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Welcome to Campus Sponsorship | Campus Sponsorship Beyond Contingent Workforce: Embracing An Agile Workforce Model Shariff Che'Lah/Adobe Stock Today, when it comes to talent — especially highly skilled or expert talent — organizations are at the beginning of a new phase of workforce innovation. In the coming years, organizations will be going beyond the well-established practice of sourcing external contingent workforce to augment, or even replace, parts of their “permanent” employee workforce. For organizations, the implications are far-reaching. At this stage of the game, some senior executives may feel reluctant or unable to commit attention and resources to such a significant organizational transformation. Even though most executives know they are already facing a high stakes, human capital game in which losing is not an option, they may find many ways to rationalize staying on the sideline. Contingent vs. To understand the agile workforce model, it is important to understand the difference between the contingent workforce and agile workforce models, as well as their relationship to one another.

Find Jobs and Hire skilled Freelancers, at a click - Dreamit Ventures The Art of Management Team Rituals – Serena As your company grows from 10 to 200 people, new challenges begin to pop-up every day — like structuring your management team, sharing information internally, aligning your board/managers/employees while also keeping the team focused on the right goals. Do you recognize any of these? Lack of alignment between C-Levels;Unclear key milestones for the next 2 quarters;No clear understanding of your budget constraints;Requests from your board for things you are unable to provide;Difficulties convincing your managers and employees. If so, then, you need to read the following article and build your own management rituals with your team. To be honest, I have experimented with a lot of methodologies over the past 20 years — first, as a CEO/COO of different software companies, and then as an Operating Partner at Serena (OKRs, holocracy, fully asynchronous communication, holding one-on-one meetings). The good news is that it’s easy to fix if you just maintain a good process. Let’s start from the top.

TaskRabbit | Your tasks, done. 100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education Yury Lifshits is working on algorithms and prototypes of new services at Yahoo! Research. Before that he was teaching university courses in the U.S., Germany, Russia and Estonia. He blogs at and publishes his teaching materials at Education technology has become a busy space in recent years. With so many startups on the scene, it is easy to get lost. 1. The education system of the 20th century is built around institutions: schools, colleges, academies and universities. We've now seen the first online high schools (Keystone School), colleges (University of Phoenix, Kaplan University, The Open University, University of the People), certification programs (, enterprise training programs (, art schools ( and test preparation programs (Top Test Prep, GrockIt, Knewton, RevolutionPrep, TutorJam, BrightStorm). 2. To build a new educational institution, one needs to assemble a lot of pieces. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Le futur du travail: 2020 c’est demain — Mais tout se joue aujourd’hui Les jeunes qui entrent aujourd’hui sur le marché du travail connaîtront environ 13 emplois différents. Et vos enfants? Combien de métiers auront-ils? “ Si la génération Y est entrepreneur de sa vie professionnelle, la génération Z sera entrepreneur de sa formation”, nous partage Emmanuelle Duez, jeune femme bourrée de talents et pleine de pep’s, co-fondactrice présidente de women’up et initiatrice du Boson Project. Les Y, c’est 50% de la population. “Alors au lieu d’aller très haut, très vite, très loin, bah je vais à côté, là où l’herbe est plus verte. On peut le dire, beaucoup de Français aujourd’hui ne sont pas passionnés par leur travail, certains le détestent même. Découvrez son punch en vidéo ici. FREEDOM & WORK-LIFE BALANCE : combo de choc. Pour YOSS c’est clair : le #futureofwork est indépendant. On l’a bien compris, la liberté est dans l’air du temps. S’accomplir : trouver et booster ses talents S’épanouir : rayonner en toutes circonstances

Poptent Poptent harnesses the engagement and creativity of our more than 50,000 video creators to generate high quality video content for online, mobile and broadcast. BRANDS Poptent provides access to both our creative community of over 50,000 video creators and to the tools needed to harness their engagement and creativity. Start achieving your video marketing goals by generating high quality video content for onine, mobile and broadcast. FILMMAKERS Poptent connects you with the world's biggest brands. CREATIVE THINKERS Our culture creates a stimulating work environment where innovation and creativity are encouraged. We’re a team of passionate, innovative individuals with a penchant for delivering unparalleled digital products and platforms. The Founder Institute: Helping Founders to Build Great Companies Microsoft BizSpark - Microsoft BizSpark is a global program that helps software startups succeed by giving them access to Microsoft software development tools, connecting them with key industry players, including investors, and providing marketing visibility to help entrepreneurs starting a business. Microsoft BizSpark is a worldwide partner of the Founder Institute, providing software, support, facilities, and mentoring to many entrprenuers within the Fouder Insitute network. Learn more about our partnership here, and sign-up for BizSpark here. Créée en 1989, Brunswick Société d’Avocats accompagne ses clients - investisseurs financiers et PME françaises et internationales et leurs dirigeants - dans leur quotidien et dans leur développement. Cap Digital est le pôle de compétitivité de la filière des contenus et services numériques.

Contingent Workforce Management for Enterprises and Business Management Services for the Self Employed | MBO Partners Olumpo - Find your sport partners 4 Independent Workforce Trends to Watch | MBO Partners January 14, 2016 From tools and technology to generational change and the remote worker revolution, there’s a lot to watch out for in 2016. 1. This year, penalties will go into full affect for those not compliant with Affordable Care Act regulations: individuals without health insurance will be fined $695 (up from just $95 in 2014). Not only does accountability have its price, many insurance companies are raising their rates, including Blue Cross of North Carolina. As a direct result, companies need to invest wisely in their workforce, and we may soon see a shift where fulltime hires are the exception, not the norm, particularly in smaller workplaces. Pending political changes may further impact the finances/operations of a company when it comes to health insurance and how much they’re “on the hook.” 2. As the Gig Economy continues to grow, companies strongly desire to have direct access to the contractor talent, as opposed to the tradition of going through an established supply chain. 3.

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