Web UI Components for Developers Learn Code The Hard Way -- Books And Courses To Learn To Code 20 ressources CSS pour vos sites web Pour booster votre créativité et votre productivité, je vous propose une petite sélection de nouvelles ressources CSS à utiliser dans vos futurs projets. Effets de survols, animations, effets d’images, bref de quoi avoir du style ! Ces dernières semaines, en arpentant le web à la recherche d’inspiration, j’ai sélectionné quelques snippets CSS qui vont faire plaisir aux développeurs front-end et aux webdesigners. Plutôt que de présenter des expériences inédites (à venir dans un prochain article), je vais vraiment mettre l’accent sur des snippets qui vous permettront de gagner du temps et d’apprendre les dernières techniques CSS. Même si c’est plutôt rare pour un snippet gratuit, pensez toujours à vérifier s’il est libre d’utilisation avant de l’implémenter dans votre projet. Effets de survol Flat UI Effet lumineux avec CSS et SVG Un bien gros menu déroulant Une horloge murale en pur CSS Formulaire de commande en CSS UI d’une fiche Twitter Une simple barre de progression Modal box en CSS Bonus :
Become a Programmer, Motherfucker If you don't know how to code, then you can learn even if you think you can't. Thousands of people have learned programming from these fine books: Learn Python The Hard Way Learn Ruby The Hard Way Learn Code The Hard Way I'm also working on a whole series of programming education books at learncodethehardway.org. Learn C The Hard Way Learn SQL The Hard Way Graphics Programming Language Agnostic NerdDinner Walkthrough Assembly Language Bash Clojure Clojure Programming ColdFusion CFML In 100 Minutes Delphi / Pascal Django Djangobook.com Erlang Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good Flex Getting started with Adobe Flex (PDF) Forth Git Grails Getting Start with Grails Haskell Java JavaScript JavaScript (Node.js specific) Latex The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX (perfect for beginners) Linux Advanced Linux Programming Lisp Lua Programming In Lua (for v5 but still largely relevant)Lua Programming Gems (not entirely free, but has a lot of free chapters and accompanying code) Maven Mercurial Nemerle Nemerle NoSQL Oberon Objective-C
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30 game scripts you can write in PHP, Part 1: Creating 10 fundamental scripts Getting started As both a game master/storyteller and a developer, I frequently find myself writing little utilities and scripts to help me when running, planning, and playing games. Sometimes I need a quick idea. Other times, I just need a whole pile of names for Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Occasionally, I need to geek out on numbers, work out some odds, or integrate some word puzzles into a game. Many of these tasks become more manageable with a little bit of script work ahead of time. This article will explore 10 fundamental scripts that can be used in various types of games. We will blaze through these scripts pretty quickly. Back to top A basic die roller Many games and game systems need dice. In many cases, that would be more or less fine. Listing 1. function roll () { return mt_rand(1,6); } echo roll(); Then we can pass the type of die we want to roll as a parameter to the function. Listing 2. Random name generator Listing 3. Listing 4. Listing 5. Scenario generator Listing 6. Summary
Free Icon Sets, Social Media Icons, Web Icons, Toolbar Icons, Icon Tools - SoftIcons.com Psychology of Color [Infographic] | WebpageFX Blog Perhaps no choice is as vital to marketing as color. Whether you are selecting the color for a product or for your email marketing campaign, color has tremendous impact on all of us. Subconsciously, we associate different colors with different things. This infographic examines the psychology of color and looks at some common associations of different colors. It shows the overall importance of color to consumers and characteristics of many individual colors, and it also helps show the connection between graphic design and psychology. While color can be appealing to us visually, a lot more is going on behind the scenes than just an aesthetic. Embed This Graphic On Your Site <img src=” alt=”Psychology of Color Infographic” />Infographic by <a title=”WebpageFX” href=” Embed the Psychology of Color Infographic The psychology of color directly plays into consumer behavior.
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