon la définition de l'article « logiciel libre ». La plupart des programmes cités ici sont disponibles sous licence GNU GPL ou BSD. Système d'exploitation[modifier | modifier le code] Famille des GNU/Linux[modifier | modifier le code] Systèmes d'exploitation dérivés de Debian[modifier | modifier le code] Systèmes d'exploitation dérivés de Red Hat Linux[modifier | modifier le code] Systèmes d'exploitation dérivés de Slackware[modifier | modifier le code] OpenSUSE Systèmes d'exploitation au format live CD[modifier | modifier le code] Famille des BSD[modifier | modifier le code] Autres systèmes d'exploitation libres[modifier | modifier le code] Bureautique[modifier | modifier le code] NAT : Un transcripteur universel de document en braille Éditeurs de texte[modifier | modifier le code] Éditeurs HTML[modifier | modifier le code] Éditeurs LaTeX[modifier | modifier le code] Web[modifier | modifier le code]
Le Geek Pauvre • Applications web, logiciels gratuits et astuces