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Alex Jones
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Alex Jones' Prison
Alex Jones on Twitter: "The Alex Jones channel with billions of views is frozen. We have been told it will be deleted tomorrow and all 33 thousands videos will be erased. We just set up this new page subscribe if you want to see what the SPLC wants censor
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fb: Ending the Explore Feed Test
By Adam Mosseri, Head of News Feed We constantly try out new features, design changes and ranking updates to understand how we can make Facebook better for everyone. Some of these changes—like Reactions, Live Video, and GIFs— work well and go on to become globally available. The Explore Feed was a trial response to consistent feedback we received from people over the past year who said they want to see more from friends and family in News Feed. To understand if people might like two separate feeds, we started a test in October 2017 in six countries. You gave us our answer: People don’t want two separate feeds. We think our recent changes to News Feed that prioritize meaningful social interactions better address the feedback we heard from people who said they want to see more from friends and family. We also received feedback that we made it harder for people in the test countries to access important information, and that we didn’t communicate the test clearly.