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Businessballs free online learning for careers Free online personal finance software for budgeting and money management How Founding Reddit Got Me Through The Hardest Part Of My Life 团购应该这么玩儿 – 胖胡斐:发现 美好 由 胖胡斐 撰写 目前的团购网站长得都一样,就连购买按钮的箭头都一样 提笔开始写这个的时候,读到一个很不错的专题《网易科技:团购网站淘金热》,推荐大家看看。 我们试图从另一个角度去说这东西:我认为这些不叫团购! 用秒杀的方法做团购? 秒杀是一种互联网促销方式,我以前提过。 我发现,目前的团购网站,都是“定时 + 限量 + 特价”,虽说有x人成团的概念,但事实上,x已经趋近于0。 同时,没有人拉人,钱也分开付,你不知道跟谁在一起买东西,一切都没有所谓团购的影子,只有这么个名字。 那这是在做团购么? 团购到底是什么? 我告诉大家真正的团购是什么,这可是全真教内功。 团购说的是一群人去买东西。 商家角度说,我们来算一笔账,就知道商家为什么从团购中获利,也为什么有无数商家因为团购在亏钱。 本来有6个人要买,他们自己来买的话,净利润是6xy-6m; 这6个人一起来,成团了,毛利是4.8x*y1 (利润率因降价会变),同时客户自己抱团,营销成本降低,于是净利润如下;这种时候,商家不见得比单独售卖更赚钱。 所以我们可以总结出团购的关键点和价值: 团购是一种获得销售增量的促销手段。 商家什么时候不能多赚钱? 这个可怕的反例告诉我们,做团购,一定要算清楚,如果要更多利润,折扣和成本考虑是门学问。 应该怎么玩团购? 我想成功的团购,一定最会寻找销售增量并合理利用。 找到多出来的那4个人。 很多人不认为自己能成为小团长,那就鼓励他,并且告诉他,他不是一个人在战斗,帮他把团拼好,减少他的任务。 这是我对团购的一点理解,记录在这里。

Inside the Private World of Allen & Co. Putting a premium on personal ties, this family firm thrives in the land of the giants. - June 28, 2004 Inside the Private World of Allen & Co. Putting a premium on personal ties, this family firm thrives in the land of the giants. By Carol J. Loomis Reporter Associate Patricia Neering (FORTUNE Magazine) – A few weeks from now, private jets of the large, CEO-carrying kind will start streaming into Hailey, Idaho, for what may be the biggest annual event on the corporate calendar: Allen & Co.' You'll probably read a lot in the days ahead about the Sun Valley conference--its star power has earned it coverage in the likes of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker. To say the firm is unusual would be an understatement. Right now Allen & Co. is at a true inflection point. As part of the transition to a new generation, the firm has made a little-noticed change in the way it does business. So it is not exactly his father's $1 billion company that Herb is driving. Having trouble keeping that straight? The kind of person-to-person banking that Allen practices has paid off nicely.

Alan Kay Alan Curtis Kay (born 17 May 1940) is an American computer scientist known for his early pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface design. Sourced[edit] 1970s[edit] The best way to predict the future is to invent it.Alan Kay (1971) at a 1971 meeting of PARCSimilar remarks are attributed to Peter Drucker and Dandridge M. Cole.Cf. Dennis Gabor, Inventing the Future (1963): "The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented." 1980s[edit] Technology is anything that wasn't around when you were born. 1990s[edit] Actually I made up the term "object-oriented", and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind. 2000s[edit] If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not aiming high enough. By the time I got to school, I had already read a couple hundred books. Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible. A Conversation with Alan Kay, 2004-05[edit] 2010s[edit] 2012s[edit] External links[edit]

Flash Earth ...satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash UI Pattern Factory The Future as Platform: Mark Hendrickson's Vision for Plancast Mark Hedrickson is 24 years old. He grew up in Menlo Park, California, down the street from Stanford, raised by a high-tech marketer Dad and a Mom in banking. Then he went to college and studied Nietzsche. He has now set out to build The Future - specifically your future, your intentions, your plans as a platform for analysis and software development. The story became particularly interesting today: Hendrickson's new company Plancast is submitting its much-anticipated iPhone app to Apple days before SXSW and announced on Hendrickson's alma matter tech blog TechCrunch that it has raised just short of $1m from a list of industry stars. Plancast is a website where people post their plans. Now that Twitter is such an unqualified success in all but monetization, it's cool to say you've got the same problems Twitter had. Mash up all those plans from friends and you get an interesting stream of forthcoming events. The site is simple, if smart, today. Leveraging the Future
