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Blackwater's Black Ops

Blackwater's Black Ops
Internal documents reveal the firm's clandestine work for multinationals and governments. Over the past several years, entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation . Blackwater's work for corporations and government agencies was contracted using two companies owned by Blackwater's owner and founder, Erik Prince: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center (TRC). Prince is listed as the chairman of both companies in internal company documents, which show how the web of companies functions as a highly coordinated operation. About the Author Jeremy Scahill Also by the Author What relationship Prado's CCG has with the CIA is not known.

Monsanto hires infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track activists around the world (NaturalNews) Remember the private mercenary army Blackwater that caused such a stir in Iraq during an unprovoked attack in 2007? Apparently, Monsanto and the controversial security firm are in bed together, described by blogger Randy Ananda as "a death-tech firm weds a hit squad." At this point, you might be wondering what in the world the GM seed giant needs with the services of a 'shadow army'? "... entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation. As the plot continues to thicken regarding Monsanto's tactics of domination, Ananda aptly notes: "... Sources for this article include:

Nation Magazine Story, "Blackwater Black Ops" Refers to Monsanto and Security Firm Monsanto did not hire Blackwater nor did we approve of the firm infiltrating any groups as was suggested in the Nation article. In 2008, 2009 and early 2010, a firm called Total Intelligence Solutions (TIS) provided Monsanto ’s security group with reports about activities or groups that could pose a risk to the company, its personnel or its global operations. The safety of our people is our utmost priority and we value the communities in which we operate.

P.A.N.D.A. People Against The NDAA | Declaring independence from tyranny since 1776 Why is the Gates foundation investing in GM giant Monsanto? | John Vidal | Global development A Romanian farmer shows genetically modified soybeans in the village of Varasti. Photograph: Reuters The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is sponsoring the Guardian's Global development site is being heavily criticised in Africa and the US for getting into bed not just with notorious GM company Monsanto, but also with agribusiness commodity giant Cargill. Trouble began when a US financial website published the foundation's annual investment portfolio, which showed it had bought 500,000 Monsanto shares worth around $23m. This was a substantial increase in the last six months and while it is just small change for Bill and Melinda, it has been enough to let loose their fiercest critics. Seattle-based Agra Watch - a project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice - was outraged. But it got worse. The two incidents raise a host of questions for the foundation. In the meantime, it could tell us how many of its senior agricultural staff used to work for Monsanto or Cargill?

» Vote Obama For Unaccountable Drone Warfare. Vote Romney For Unaccountable Drone Warfare. Alex Jones Both candidates agree, secret kill lists and unaccountable CIA ‘double tap’ drone strikes are necessarySteve Watson Oct 23, 2012 Last night’s debate highlighted the fact that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are in full agreement with each other that secret unmanned US missile strikes, documented to have killed thousands of innocent people, are “necessary” and “right “. When Romney was asked about the US policy of drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere, he responded: “Well, I believe that we should use any and all means necessary to take out people who pose a threat to us and our friends around the world. Indeed, perhaps the only difference you’ll get with Romney is that he’ll use even more drones… “But let me also note that, as I said earlier, we’re going to have to do more than just going after leaders and — and killing bad guys, important as that is.” Conor Friedersdorf at the Atlantic today poses the question ‘What If Mitt Romney Inherits Obama’s Killer Drone Fleet?’

Coca-Cola - Responsabilidad social - Alimentación, bebidas, hogar e higiene - Compromiso RSE En Coca-Cola siempre hemos concebido nuestra responsabilidad social como un compromiso con la sociedad que nos rodea. Somos conscientes de los problemas y necesidades de nuestro entorno y hemos actuado desde dentro y hacia afuera. Nuestro compromiso va más allá de desarrollar iniciativas concretas, nuestro compromiso es que todo lo que hacemos está integrado en el negocio y nuestra visión es hacer una compañía sostenible que siga generando beneficios para la sociedad. Coca-Cola se compromete con la sociedad, especialmente con los jóvenes, apoyando firmemente la cultura, la educación, el desarrollo social y el Medio Ambiente. Proyecto Gira “Construye tu pasión”: Trabajamos en la capacitación y el empoderamiento de los jóvenes en España. El objetivo de este proyecto es apoyar a los jóvenes con escasos recursos, capacitándoles, formándoles y dándoles herramientas, a través del círculo de relación y actividades de Coca-Cola, para aumentar sus oportunidades de inserción en el mundo laboral.

The internet is a threat to human civilization: Julian Assange’s A Call to Cryptographic Arms | via P2P Foundation | Social Network Unionism The following is excerpted from Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet, by Julian Assange with Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Müller-Maguhn and Jérémie Zimmermann. OR Books, New York, 2012, Pages 1-7. – Julian Assange, London, October 2012: “This book is not a manifesto. There is not time for that. The world is not sliding, but galloping into a new transnational dystopia. These transformations have come about silently, because those who know what is going on work in the global surveillance industry and have no incentives to speak out. While many writers have considered what the internet means for global civilization, they are wrong. No description of the world survives first contact with the enemy. We have met the enemy. Over the last six years WikiLeaks has had conflicts with nearly every powerful state. What is to be done? Once upon a time in a place that was neither here nor there, we, the constructors and citizens of the young internet discussed the future of our new world.

Acorralan a Coca Cola La sorpresa llegó hace unos días a la asamblea de accionistas de Coca Cola Company, la matriz mundial de las firmas productoras de la bebida gaseosa, cuando uno de los accionistas le preguntó a quemarropa a su presidente, Muhtar Kent, sobre la existencia de una serie de demandas en México, que a su juicio podrían provocarle daños por mil millones de dólares. Jueves 07 de junio de 2012 El interpelado negó el asunto (“No hay investigación alguna de la autoridad de competencia contra la firma, ni denuncia de cualquier otra índole”), tras hacer un largo recuento de expresiones de políticos al interior y exterior de Estados Unidos en elogio de la empresa y su actividad de responsabilidad social. Entre los aludidos estaba el presidente Felipe Calderón, quien felicitó hace unos meses a la empresa por su compromiso con el desarrollo sustentable, al sembrar 31 millones de árboles. Lo cierto es que el principal directivo de Coca Cola mintió… parcialmente. Coca Cola, pues, está en el callejón.

So When will Dick Cheney be charged with Espionage? His Crime was the Same as Snowden's The US government charged Edward Snowden with theft of government property and espionage on Friday. Snowden hasn’t to our knowledge committed treason in any ordinary sense of the term. He hasn’t handed over government secrets to a foreign government. His leaks are being considered a form of domestic spying. Charging leakers with espionage is outrageous, but it is par for the course with the Obama administration. The same theory under which Edward Snowden is guilty of espionage could easily be applied to former vice president Dick Cheney. Cheney led an effort in 2003 to discredit former acting ambassador in Iraq, Joseph Wilson IV, who had written an op ed for the New York Times detailing his own mission to discover if Iraq was getting uranium from Niger. Cheney appears to have been very upset with Wilson, and tohave wished to punish him by having staffers contact journalists and inform them that Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, was secretly a CIA operative.
