[Tuto] Coudre un Biais en Jersey sur une Encolure ou une Emmanchure | HEKATE
Je vous en avais précédemment parlé, la-voici la-voilà : « ma » technique pour coudre un biais en jersey sur une encolure ou une emmanchure! Vous allez voir, c’est très facile, et Dieu sait si coudre du jersey peut paraitre rebutant… L’avantage de cette méthode, qui ne nécessite pas forcément de surjeteuse, c’est que vous terminez la pose du biais sur l’endroit du vêtement, ce qui permet de contrôler la couture. Du coup on obtient une finition parfaite (ou presque!), aussi bien sur l’endroit que sur l’envers. Avant toute chose, il vous faudra impérativement ajouter une marge de couture de 1cm à vos encolures et emmanchures, exactement de la même façon que si vous deviez y ajouter des manches ou autres. Donc voici comment poser facilement un biais en jersey sur vos encolures et emmanchures : *** Lisez ces instructions au moins une fois en entier avant de vous lancer! 1/ Mesurer la circonférence à orner 2/ Définir la longueur de biais nécessaire 3/ Couper le biais 7/ 1ère couture
Project Re-Style #39 Skull Cut Out Tee.
Welcome everyone, to my Project Re-Style day. Today's Re-Style is going to be another Tee Re-style. With Halloween quickly approaching, I thought it would be a great idea to do a Halloween related T-Shirt. I saw this idea first on I changed it a little, by sketching my own skull, but the idea is the same. You could also use your own imagination and make anything you want. Tutorial Things you need 1. 2. 3.Chalk 4. 5.Ruler Cut out your shape Cut off the collar ~for an off the shoulder look . Trace the skull onto your shirt with chalk , using your ruler, make lines about 1/2 of an inch apart. Cut where you drew the lines. Make sure you do not cut the eyes and the nose. Then stretch the shirt out a little, to curl your cuts. in GRAY and BLACK Mix it up with a different color tank top, to change the look. 39 down 13 to go Click on the picture for all the details about Project Re-Style. Thanks for joining me and I hope you had a wonderful Monday!!
La Bobine
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anleitung: t-shirt CUTTING, WEAVING & BRAIDING!
schneiden, flechten, weben - und schon kann man tolle muster ins t-shirt zaubern. besonders schön finde ich, wenn man unterhalb knallige bzw. kontrastreiche shirts trägt. im sommer sieht es aber auch ganz toll aus, wenn man einfach die sonnengebräunte haut durchscheinen lässt. hier ist nun mein erstes offizielles turtorial. ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir so einigermaßen folgen. falls ihr noch fragen habt, könnt ihr mich natürlich gerne kontaktieren. (bitte verzeiht, dass nicht alle fotos perfekt sind, aber ich hab mit einer hand geflochten und mit der andern fotografiert:-)
Pop Couture | La couture gratuite !
Pink Star Burst Shirt Refashion
My youngest sister loves the color pink...in any tone or shade. A couple of months ago, I bought a long sleeved pink shirt and made this shirt for myself, but then my sister borrowed it. I haven't seen it since. I should have known. Oh well, at least I know the shirt is well cared for and loved very much. Here is what I did. Then, I cut many long strips Pinned them on the shirt like so Sewed them on...some I just pulled as I sewed and others I gathered as I sewed. Added a button and hand tacked the strips just so that they would not fall over the button. I marked them with little hearts where I tacked the strips down. And that is it. Here is the only time I wore the shirt...for a photo shoot. The shirt appears in many shades of pink in all these photos but I promise it's all the same shirt.
un petit tuto ?
Pour aider quelques irrésistibles couturières, j'ai réalisé un tuto technique et je me disais que ce serait sympa de vous le proposer aussi. "Coudre un biais sur l'intérieur d'un vêtement" rien de transcendant mais parfois on bloque sur un point technique tout bête parce que des mots sont moins parlants que des images. Cette technique peut être utilisée pour coudre une emmanchure (on peut glisser une manche papillon entre le biais et le tissu), un ourlet en bas d'un vêtement, une encolure, une ceinture de pantalon ... Ce tuto rejoint les autres classés ici ... bonne couture !!
This Mama Makes Stuff T-shirt Refashion Tutorial | Words To Sweat By
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! How many workout shirts do you have that have been relegated to the back of the drawer because, as a result of reaching your fitness goals, or just pure overuse, they no longer fit so you don’t wear them but you can’t quite give them up? I’m guessing a bunch. There are some fun and easy ways to reuse or repurpose t-shirts so throughout November Words to Sweat by will be featuring different ways to get your unused shirt stack back into the mix. To kickoff the series I asked crafty woman extraordinaire, Carrie of This Mama Makes Stuff, to take an extra large Words to Sweat by shirt and refashion it into something more stylish then create a tutorial so you can too. Here’s how to turn a too-large t-shirt into a cute fitted t-shirt with interesting shoulder details. Try on your 0ver-sized t-shirt and pin the sides to fit your body. Draw and cut new neckline. Cut off sleeves of t-shirt right at seam. Trim side seams.
Paper Gift Bag Tutorial
Hello Sandwiches! With the festive season coming up I thought I'd share a tutorial from the Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Zine. It's a simple way to turn wrapping paper, kraft paper or even a pre-loved envelope into an original paper gift bag. 1. Take a sheet of paper or wrapping paper approximately double the size that you desire your bag and fold it in half horizontally. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You could also get creative with mt tape and decorate your bag like this one I made after a trip to the mt expo! If you'd like to make some more creative gift wrapping projects you can get the Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Zine here for $10AUD. Love LoveHello Sandwichxoxo
Glue-Resist Altered T-shirt
I've been working on a tie-dye series for the second summer now and my assignment is to come up with a fun way to use dye. I don't know what was wrong with me this week, but my creativity well dried up! I happened to be texting with fellow iLTC blogger, Margot Potter of DIYDoyenne.com, and mentioned in passing about my frustration. She sent me a text of one sentence that changed the course of my attitude: "Try a faux batik look!" I've already used a bleach pen and had to whip something different. It sure helps to have crafty friends! Here's Brett, our tradeshow guru rocking out the new top I made!