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Màlqueting» Arxiu del Blog » EL MÀRQUETING I LA RECUPERACIÓ Bé, com ara ja tots sabem que estem en Recessió, és a dir, que anem a menys, ja és hora que ens comencem a centrar en la Recuperació o, el que és el mateix, en intentar anar a més. Lògicament, i ho acabem de veure ara per Sant Jordi, hi ha força publicacions amb diagnòstics més o menys brillants sobre les causes de la recessió i també s’organitzen cada dia conferències i seminaris sobre “… i la crisi” o “gestió en temps de crisi”. Per tant, no pretenc donar una altra recepta, però sí que m’agradaria fer, des de la meva perspectiva, algunes reflexions sobre el màrqueting de la recuperació: Donat que la recaptació fiscal anirà caient, per què no REPENSEM EL MODEL PÚBLIC creant-ne un de nou, menys car i més eficaç? Estic convencut que, si no aprofitem el moment per reinventar el rol i els continguts del sector públic, no aconseguirem ser mai, de veritat, un país amb futur. Etiquetes: recuperació

Things I grab, motley collection Marketing Week 20 creative guerilla marketing campaigns We are so overwhelmed with advertising everywhere that it becomes hard for creative agencies to make ads that stand out. Guerilla advertising is a great way to make unusual, surrealistic visuals and situations that passers by will remember. Here is a selection. 1. The bench that turns you into a walking advertisement if you are wearing short shorts. 2. Pretty clever, the urinal that stands out. 3. Seen in New York, how would you not go grab a coffee there? 4. I would be curious to know how many people actually notice this ad. 5. Enter the shark, a cool optical illusion for this National Geographic ad on a bus. 6. Cool idea to promote the movie “The day after tomorrow”, it gives the illusion that NYC has been submerged by the waters. 7. Feels good not to be in the same category as the big boys. 8. Small but poweful, I think the message just got across the bridge. 9. Unmissable ad, I’m sure all the bowlers that went there remembered it. 10. 3M security glass 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

3 grandes mitos del marketing de contenidos o la ardua labor de definir la “calidad” © Petr Vaclavek - El marketing de contenidos está de moda… las últimas noticias nos han llegado, como no podía ser menos, de la mano de Google, sí a poco más de un año y tras pasar la barrera psicológica del mes de abril, hace acto de presencia Google Penguin y vuelve a revolucionar a la red. Si bien es cierto que los más perjudicados han resultado aquellos negocios que basaban su posicionamiento en un excesivo trabajo de SEO, es también una realidad que el todopoderoso se pone mucho más estricto en lo que se considera contenido único y de calidad. Tal es la demanda de contenidos optimizados para impactar en las emociones de un consumidor cada vez más multicanal, formado e híper conectado, que requiere que nos focalicemos en desterrar los que se consideran como los 3 grandes mitos del marketing de contenidos. Acción social= crecimiento. Tráfico = éxito. Marketing de contenidos = punto de venta. Y vosotros, ¿cuáles son vuestros mitos sobre el marketing de contenidos?

Influential Marketing Blog brands-disappear-2012-247: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance 24/7 Wall St. has created a new list of brands that will disappear, which includes Sears (NASDAQ: SHLD - News), Sony Pictures (NYSE: SNE - News), American Apparel (NYSE: APP - News), Nokia (NYSE: NOK - News), Saab, A&W All-American Foods Restaurants, Soap Opera Digest, Sony Ericsson, MySpace (NYSE: NWS.A - News), and Kellogg's Corn Pops. (NYSE: K - News). Each year, 24/7 Wall St. regularly compiles a list of brands that are going to disappear in the near-term. Other 2010 nominees — including Blockbuster — bit the dust, while companies such as Dollar Thrifty are on the road to oblivion. We also missed the mark on a few companies. Brands that have stood the test of time for decades are falling by the wayside at an alarming rate. This year's list of The Ten Brands That Will Disappear takes a methodical approach in deciding which brand would walk the plank. 1. Sony has a studio production arm which has nothing to do with its core businesses of consumer electronics and gaming. 3. 4. 5. 6.

10 Tools to Make Your Marketing Videos Wow Creating a compelling video requires a different approach than writing a good blog post. Here are some tools to help. February 23, 2012 Video has become an essential marketing tool. Starting a camera and spouting out a thousand words of brilliant prose does not make a compelling video. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. John Jantsch is a marketing consultant, speaker and author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine and the founder of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network.

Chart Porn Sens du client - Le blog des professionnels du marketing client et de la relation client How To Bring Your Brand To Life Technology is evolving faster than the ability to adapt. So how does your brand keep up? October 24, 2011 My buddy, Brian Solis, released a new book called The End of Business As Usual: Rewire the Way You Work to Succeed in the Consumer Revolution. The inspiration for the book was the need for organizations to not only recognize the voice of the customer and the employee, but to finally do something about it. In the book, he talks about the importance of brand and brand essence during an era of what he calls Digital Darwinism, the evolution of consumer behavior when society and technology evolve faster than the ability to adapt. With businesses chasing the great “friend” grab in social networks, brand and brand essence are more important than ever before. To help make brands socially relevant, he created the following steps for brand managers to review. Feeling: Social networks are emotional landscapes that are populated by human beings, not consumers.
