Cupcakeando » Arquivos » Brigadeiro com recheio cremoso de menta Uma semana inteira sem post. Peço mil desculpas à vocês! Tento sempre colocar, pelo menos, um post por semana, mas em algumas as coisas entram em um espiral de correria tão louco que eu não consigo nem mesmo relaxar na minha cama antes de dormir. O cansaço é tanto que às vezes eu simplesmente capoto, como uma pedra. Meu pai voltou de viagem na semana passada e trouxe na mala algumas coisinhas que comprei. Finalmente consegui um marcador de pasta americana de renda, um boleador de sorvete de 1 colher de sopa (que é a coisa mais fofa e pequena na vida!) Os brigadeiros foram um presentinho para minha amiga geminiana favorita, por ser uma excelente companhia, sábia conselheira e plantonista para grandes encomendas de doces. Brigadeiro com recheio cremoso de menta Rende: 16 a 20 brigadeiros grandes 1 – Em uma pequena tigela, com um garfo, misture os três primeiros ingredientes com cuidado. 3 – Leve para o congelador. Montagem1 – Retire as bolinhas de menta da geladeira.
Love the Grows: Questions You Should Ask Before Marriage In my marriage class in my first semester of college, our teacher gave us a handout (or should I say packet) with these questions. At first I was like "Holy shnikeys! This is way too many questions! But we did. At first it started with asking the interesting questions, but then we asked them all, wondering if maybe the answer would be different than we expected. From answering these questions we talked about how we plan on raising and disciplining our kids, who will manage the bills, what our parents should and shouldn't know about, what we believe our flaws are. Here's some of the questions I think are really important to have an understanding on in your marriage. I don't necessarily believe the answers to these questions will make or break your marriage, but I do believe that opening up the lines of communication and honestly talking about the important things these questions bring up IS important. CLICK HERE FOR A PRINTABLE VERSION OF THESE QUESTIONS Sex/Romance/Love The Past Trust
Malevolence (film) Malevolence is a 2003 film by Stevan Mena. A woman and her daughter have been kidnapped by a bunch of bank robbers who have decided to stay the night in a house in the middle of nowhere. When the daughter manages to escape to a nearby house, she has no idea that she's just escaped into the house of a serial killing psychopath, putting not only herself but also her mother and the robbers in fatal danger. Malevolence currently has an overall approval rating of 35% on rotten tomatoes as of 31 August 2011. Malevolence won 3 best feature film awards at the 2003 International Film Expo. Birthright (film) Birthright (臍帯, Saitai?) is a 2010 Japanese horror film directed, produced, and co-written by Naoki Hashimoto. The film involves a young woman named Mika (Sayoko Oho) who watches the married couple, Minoru Takeda (Hiroshi Sakuma) and his wife Ryoko (Ryoko Takizawa) and their teenage daughter Ayano (Miyu Yagyu) from outside their home. Mika approaches Ayano and says she knows a male student who would like to meet her. The film was premiered at the Tokyo International Film Festival in 2010. Birthright had its world premiere at the Tokyo International Film Festival on October 24, 2010.[1] The film was shown at several other film festivals including the Fantasia Festival on July 8, 2011 where it had its Canadian premiere.[2] At the Shanghai International Film Festival, the film won a Special Jury Award.[3] The film was released in Japan in April of 2012.[4] Birthright at the Internet Movie Database
Luther Blissett Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Retrato oficial. Luther Blissett é um pseudônimo multi-usuário, uma identidade em aberto, adotada e compartilhada por centenas de hackers, activistas e operadores culturais em vários países, desde o verão (no hemisfério norte) de 1994.[1] Na Itália, no período 1994-1999, o chamado Luther Blissett Project (mais organizado no seio da comunidade aberta que utiliza o pseudônimo), adquire notoriedade tornando-se uma lenda, uma espécie de herói popular, um Robin Hood da era da informação que organiza zombarias, passa notícias falsas à mídia, coordena heterodoxas campanhas de solidariedade a vítimas da repressão. Origem do nome[editar | editar código-fonte] O nome Luther Blissett[2] foi inspirado em um atacante futebolista inglês, de origem jamaicana, que jogou no pequeno clube de Watford durante a década de 1970 até os anos 1990. Notícias falsas[editar | editar código-fonte] Em 1995, o programa de TV "Quem o viu?" "Esta revolução não tem rosto" (Wu-Ming).
Culture jamming Culture jamming (sometimes guerrilla communication)[1][2] is a tactic used by many anti-consumerist social movements[3] to disrupt or subvert media culture and its mainstream cultural institutions, including (but not limited to) corporate advertising. It attempts to "expose the methods of domination" of a mass society to foster progressive change.[4] Culture jamming is a form of subvertising.[5] Many culture jams are intended to expose questionable political assumptions behind commercial culture. Origins of the term, etymology and history[edit] 1984 coinage[edit] The term was coined in 1984 by the sound collage band Negativland, with the release of their album JamCon '84.[8][9][10] The phrase "culture jamming" comes from the idea of radio jamming:[9] that public frequencies can be pirated and subverted for independent communication, or to disrupt dominant frequencies.[11] In one of the tracks of the album, they declared:[9] Origins and preceding influences[edit] Tactics[edit] Examples[edit]
Improv Everywhere Improv Everywhere (often abbreviated IE) is a comedic performance art group based in New York City, formed in 2001 by Charlie Todd. Its slogan is "We Cause Scenes". The group carries out pranks, which they call "missions", in public places. The stated goal of these missions is to cause scenes of "chaos and joy." Some of the group's missions use hundreds or even thousands of performers and are similar to flash mobs, while other missions utilize only a handful of performers. While Improv Everywhere was created years before YouTube, the group has grown in notoriety since joining the site in April of 2006. Background[edit] Charlie Todd Missions / Events[edit] Frozen Grand Central[edit] Improv Everywhere's most popular YouTube video is "Frozen Grand Central", which has received over 33 million views.[13] The two minute video depicts 200 IE Agents freezing in place simultaneously for five minutes in New York's Grand Central Terminal. The No Pants Subway Ride[edit] Fake U2 Concert[edit] Notes[edit]
Operation Mindfuck Operation Mindfuck or OM is an important practice in the Discordian religion. The concept was developed by Kerry Thornley and Robert Anton Wilson in 1968[1] and given its name by Wilson and Robert Shea in The Illuminatus! Trilogy.[2] It is most often manifested as a decentralized campaign of civil disobedience, activism, art movements, especially performance art and guerrilla art, culture jamming, graffiti and other vandalism, practical jokes, hoaxes, reality hacking, chaos magic, words of power, trolling and anything else that is believed to bring about social change through disrupting paradigms and thus forcing the victim to question the parameters of one's reality tunnel. Purposes[edit] There is a disagreement among Discordians as to whether or not, through OM, they should seek to improve society, topple it or claim that the practice is in fact only for entertainment. In The Illuminatus! Projects[edit] Current progress in Operation Mindfuck includes: See also[edit] References[edit]
Cacophony Society According to self-designated members of the Society, “you may already be a member.” The anarchic nature of the Society means that membership is left open-ended and anyone may sponsor an event, though not every idea pitched garners attendance by members. Cacophony events often involve costumes and pranks in public places and sometimes going into places that are generally off limits to the public. Cacophonists have been known to regale Christmas shoppers with improved Christmas carols while dressed as Santa Claus, and later invite strippers to sit on Santa's lap (SantaCon). San Francisco chapter[edit] In 2013 a digitized collection of The San Francisco Cacophony Society's Rough Draft newsletters was uploaded to Internet Archive.[3] Los Angeles chapter[edit] The Los Angeles branch of the society listed events in their monthly newsletter, "Tales from the Zone." In 2008, The Los Angeles Cacophony Society was revived by San Francisco Cacophonist Heathervescent and Rev. Portland chapter[edit]
Making Chloroform (recipe) by Scientist Making Chloroform Here is a simple guide to make the chemical compound chloroform. Be sure to read the warning. WARNING: This isn't one of those bullshit 'something might go wrong' warnings. This is not safe chloroform. Pay attention to that. Materials: - Bottle of Bleach. - Bottle of pure acetone (not nail-polish remover, you can pick up acetone at hardware stores) - Big bag of party-ice. - Glassware, so you can see how much of the solution has turned to chloroform. Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Yeah.
Other methods [up] [previous] [next] [index] Hanging 1. asphyxiation (dangle on end of rope for 10 minutes) Time: 5 to 10 minutes Available: Rope, solid support 10 foot above ground Certainty: Fairly certain (discovery, rope/support snapping) Notes: Brain damage likely if rescued. Very painful depending on rope. 2. breaking neck Time: Should be instant if it does break. Calle: I got this table of appropriate falling heights from a.s.h. long-time regular MegaZone (, who got it from a friend of his named Mark. Hanging Drop Heights... Source: Charles Duff, Handbook of Hanging (Boston: Hale, Cushman & Flint 1929) Notes: This is for person of average build with no unusual physical problems. Jumping off buildings Time: Instantanious if you are lucky, minutes/hours otherwise Available: You need ten stories or higher, and access to the top floor windows/roof. Slitting wrists or other (often not effective) Time: Minutes if major artery cut, eternity otherwise. Microwaves Time: ?
Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources Got a research paper or thesis to write for school or an online class? Want to research using the Internet? Good luck. There’s a lot of junk out there — outdated pages, broken links, and inaccurate information. Using Google or Wikipedia may lead you to some results, but you can’t always be sure of accuracy. And what’s more, you’ll only be searching a fraction of all of the resources available to you. Google, the largest search database on the planet, currently has around 50 billion web pages indexed. Do you think your local or university librarian uses Google? Topics Covered in this Article Deep Web Search Engines | Art | Books Online | Business | Consumer | Economic and Job Data | Finance and Investing | General Research | Government Data | International | Law and Politics | Library of Congress | Medical and Health | STEM | Transportation Deep Web Search Engines To get started, try using a search engine that specializes in scouring the invisible web for results. Art Books Online Business
Que Droga – Ketamina O que é? Ketamina é também conhecida como K (quêi), key, special K e vitamina K. K é um anestésico – às vezes é citado como ‘tranqüilizante de cavalo’. É uma das substâncias usadas em danceterias ou durante o sexo. Ketamina vem em forma de pó ou líquido que é secado para fazer o pó. Usando K Sob a forma de pó, o K pode ser cheirado (conhecido como ‘dar um bump’) ou adicionada a bebidas (mas não com álcool). Altos e baixos Ketamina pode aumentar seu nível de energia (em doses pequenas) ou fazer você se sentir chapado, anestesiado, não sentir o corpo, ou flutuando num estado de sonho. Os efeitos duram de 45 minutos a uma hora e meia, se cheirado e até 3 horas se injetado ou engolido. Os efeitos colaterais do K incluem tontura, náuseas, vômitos (perigoso pois você pode engasgar no seu vômito se você desmaiou), se sentir desorientado, visão embaçada e fala embolada. Uma dose grande o suficiente pode te tirar a noção do que está em volta e de si mesmo. Um relacionamento a longo prazo? É bom saber
Where Are The 7 Gates Of Hell Located? | Paranormal (Before It's News) Many tell that the Seven Gates of Hell or each Located on one of the continents. The seven traditional continents are (from largest in size to smallest): Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. That Means That there is one Gate of Hell for each Continent respectively. The Gate to Hell in Egypt is located under the left paw of the great Sphinx. The Gate of hell in Asia is located in Near the Great Temple Mount In Israel. When it was Rome their were tow gates of hell On the continent and it is believe that the great Caesar’s had it originally moved there when they found it in The Holy Land originally. The Gate to Hell located in Europe is thought to be in Pere Lachaise Paris Cemetery Paris is said to be a great grand gate with very notable significance. this gate is said to be the one that all great heads of state must enter through when they die. The Gate to Hell in South America is located in Rio Near the Large Statue of Christ.