Les neurones se connectent au hasard des rencontres Sciences vendredi 25 janvier 2013 L’infiniment petit au cœur des deux projets. Les neurones et leur fonctionnement. Le «Human Brain Project», basé à l’EPFL, serait l’un des deux lauréats du concours européen FET Flagships; la confirmation officielle tombera lundi 28 janvier à Bruxelles. NEUROsciences mercredi 01 février 2012 Colonne corticale de rat. Dirigé depuis l’EPFL, le Human Brain Project veut parvenir d’ici à dix ans à simuler le cerveau sur ordinateur. physique jeudi 22 mars 2012 Le graphène: une couche monoatomique de graphite, dans laquelle les atomes de carbone sont organisés en structures hexagonales. Les multiples propriétés de ce matériau résistant, flexible, conducteur et transparent suscitent beaucoup d’attentes Dossier. médecine mardi 15 mai 2012 Un circuit électronique flexible. Des microcapteurs glissés dans nos vêtements pour surveiller notre état de santé: c’est ce que prévoit le projet Guardian Angels recherche mardi 17 mai 2011 José del R. Dossier. Interface.
The Ghost Shrimp | Image of the Week Image of the Week #53, July 30th, 2012: From: Hitchhiking jellyfish, gonad-loving parasites and the skeleton shrimp by Becky Crew at Running Ponies. Source: Alexander Semenov The alien creatures in movies like Prometheus still pale next to the dreamlike unpredictability of actual ocean-biodiversity. Caprella septentrionalis, seen here in a photo from the amazing biologist and photographer Alexander Semenov, looks impossible, menacing and whimsical all at once. ” …sometimes the subjects seemed to have been taken from the nightmarish dreams of science, and hark back to prehistoric times; monstrous flora bloomed on the rocks; everywhere…,” Huysmans, describing art by Symbolist Odilon Redon.
Welcome to The SNL Archives - StumbleUpon 50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know January 27th, 2010 By Pamelia Brown The brain is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body. Brain Development and Learning Read on to learn interesting facts about how the brain develops, what can affect that development, and how learning is impacted. Read aloud. Memory Learn about the way short-term memory differs from long-term memory, how scent affects memory, and more. Different types of memory. Brain Trivia From how the brain helps while blinking to early brain surgery, these bits of trivia might come in handy the next time you are teaching about the brain. Blinking. The Physical Brain With this list, you’ll be prepared the next time you need to whip out fast facts about the make-up of the human brain. Water. Amazing Brains Here are examples of some amazing people and their brains. Daniel Tammet.
Human Brain Project La Commission européenne a officiellement désigné le Human Brain Project (HBP) comme l’un de ses deux projets FET Flagship. Le HBP regroupera les scientifiques de tout le continent autour de l’un des plus grands défis de la science contemporaine: comprendre le cerveau humain. Le Human Brain Project (HBP) a pour but de réunir toutes les connaissances actuelles sur le cerveau humain afin de le reconstituer, pièce par pièce, dans des modèles et des simulations informatiques. Fédérant plus de 80 Institutions de recherche Européennes et internationales, the Human Brain Project est prévu pour durer 10 ans (2013-2023). Une cartographie fonctionnelle de haute résolution du cerveau humain sera menée de concert avec celle des principaux faisceaux de fibres qui permettent à ces modules de communiquer. Sur le plan théorique, l’HBP créera un Institut Européen des Neurosciences Théoriques (EITN), qui sera localisé en Région Parisienne en raison de sa forte communauté théorique et mathématique.
Deep Green Cuts: Reading Tree Rings - Media Aside from the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze or the creaking of a bough in a winter gale, a tree’s character may best be described as “the strong and silent type”—but, as so often is the case with such personalities, they have the most hauntingly beautiful stories to tell. For nearly a century, dendrochronologists have practiced reading tree rings for clues about the lives of trees. And though the field of study has helped shed light on historic growth cycles for scientists, it’s all been rather dry and clinical. But now, thanks to a special turntable designed to read tree rings as if they were tracks on an LP, a tree’s biography can be heard like its very own discography. German artist Bartholomäus Traubeck recently debuted a record player he developed that is capable of digitally reading tree slices and translating them into moving piano music.
Tutoring Business: Starting a Tutoring Business: Seven Important Lessons The Tutoring Business is pleased to present By Tony Aitken, President The Wealthy Tutor, Specializing in Tutoring Business Startup Sytems and Resources After working in the telecom industry for 15 years as a marketing consultant, I started looking around for new challenges. As consulting opportunities in the telecom industry were starting to dry up by 2000, I decided to look at different growth industries where I might get a new start. Although exact numbers are hard to come by, I would estimate the current tutoring industry in North America to be upwards of $10 billion annually and growing at a healthy pace. In September, 2003, I started a tutoring business by hiring university students on contract and sending them to people's homes to tutor their children in Math, Science & English. Seven Important Lessons I Have Learned Starting My Own Tutoring Business Do a Self-Assessment Ask yourself why you want to start a tutoring business. Write a Business Plan What services will I offer?
Symatop Neurosciences & Outils RH How Does the Brain Perceive Art? | Wired Science In 1995, the Metropolitan Museum of Art mounted a controversial exhibition entitled “Rembrandt/Not Rembrandt,” in which works considered to be genuine Rembrandts were displayed alongside those done by his students and admirers. (These lesser paintings are often dismissed as “the school of Rembrandt.”) The point of the exhibition was to reveal the fine line between genius and imitation, authenticity and fakery. A hundred years ago, about 700 works were attributed to Rembrandt. Over the course of the 20th century, that number declined by 50 percent, as critics and historians began searching for those tell-tale marks that distinguish the old master from his young pupils. What accounts for this staggering difference in value? The second possibility is that our aesthetic judgements are really complicated. To test these competing hypotheses, a team of researchers at Oxford University, including Mengfei Huang, Holly Bridge, Martin Kemp and Andrew Parker, set up a simple experiment.
How to Become a Life Coach Your rating: None Average: 4 (2 votes) If you’ve found this article from a Google search, I assume that you are already familiar with what a life coach is. Even if you are, reading my article "What is a Life Coach" will provide you with valuable information on what exactly a life coach does, how coaching contracts work, what typical coaching formats look like and how you might want to focus your business as you consider becoming a coach. This article is geared towards the logistics on what you can do to become a life coach and start your own business. What Credentials do I Need? At the risk of turning people off to life coaching in this article, I am going to give you the facts about people that are calling themselves coaches. Lets take a bit of a closer look here. Lets look at some other examples of similar professions that might fall into the same category. Before Calling Yourself a Coach… What Background do I need? This is an interesting question. What Education if any Should I Get?
Spirale de la réussite Study finds that spoilers aren't such a big deal As any citizen of the Internet knows, people tend to lose their minds at the slightest hint of a “spoiler,” the definition of which seems to vary wildly between extremes, from stuff like knowing the ending of a movie ahead of time to merely knowing that the movie will end, GODDAMN IT, WHERE WAS THE SPOILER ALERT THAT THE MOVIE WOULD END? I HOPE YOU GOT FIRED FOR THAT. Anyway, much of this reaction is based on a hypothesis that knowing beforehand what will happen in a story will negatively affect, or “spoil” your enjoyment of it. Psychologists there recently ran an experiment in which a group of 30 people were given 12 separate short stories they’d never read before, by the likes of Raymond Carver, Agatha Christie, Anton Chekhov, Roald Dahl, and John Updike—some presented as-is, some with an introductory paragraph that gave away the ending, and some with that paragraph incorporated into the text.
Welcome to Coach U Important 2016 Note: The most up-to-date program and course information for Coach U and Corporate Coach U can be found at We are transitioning from this site. Please visit for updated information. As a 1998 Coachinc.com graduate, my longtime coaching career is a testimony to the strength, durability and excellence of the program. Coachinc.com’s commitment to being leading edge continues, and I'm proud to say I trained at Coachinc.com. – Dr. Coach U is the leading global provider of coach training programs. Since 1992, Coach U has offered the most comprehensive coach training programs with 95% of faculty members that are professionally trained, experienced, ICF certified coaches at the PCC or MCC level. For many coaches, supporting others in building terrific lives is the most fulfilling work they have ever done. Click on the following links to learn more: