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The Other 21st Century Skills

The Other 21st Century Skills
Many have attempted to identify the skills important for a learner today in this era of the 21st century (I know it is an overused phrase). I have an affinity towards the skills identified by Tony Wagner: Critical thinking and problem-solvingCollaboration across networks and leading by influenceAgility and adaptabilityInitiative and entrepreneurialismEffective oral and written communicationAccessing and analyzing informationCuriosity and imagination Today I viewed a slideshow created by Gallup entitled, The Economics of Human Development: The Path to Winning Again in Education. Here are some slides from this presentation. This presentation sparked my thinking about what other skills and attributes would serve the learners (of all ages) in this era of learning. GritResilienceHope and OptimismVisionSelf-RegulationEmpathy and Global Stewardship Grit Students can develop psychological resources that promote grit, tenacity, and perseverance. Resilience Related:  Maker EducationCreativity & Service Design

What skills will you need to succeed in the future? Top 10 skills for the successful 21st-century worker Leadership Take a cross-disciplinary approach to project team- work. and following in order to prepare for your career. Many businesses are adopting a participative management style, which involves employees in decision making. George DeMetropolis University of Phoenix faculty member and leadership consultant Critical thinking Take coursework that offers an opportunity to engage in self-directed, project-based and applied learning. Communication Learn in an environment that requires participation in many modes of communication. Students hold themselves accountable and have the opportunity to hold others accountable for the good of the team. Irene Blundell University of Phoenix faculty member Productivity and accountability Select a school that provides a code of conduct in learning situations to build accountability and productivity. Collaboration Choose courses that are collaborative and measure success by team results. Adaptability Take advantage of flexible course schedules and

5 BYOD Education Issues To Consider 5 BYOD Education Issues To Consider Posted by Derrick Rowe on Fri, Jun 21, 2013 @ 01:39 PM Another school year finally comes to its end. Some main areas to focus on when looking to prepare your school wireless network for BYOD implementation are: Network CapabilitiesSecurityManagementPolicyRole Based Access Control Network Capabilities The growth of BYOD in education means more mobile devices. Security BYOD security is important in any industry, and education is no exception. Management While your wireless network grows to a more complex system to support the growth of BYOD, it is best to have a centralized management system. Also as mentioned above, MDM (mobile device management) is essential to maintaining tight security. Role Based Access Control Role based access control is also another aid in security. Policy Having a thorough, well thought out BYOD policy is extremely important. Understanding these factors when accepting BYOD in your school is extremely important.

EU nuorisotyöttömyys kartta Eurostat How to Get Girls Into Coding WHEN I was 7 years old, I knew the capitals of most major countries and their currencies. I had to, if I wanted to track down a devious criminal mastermind in the computer game “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?” On screen, the ACME Detective Agency would spit out clues like notable landmarks to help players identify the city where Carmen’s globe-trotting henchmen were hiding out. I wouldn’t learn how to pronounce Reykjavik for more than a decade, but I could tell you that its currency was called the krona. I was the child of Indian immigrants, and like any begrudging Bengal tiger cub, I penciled in fill-in-the-blank maps and memorized multiplication tables after dinner. A huge nationwide push is underway, funded by the nonprofit’s corporate and billionaire donors, from Amazon and Google to Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, to introduce American schoolchildren to coding and to redefine it as a basic skill to be learned alongside the three R’s. Continue reading the main story

Le 33 competenze digitali... Asiantuntija: Tällaisiin mokiin nuorten työnsaanti voi kompastua – ”Napapaita... Pitkän linjan rekrytoijalle on tullut monta kertaa mieleen, että nuoria pitäisi auttaa kehittämään työnhakutaitoja. Nuorten työnsaanti voi kompastua alkumetreillä, kun hakemus on laadittu kehnosti. Hän on nähnyt paljon työhakemuksia ja haastatellut nuoria työnhakijoita. Laatu vaihtelee laidasta laitaan. – Moni ei varmaan edes ymmärrä, että hän itse tuhoaa omat mahdollisuutensa. Rekrytoija sanoo, että joskus näkee vasemmalla kädellä huitaistuja hakemuksia. Rekrytoija neuvoo, että jos lähettää sähköpostilla lyhyen referaatin hakemuksesta, liitteeksi on paras laittaa A4-kokoa oleva varsinaisen hakemus ja CV eli ansioluettelo. – Hakemuksessa voi tuoda esille, miksi minä sovin tähän tehtävään ja mitä voin antaa firmalle. Hakemus ja CV kertovat ammattimaiselle rekrytoijalle paljon hakijasta. Työnsaanti voi tyssätä siihen, että hakemus vilisee alkeellisia kirjoitusvirheitä. – Vähimmäisvaatimus on, että haettavan työpaikan nimi on kirjoitettu oikein. Mukava kuva on hyvä lisä

The Importance of Thinking In- and Out-of-the-Box How to encourage creativity in a tech-based environment. GUEST COLUMN | by Wendy Marshall How do you teach a student to be creative? It used to be that educators encouraged innovation by telling children to “think outside the box” via a “sky’s the limit” approach. During our summer Makers Camp that is put on by my educational center ExplorOcean, children (ages 9-13) participate in guided projects using tools such as Little Bits, Makey Makeyand Hummingbird robotics. It is important, especially in a tech-based environment, to encourage students to think both inside and outside the box. 1. Researchers who study prodigious accomplishments talk about the 10,000-hour rule, which means in order to be able to do something notable, one must devote 10,000+ hours to mastering that discipline. 2. Requirements, guidelines, time and materials all narrow the realm in which a student is allowed to operate, making it easier for her or him to focus on the problem or issue. 3. 4. 5. Like this:

Técnicas de trabajo colaborativo. Técnicas centradas en el trabajo en grupo a partir de estructuras comunicativas de colaboración. Las metas son compartidas por el grupo, requieren de la participación activa de todos los miembros, primero en una fase cooperativa para continuar en el intercambio para la construcción de conocimiento a partir del intercambio con los demás. El profesor interviene aportando normas, estructura de la actividad y realizando el seguimiento y valoración de las actividades. Algunas de las principales técnicas que favorecen el trabajo colaborativo són: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Entre las principales ventajas del estudio de casos destacan: la motivación, aplicación inmediata de las actividades, habilidades en la búsqueda y localización de información, contacto con expertos, síntesis, creación de un producto, informe. Social: El profesor debe intentar crear y mantener un clima social favorable al aprendizaje.

Worst Job Interview Mistakes It’s been a while since I’ve been on a formal job interview, but I can still remember my most awful one with vivid, cringeworthy clarity. I was wearing the one pair of black "business" slacks my 21-year-old self owned (with the crease and everything), was sweating bullets through my button-down and cardigan, and made the mistake of saying my worst quality was my perfectionism. (Note: I am the least perfect person in the entire world, and mostly err towards chaotic procrastination.) But I take comfort in knowing that I am not alone in my gross interview missteps, and in a city where climbing up the job ladder is too competitive for comfort, nearly every New Yorker has at least one tale to tell. Illustrated by Mallory Heyer. “One of my first real job interviews was at a hip record company in Manhattan where everyone dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and other 'cool guy' attire. “Once, I accidentally scrambled up two words I was trying to say, and it came out sounding like 'bitch.'

3 Ways Coding and Gaming Can Enhance Learning Coding isn't just for computer science any more. Educators are finding that teaching students to write code and design games enhances learning and creates engagement. These examples illustrate how coding and games are being used across the curriculum and at all levels, as well as why great teaching is at the very heart of this innovation. Connecting With Each Learner: Inform7 (Interactive Fiction for High School) Imagine a weather-beaten oak door. It has a heavy brass knocker and a tarnished handle that doesn't look like it has been used in some time. Now go to Google Images and try to find a picture of the exact door that you have seen in your head. Now imagine that as you approach the door, you notice deep scratches along the doorframe, as if something has been trying to get in . . . or trying to hold the door closed. Yet through the power of narrative description, we are all probably picturing the same door in our heads. Great Teachers

Visual thinking Visual thinking is a way to organize your thoughts and improve your ability to think and communicate. It’s a way to expand your range and capacity by going beyond the linear world of the written word, list and spreadsheet, and entering the non-linear world of complex spacial relationships, networks, maps and diagrams. It’s also about using tools — like pen and paper, index cards and software tools — to externalize your internal thinking processes, making them more clear, explicit and actionable. Why is visual thinking important? There’s more information at your fingertips than ever before, and yet people are overwhelmed by it. We think in pictures. Think you can’t draw? Squiggle birds (I learned squiggle birds from my friend Chris Glynn). So why is visual thinking important? The whirl. Visualization is increasingly used in business and science to simplify complexity: a picture is worth a thousand words. Drawing is a natural process for thinking, exploring ideas and learning. 1. 2. 3. 4.

India students caught 'cheating' in exams in Bihar 19 March 2015Last updated at 09:36 ET Cheating in exams is fairly common in the Indian state of Bihar, but new images have emerged which show just how large-scale and blatant the practice is. Many students smuggled in textbooks and notes into the examination centres despite tight security - and parents and friends were photographed scaling the walls of test centres to pass on answers to students during the current secondary school examinations. The examinations, held by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), began on Tuesday and are scheduled to go on until 24 March. Most of the incidents of cheating this year have been reported from Saharsa, Chhapra, Vaishali and Hajipur districts. Local newspapers have been full of photos of parents and relatives trying to help their children cheat even at considerable risk to their own lives, BBC Hindi's Manish Saandilya reports from the state capital, Patna. They say at least 400 students who have been caught cheating have been expelled.

Gamestorming Every Teacher’s Guide to Assessment It’s not a stretch to say that assessment is a hot button issue in education; however, you’d be hard pressed to find an educator who doesn’t see the value in measuring student progress. Assessments themselves have been vilified, when, in fact, it’s why assessments are given and how the data is used that is really the issue. The Glossary of Education Reform gives this great overview of what high-stakes testing is and how it impacts students, teachers, and schools. Basically, high-stakes testing has consequences for the test-takers and givers—sometimes in the form of a high school diploma, grade advancement, and even teachers’ salaries. Let’s take a look at what assessment is, why it’s important, and how it can be delivered in the classroom in a useful manner. What is assessment? Assessment is the measurement of what students are learning. Why do we do it? The information gleaned from assessments is extremely valuable. Assessment Basics Types of Assessment Question Types Delivery Methods

Pour la question de la persévérance scolaire, un article intéressant puisqu'il présente des qualités qui la favorisent et suggère des méthodes pour favoriser leur développement chez les jeunes. À ce propos, les liens externes sont incontournables! by jeannieproulxgignac Feb 13
