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jquery.qrcode.js is jquery plugin for a pure browser qrcode generation. It allow you to easily add qrcode to your webpages. It is standalone, less than 4k after minify+gzip, no image download. It doesnt rely on external services which go on and off, or add latency while loading. It is based on a library which build qrcode in various language. jquery.qrcode.js wraps it to make it easy to include in your own code. Show, dont tell, here is a example How to Use It Let me walk you thru it. Then create a DOM element which gonna contains the generated qrcode image. Then you add the qrcode in this container by jquery('#qrcode').qrcode("this plugin is great"); This is it. see it live. Conclusion jquery.qrcode.js is available on github here under MIT license.

qrcode.js QRCode.js is javascript library for making QRCode. QRCode.js supports Cross-browser with HTML5 Canvas and table tag in DOM. QRCode.js has no dependencies. Basic Usages <div id="qrcode"></div><script type="text/javascript"> new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), " </script> or with some options and you can use some methods qrcode.clear(); // clear the code. qrcode.makeCode(" // make another code. Sample Code Browser Compatibility IE6~10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, Windows Mobile, ETC. License MIT License Contact

jQuery Timelinr ↩ CSSLab Dando vida al tiempo / Giving life to time Selecciona tu idioma / Select your language: This simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines. Last stable version: 0.9.6 Configuration: Include the jQuery library and this plugin: Inicialize-it with the default parameters: $(function(){ $().timelinr();}); Or configure it as preferred: HTML markup must be as follows: <div id="timeline"><ul id="dates"><li><a href="#">date1</a></li><li><a href="#">date2</a></li></ul><ul id="issues"><li id="date1"><p>Lorem ipsum. Icon designed by Sebastián Cortés Changelog: 0.9.6: check if required elements exist on page before initializing timelinr0.9.54: Bugfix: large timelines now gets centered.0.9.53: Bugfix: arrows hidden when jumping from first and last dates resolved.0.9.52: Problem with arrows nav and 2 or less issues now fixed.0.9.51: As requested, now prev/next buttons are hidden if the issue is in the first/last position. Última versión estable: 0.9.6 Configuración: O customízalos: Cambios:

Deu mentides sobre Catalunya Totes les nacions i allò que les caracteritza: ètnia, llengua territori, tradicions comunes… s’han construït de mica en mica, i Catalunya no n’ha estat una excepció. A les acaballes del segle VIII la major part de la península Ibèrica la controlava l’emirat de Còrdova. Va ser aleshores quan es va constituir la Marca Hispànica, una unitat administrativa integrada a l’imperi Franc de Carlemany i en la qual van quedar aplegats bona part dels territoris que han acabat configurant Catalunya. En conseqüència, el seu origen es vincula a l’estat cristià més poderós de l’època, que s’estenia fins al centre d’Europa, l’imperi Carolingi, i no a cap altre. Lluites intenses amb els sarraïns Ja independents dels francs, els comtes catalans van mantenir intenses lluites amb els sarraïns a la Península per eixamplar les seves fronteres i van mirar cap a diferents horitzons per prestigiar la seva autoritat.

Cool QR Code Module Demo This is a standard Joomla! article. The 2 codes below are displayed using the Joomla! { loadposition ... } functionality. These are both quite complicated QR Codes because they hold quite a bit of information - the more complex the code, the larger it should be so smart devices can 'scan' the codes easier. Cool QR - Extended vCard Cool QR - vCard with Photo As you can see below, the 'vCard with Photo' QR code is the MOST complex - the photo is encoded right into the code using base64_encoding. End of article here. LazarSoft/jsqrcode Turn.js: The page flip effect in HTML5 Hiker Finds Fossilized Turtle Dating Back 90 Million Years Jeff Dornbusch knew there was something odd about a pile of gray rocks he spotted more than a decade ago during a hike in the southern New Mexico desert, and a closer look confirms that he was right. Dornbusch, a museum volunteer in Truth or Consequences, N.M., relocated those rocks in 2012 and notified local scientists, who identified the rocks as fragments of a 90-million-year-old turtle fossil, the Las Cruces Sun-News reported. Since then, researchers have returned to the site where the rocks were found and excavated the rest of the turtle. (Story continues below image.) Workers from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History (from left, Tom Suazo, fossil preparer; Amanda Cantrell, geosciences collections manager; Jake Sayler, volunteer; and Asher Lichtig, student researcher) excavating the 90-million-year-old turtle fossil on Oct. 29, 2014, about six miles east of Turtleback Mountain, a well-known peak near Truth or Consequences.

PHP QR Code - QR code generator, an LGPL PHP library
