Serious Games | Instructional Technology What are serious games? How might desktop and mobile-based games provide learning experiences that are engaging and immersive? Serious games situate students in authentic learning contexts through role-play and real-play around critical social issues. Four broad categories of games are presented: simulations, exploratory games, casual games, and games that promote real play. Simulations Exploratory Games Build-it Yourself Exploratory Games Casual Games Other Casual Game Examples: Ayiti (Flash): Purpose: To immerse students through role-play as a family in Haiti. Darfur is Dying (Flash): Purpose: To immerse students through role-play as a resident of Darfur. Homeland Guantanamos (Flash): Purpose: To immerse students as investigative journalists to research the treatment of immigrant detainees in the US. Oiligarchy:
Nederlandse bedrijven internationaal koploper in duurzaamheid - Facility Management Magazine DSM is de duurzaamste in de sector Chemie, Philips in Persoonlijke en Huishoudelijke Goederen en PostNL in Industriële Goederen en Diensten. In de categorie Reizen en Vrije tijd voert Air France-KLM de ranglijst aan. Er is in 19 sectoren een index opgemaakt. Vorig jaar telde de Dow Jones Sustainability Index, die sinds 1999 bestaat, nog vijf Nederlandse lijstaanvoerders. Dit jaar is Unilever zijn koppositie in de sector Voedsel en Drank echter kwijtgeraakt aan de Amerikaanse frisdrankproducent Pepsi Co. Grondige analyse De duurzaamheidsscores zijn gebaseerd op een grondige analyse van de prestaties van een bedrijf op economisch, milieu- en maatschappelijk gebied, waarbij onderwerpen worden getoetst als corporate governance, risicomanagement, merkenbeleid, terugdringen van klimaatverandering, standaarden in de toeleveringsketen en arbeidsomstandigheden – met een sterke nadruk op aandeelhouderswaarde op de lange termijn. Nieuwe invalshoeken voor strategisch FM
Fold3 - Historical military records Recycle City You are Dumptown's new City Manager! When you begin, you'll see Dumptown at its worst — it's littered, polluted, and nothing is being recycled or reused. There's more to Recycle City than just sightseeing! Try some of these activities. il clima mister-travel De overheid moet het stimuleren van duurzaamheid totaal anders aanpakken Foto: Jeff Kubina, Flickr De overheid moet het stimuleren van duurzaamheid totaal anders aanpakken, anders missen we de economische boot. Dat concludeert het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, PBL in een vanmiddag te verschijnen rapport. Maarten Hajer, schrijver van het rapport en directeur van het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, licht de oproep toe in een gesprek met Humerto Tan op BNR Nieuwsradio. Hij pleit er voor dat de krachten die al in de samenleving aan het werk zijn veel beter worden benut. Er zijn al tal van bedrijven die geld verdienen aan duurzaamheid. Dit gebeurt nu overigens ook al. Het BNR-interview met Maarten Hajer, morgen ook te gast in BNR Duurzaam. Lees ook: ING: nummer 1 op de eerlijke bankwijzer hoeft niet, duurzaam wel Geen bonus voor duurzaamheid bij Ahold Duurzaam leiderschap gaat veel verder dan Den Haag
Hirundo | Classical Studies Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies, is published once a year by the Classics Students Association of McGill. The journal is completely authored, edited, and produced by undergraduate students at McGill University. Hirundo seeks contributions from students and alumni related to the ancient Mediterranean world broadly defined. Essays on Classical art and literature, ancient European and Near Eastern history from the prehistoric through late antique periods, religious studies, ancient philosophy, and the Classical tradition are welcome. Hirundo aims to bring together students with diverse yet overlapping interests, and offer them the opportunity to publish their work for a wider audience and thereby promote Classical Studies. If you are interested in joining the editorial board, wish to submit an article, or have further questions about Hirundo, please send an e-mail to the editors. Editor-in-Chief (2013-2014): Lewis Innes-Miller Academic Consultant: Michael Fronda Awards:
The Adventures of Vermi the Worm: Home Page Come and join Vermi the Worm and all his friends on an adventure into the world of worm bins and vermicomposting! The Adventures of Vermi the Worm is an animated, interactive game that teaches the basics of vermicomposting and its benefits, plus other waste management strategies like the 3Rs--reduce, reuse and recycle! Vermicomposting is really just composting but you use worms to do the work, and it’s an excellent way to recycle organic materials--like kitchen scraps and yard trimmings. Go on an adventure with Vermi the Worm as he visits a school garden and hooks up with his buddies, Bubba the Worm, Hugh Hammer, Sunny Flower, and Trashcan. Play the Game You can play the Vermi game either online over the Internet or by downloading the game and playing it on your network or computer hard drive. For faster play, download the game to your network or computer hard drive (approximate total download is 23 MB). Requirements Flash 5 or higher, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher required.
Impronta WWF Economics Games - Classroom Games For Teaching Economics Prof. Zandee: duidelijke taak CFO bij duurzaamheid Trainingen & Evenementen Cursus Actief in overnames Bent u ondernemer, manager, accountant, adviseur of financier? Bent u reeds actief in overnames of wilt u komend jaar een bedrijf (ver)kopen? Dan is de tweedaagse cursus Actief... Cursus Business Valuation Krijgt u wel genoeg geld voor de aandelen van uw bedrijf bij verkoop? M&A Awards 2014 De M&A Awards is het jaarlijkse hoogtepunt van de branche met prestigieuze prijzen voor de beste deals, adviseurs en financiers. Tijdschrift Financieel Management Tijdschrift Financieel Management is een praktisch how-to blad boordevol cases, cijfers, handreikingen en tips & tricks voor financials. Tijdschrift Financieel Management is voor financiële professionals.
Software: Earth+ Earth Science User's Guide English Spanish The Earth+ Installer provides Earth+ and everything necessary to run it, including the Java Access Bridge used by screen readers. Earth+ runs in its own Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which is separate from any other Java installation you might have on your machine so MathTrax works without making any changes to your existing computer setup. All graphical Java applications which are to work with assistive technology require the Java Access Bridge (see ) The JRE installed with the Earth+ application has the Java Access Bridge built into it, so you don't need to perform any additional installations. If you already have the Java Access Bridge, installing Earth+ does not affect your existing installation. Load Other Pictures in Earth+ : Save pictures in the images folder of the Earth+ software and you can hear any picture ! Currently, there is no Earth+ application for the MAC platform. Software icons are attributed to Mark James.
Che cos'è DigCompEdu, per le competenze digitali di docenti e educatori In un recentissimo articolo apparso su questo sito, la collega Silvia Mazzoni elencava cinque punti “programmatici” per lo sviluppo del PNSD. Tra essi, al quarto posto, si trova il curricolo: “pianificare e supportare il lavoro dei docenti rivolto alla declinazione completa e articolata delle competenze digitali”. In effetti, la definizione di un framework comune per le competenze digitali è una delle azioni del PNSD stesso (#14) per la quale era prevista l’istituzione di un tavolo tecnico già per il dicembre 2015. Nel frattempo, tuttavia, il dibattito internazionale e soprattutto europeo sul tema si è arricchito di una proposta specifica per i docenti: il framework DigComp, pensato come modello delle competenze digitali del “cittadino europeo”, a sua volta citato dal PNSD come importante fonte di ispirazione proprio dell’azione #14 (ma qui si rischia il corto-circuito!), è ora corredato anche di una versione “educational”, rivolta agli insegnanti.