O Caldeiro Máxico, versión Propp
O vello caldeiro das historias chegou ata ao mesmo Espazo Abalar, o repositorio de recursos do proxecto TIC que está a funcionar en moitos centros educativos de Galicia. Este esquema de composición escrita, ou matriz de relatos, naceu a partir das observacións de Antonio R. Almodóvar sobre a estrutura do conto marabilloso de orixe hispánica. Uns anos antes, cando empezaba a imaxinar os materiais, este artefacto para inventar historias era máis semellante ás ideas de Vladimir Propp. Pero nas secuencias narrativas básicas case non hai diferencias entre os dous modelos. As historias que se crean con este caldeiro máxico, na versión de Propp, poden estar constituídas polos seguintes elementos: 1) Heroe ou heroína; 2) Os desexos; 3) A busca; 4) Os amigos e aliados; 5) Os obstáculos; 6) O lugar buscado; 7) O adversario; 8) A vitoria, por fin; 9) O regreso; 10) Alegría e felicidade.
13 Great Digital Storytelling Apps for iPad
Stories have a wide range of advantages for students. They help them experience the world, introduce them to other cultures and modes of life, expand their imaginative powers, contextualize their learning, and also individualize it. Teaching stories has never been as easier as it is now. Technology provided us with a gamut of free tools to create our own stories . We have already posted a very popular article about the best storytelling web services for teachers , these are basically web based tools but there are also useful apps that work on iDevices and have the same features as the web based ones. Below is a list of some great digital storytelling apps for iPad. 1- StoryPatch " Story Patch, a beautiful new application for the iPad that children can use to create their own picture books. 2- Story Wheel " “Story Wheel” is an educational game that improves your child’s cognitive abilities. " This app is as fun as your own creativity. 4- Toonastic 5- Comic Creator 6- Photo Comic 8- Story Kit
Photovisi - Photo Collage Maker
Apuntes de storytelling
Hace mucho, en las montañas que hay entre China y Corea, no recuerdo si del norte o del sur, un hombre que dormía tuvo un sueño. Soñó con un dragón terrible, espantoso. En una actitud muy amenazante, abrió sus fauces en llamas y bramó con toda su imponente fuerza. Entonces, el hombre, casi enloquecido, le preguntó: -Pero ¿qué va a pasar? Si vemos o escuchamos una presentación, resulta evidente que una cierta parte de nuestro cerebro se activa. El arte de contar historias es muy antiguo, pero tal vez durante mucho tiempo le faltó entre nosotros una buena campaña de publicidad. Nadie puede prometer que los cuentos vayan a darnos más o verdades o certezas. Por eso, si la vida nos ha confiado muchos cuentos, algunos piensan que deberíamos contárselos, de nuevo, a todos los que no puedan leer la enciclopedia de la vida. Kids and Library! A través del escritor Antonio Muñoz Molina descubro la existencia de un libro todavía no traducido al castellano, On the Origin of Stories, de Brian Boyd.
8 Classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations
A good public speaker takes their audience on a journey, leaving them feeling inspired and motivated. But structuring your speech to get your ideas across and keep your audience engaged all the way through is tricky. Try these eight storytelling techniques for a presentation that wows. You’re doing a presentation, so you start with the facts you want to get across. Wrong! Humans are hardwired for stories. Deliver a presentation that captures the hearts and heads of your audience by stealing one of these classic storytelling techniques. 1. The monomyth (also called the hero’s journey), is a story structure that is found in many folk tales, myths and religious writings from around the world. In a monomyth, the hero is called to leave their home and sets out on a difficult journey. After overcoming a great trial, they return home with a reward or newfound wisdom – something which will help their community. Good for: See also: The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Free Online Collage Maker
Ribbet is a fully featured online photo editor and collage maker. With nothing to download or install, you'll be creating your collage in just a few moments by clicking Create Collage above. Ribbet lets you create collages directly from your Facebook, Flickr and Google Photos, making collage building a dream. Ribbet is inspired by the platform which made Picnik great. Laying out your photos is just the beginning! Ribbet is faster than any other collage maker for these awesome reasons:
10 Apps & Sites for Digital Storytelling & more!
Have your Students Tell their Stories Digitally! What is digital storytelling? Students can tell their story in a digital manner the same as they would orally or on paper. Digital storytelling is simply applying one's creative ideas in a manner that allows him or her to add multimedia (video, images, and audio) to their voice. Why use digital storytelling? Using technology can be engaging. Which tools are best? Personally, I like tools that are free and easy to use. I often get asked if I prefer iPads or laptops. A few of my favorite tools for digital storytelling: (the descriptions below were taken from the tool's site) (available as an app and a website) - yay - Enhance your digital classroom with Animoto. Sonic Pics for itouch devices. Capzles: Time Captured. Motivate students to participate. Glogster provides a digital platform for students to create a multimedia poster. Storybird has become one of my new personal favorites. Other great resources: Assessing Digital Storytelling:
The 8 Steps of A Great Digital Storytelling Process
March , 2014 Integrating digital storytelling requires more than just knowledge of the web tools to use for creating and sharing digital stories, the process if much more important. Helping kids and students learn through the use of digital storytelling entails the implementation of a well-paced plan that clearly outlines both the objectives and expectations behind this integration. Samantha Morra (Google certified teacher) has this wonderful visual on the process of digital storytelling. This process comprises 8 steps : Come with an ideaResearch/explore and learnWrite/ScriptStoryboard/PlanGather/create images, gather/create audio, gather create video.Put it all togetherShareFeedback and reflect If you are looking for some web tools for teaching digital storytelling, I would recommend this page.